(At the Earth kingdom)
"You what?" Josh exclaimed.
"Charlotte and I are together." Mark scratched his head.
"How did your confession go?" Lucy smirked.
Mark then told them everything that happened on the day he confessed. As soon as the princess heard everything, her eyes widened and then she realized that Mark actually lied when he said that he liked her.
The princess shouted, "Mark! You are—"
Josh back hugged her. "Why do you care about him? You're only suppose to care about me."
Lucy sighed, "I'm just curious."
"Well, does she know that you told us about it?" the general asked.
Mark smiled. "Of course not."
"Then what are you waiting for? Go tell her now!"
Mark then told them that it's impossible for Charlotte to know, but that was until someone came and interrupted, "You lied."
Mark looked at the direction of the voice. "Charlotte...?"
Josh held the princess's arm and started dragging her away from them. "Princess, I think we should leave these two alone..."
When the princess and general left, Charlotte shouted, "I told you to keep it a secret!"
Mark said, "Charlotte, they're my friends. They also have the right to know."
"You promised me that you weren't gonna tell anyone!"
"Is this really a big deal? Why do we even have to fight about it?"
"It proves that you can't even keep a simple secret."
"Look, I'm sorry okay?"
Charlotte folded her arms. "I forgive you."
"That easily?"
"Then what do you want me to say? That I don't?"
"Thank you, Charlotte, " Mark said as he pulled her into a hug.
Charlotte hugged him back. "I love you."
Mark responded, "I love you too."
A few hours later...
(In the master's bedroom)
Antonio told the queen that he heard Julia asked for her help. Valentina then nodded.
The king sighed, "How could you trust her with the white and green gem?"
Valentina patted his shoulder. "I don't. The gem's are still in my hands, Antonio."
"Then what did she say?"
"She just wanted be to be ready with the two gems because she will be needing my help soon."
"I wonder what she's up to."
"Whatever her intentions might be, I can assure you that it is for the good of all four kingdoms, Antonio."
Antonio then explained that the white gem belongs to the Wind kingdom, while the green gem belongs to the Earth kingdom and they can't just let her borrow it.
Valentina put her arms on her waist. "I've already told her that she isn't allowed to borrow it, but when the time comes where she really needs my help, then I have no choice but to use the power of the two gems with your help."
"Who is she even trying to kill?"
"I can't tell you right now, but it's someone you know."
Antonio begged, "Please tell—"
Before he was able to continue, someone suddenly knocked on the door and said, "Father, mother, are you okay?"
Valentina responded, "We're fine, Gabriel. Come on in."
When Gabriel came in, he immediately ran towards his parents and gave them a hug. The king then asked him what he needed.
Gabriel replied shook his head. "I just wanted some time with you."
Valentina laughed. "Then why didn't you say so?"
"You were busy and I didn't want to disturb you..."
The king chuckled. "Gabriel, it's fine. Keep in mind that no matter how bombarded we are with work, we'll always have time for you."
"Thank you, father." Gabriel smiled.
Valentina asked, "How about mother?"
"Thank you too, mother. I love you both!" Gabriel responded.