Chapter 69 - Hanging Out(Part 5)

"Wow, some of these are-...heh, this should be fun!" Remarked Lin with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, which were pretty red at this point, as everyone finished sending in their dares, "Okay, I've labeled them from one to nine, so pick a number within that range...who wants to go first?" 

"I'll take the first crack at this, if no one else minds," Volunteered Andre with a stoned grin, "I'll pick...lucky number seven." 

"Seven is...hehe, you gotta wear heavy makeup from now till you go home."

Glad I didn't get that one... 

"Whaaat, that's an easy one," Scoffed Mitchell with a shake of his head. 

"Easy for you to, how heavy is 'heavy makeup'?" Asked Andre reluctantly.