Our Relationship

The next day...

(In Olivia's room)

Olivia asked Carson if he plans for to stay in her room till he leaves the Water kingdom. Carson then asked if there she had a problem with it.

"You're not giving me any privacy."

"Didn't Eleanor tell you that we'd be staying in the same room?"

Olivia looked away. "When did she say that?"

Carson smirked. "On the day you confessed."

"I never did."

"When I was sick."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "That wasn't a confession."

"Well what do you call it then?" Carson chuckled.

Turning her head to respond, Carson brought his face closer causing her to kiss his lips. "You started this, I won't be the one ending it," Olivia said with her lips close to his, and then kissed him passionately.

"Stop making excuses," Carson responded.

Olivia touched his lips lightly with her fingertips. "You're making me embarrassed."

"I like it."

Olivia stood up and started walking away. "I'll go to Queen Mia's room first. I heard that she's sick."

Carson grabbed her wrist. "You're not going anywhere."

Olivia folded her arms. "Why is that?"

"Don't leave me please."

"It'll just be a few minutes. I'll be back in less than an hour."

Carson then told her not to go because she might get scolded by King Mateo because Queen Mia is pregnant.

"She is?" Olivia shouted.

"You didn't know? Doesn't anyone know?" Carson asked.

"Seems like only a few people are aware. They probably didn't announce because it'd cause more trouble."

"Why do you say so?"

"What if the news gets to Licia? Then she'd take the opportunity to use the queen as a bait."

"Are you certain that she's in Water kingdom?"

"What are you saying?"

"The news won't get to her if she's in another kingdom," Carson replied.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders. "No one knows. We'll just have to be prepared for the worst."

"Didn't you tell me that Jack and Jay's dead body have been found?"

"I did, what about it?"

"It's been a months since the investigation started, yet there still isn't any sign of my brother."

Olivia hugged him. "Don't think about it too much, it's bad for your health."

"How about Licia? I wonder how will be able to capture her."

"Although Licia is a girl, we don't know what she can do," Olivia responded.

"Didn't you say that you met her once?"

"Eleanor and I did, but she was quite suspicious. Before we left for the Fire kingdom, she gave us lamp. When it lights up, it means that we're getting close to our destination, but how did the lamp know where Eleanor and I were going?"

Carson started walking around the room. "Did you tell her that you guys were heading to the Fire kingdom at that time?"

"We did, but what does that have to do with the lamp? She told us that Joseph, or you may also know as Albert, gave it to us."

"The question is, did she really tell the truth when she said that my father was the one who ordered her to give you the lamp?" Carson asked.

Olivia answered, "I've never actually thought of that. At that time, we just trusted her."

"Where's the lamp now?"

"When we arrived at the Fire kingdom, Farah was the one who disposed it."

"That must be the reason why she was killed," Carson assumed. "The lamp was a tracker, so Jay thought that Eleanor was Farah."

"Licia must've thought that we wouldn't get rid of the lamp."

"That's right. Then I guess we could assume that this was her plan all along."