Chapter 68 - Hanging Out(Part 4)

This is less than ideal...I mean, I get it, if I was in his position, I'd be curious too, but not the point where I'd do this! Tch, fucking extrovert. 

"H-huh?" She responded, looking uneasy. 

"Come on, spill the beans! You don't mind, do ya, Kilzachs?" Inquired Mitchell with a look of curiosity. 

If I say that I do mind, it might become an even bigger deal...might as well just rip off the band-aid... 

"Hmph, whatever."

"I'll take that as an 'I don't mind'. Well, come on, answer the question...uh...sorry, what was your name again?" Asked Mitchell, his expression blanking as he tried to recall her name. 

"It's, um, Bytra. And, well...," She replied uncertainly, her gaze shifting to me as she fidgeted. 

"What the hell are you looking at me for?" I inquired coldly. 

"N-no, nothing..."

"Brr, that was cold, man," Remarked Andre, fake-shivering.