Guess who she is

When the reincarnation was complete, he had found himself in a disfigured car. The only thing he could see was the body of a woman on top of him.

Apparently, he had transferred into a baby that had died with his parents in a car crash. The mother tried to protect him, but was unsuccessful since a young baby's body is incredibly fragile. From the words of the authorities that arrived on the scene, "the whole car was wrecked and the only one to miraculously survive the accident was a baby clutching a toy phone".

At least, that's what it looked like to other people. After fiddling around with it, he found that God had set a timer on it and every 5 years and it would transform to a newer looking phone and more features would be unlocked. Plus, when he actually gets his "first" phone (because he would eventually receive one), it would change it shape to look like it.

All of this information was given to him through a message that popped up in the phone's screen. It was from God and it detailed everything he needed to know about his final wish since they couldn't work out the details in-person.

The name of the body he now housed was Akira Hayaba (Hayaba being the surname), a boy that was the last of his family line.

Following the accident, he was then adopted by a very close friend of his previous body's parents as there were no relatives to take care of him. Apparently her name was Rinko Takeuchi (Takeuchi being the surname), which sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't find out why off the top of his head.

Akira's parents and Rinko were childhood friends and that had promised each other to go to study law in the States. Unfortunately, she would be the only one to fulfill that promise.

Thus began her difficult journey as she now had to both take care of an infant and study simultaneously in order to keep their dream alive. Although she was struggling everyday, she always had a smile when she faced to him.

This act of kindness even when she was probably physically and mentally at her lowest closely reminded him of him previous life's mother. Although he was sure everything will work out in the end given this was an anime world, he was no stranger to the harshness of the path she was walking.

In return, he did everything he could to make her life easier from crying only when he needed to be fed to playing silently when she was busy studying or sleeping, not forgetting to move around often, stretch, and exercise to better develop his body for the future.

Probably because of this she was eventually able to go to America and pursue her and her friends' dream of becoming an attorney, even while taking care of another being. While she attended law school, she left Akira in a daycare and it was there that he started training himself seriously.

It might seem insignificant, but the play ground during recess was perfect for increasing his dexterity, flexibility, balance, and stamina. Just playing around with the monkey bars could do wonderous things to help increase those stats and even a simple game like tag is beneficial for his current age.

During this time period, Akira chose to never touched a ball or play any sport during free time. Before he took on any sport, he believed that one should have a stable foundation first, he had to plant the seed and let it take root before the branches and leaf can grow.

It didn't matter if he was playing by himself and that didn't bother him either. He knew that in order to compete with the best and, in the future, coach the best, he had to improve himself every chance he could get. Every time he could get he would work himself ragged, to the point that he was huffing-and-puffing after recess and free time. This would normally be too much for anyone to do everyday, but his Healthy Body made it possible.


The years passed and Rinko was now a lawyer in San Diego, California. Now she did not need to study as often, did not stress as much, was making up for lost income, and even had some free time on her hands to do what she wanted.

Akira, on the other hand, was now preparing himself for the beginning to attend primary school. It was at this point, where he wondered what kind of sport he should partake in. He had read up on this world's variety of sport cultures and he currently had a body that could take on any sport and greatly excel, if not dominate, but he was confused on where to start.

He was training himself hard, to the point where the caretakers told Rinko that they were worried about his health. Even Rinko, when she heard what he was doing everyday, took him to the hospital a couple of times to get him checked out. However, the result of every test they did came back saying that he was in amazing health and that they couldn't explain why his body had so much energy.

These responses surprised her. Even though the doctors said that he had too much energy, it was in direct contrast with the way he behaved. Akira usually kept to himself and did not talk much. She thought that he was strangely mature for someone his age.

Of course this was because he was mentally 25+ years old, but she didn't know that. She didn't know that everything he had done to this point was to prepare for the future. However, Akira still wasn't completely prepared because of the lack of information.

He asked God to set it so that there were multiple anime/manga universes on this world and to make it so that there would be an order to which their main plots begin in succession. However, he didn't know what that order was. This was the reason why he held back in choosing what sport to start with. He didn't want to miss any opportunities he could get in meeting various important/skilled people.

Then one day, he found his answer when Rinko decided to take him out. She wanted to make up for the times she had to leave him on his own to study and attend law school. Although she noticed that Akira seemed to be able to take care of himself even for a boy his age, she didn't feel any less guilty.

It was a Saturday and Akira was lying on the couch wearing shorts and an oversized sweater, watching TV in the living room. Rinko walked in wearing an aquamarine, short-sleeved polo shirt, white loose-fitted jeans, and a pink visor. She was carrying a two bags in both of her hands, each reached about Akira's chest high.

Rinko: "Hey Akira, let's go to the park."

Akira: "Hmm? Why big-sis Rinko?"

[A/N: She prefers Akira to call herself big-sis Rinko (Rinko-nee) and gets mad if he calls her aunty (obachan, oba-Rinko, or anything with "oba" in it).]

She patted one of the bags behind her

Rinko: "I have a surprise for you."

He was a bit interested.

Akira: "What is it?"

Rinko: "If you go to the park with me, I'll show you."

And so they did. They went to the nearby park and on a bench, she dropped both of the bags.

Akira: "So what's the surprise?"

Rinko: "Wait for a moment."

She unzipped one of the bags and pulled something out and proceeded to hand it to him.

It was a tennis racket, one that was customized for beginners with a wider frame and it didn't weigh that much.

It then dawned on him that they were right next to the park's tennis courts.

Rinko: "Here, a present. Happy Birthday!"

Then, as if lightning struck twice, he was surprised to hear that it was also his birthday today.

He was usually focused on other things to remember his birthday. Furthermore, Rinko usually just bought cake for his previous birthdays because she frankly did not have too much time on her hands.

However, now that she had achieved her and her friends' dreams and was now a lawyer with a generous salary, she was able to spend much more time with Akira.

Akira: "Why a racket?"

Rinko: "It's so we can play tennis together. Your big sis played tennis when I was in high school and I thought that you could give it a try."

She wanted a way to further connect with Akira and she remembered the fun she had playing tennis. She was even considering joining a tennis club in her spare time.

Akira: "Hmm. Seems interesting."

He grabbed the handle and started checking out the racket: tossing it up a few times, knocking the frame, tapping the strings, swinging it, etc. With the conditioning he had done up till now, the racket seemed to be just the right weight despite his age and its size being comparable to his height.

Seeing him look interested in the racket made Rinko smile.

Rinko: "How is it? Is it too big or heavy for you?"

Akira: "On the contrary, it feels just right."

Rinko: ""Contrary" heee~. You know, for such a young boy, you do use some big words."

Akira just smiled and walked towards the tennis court with Rinko following right behind him. With all his training, he wondered what the fruits will bear from his labor.