Chapter 70 - Hanging Out(Part 6)

"Um, I guess I'll go next," Volunteered Seila with a nervous smile, "I pick number five." 

"Alrighty, let's see...dare number five is to sniff either the armpits or feet of any three people here," Read Lin sheepishly. 

"H-huh...? But that's..."

"Damn, that one's kinda nasty! Who wrote it?" Inquired Mitchell with a curious laugh. 

"Me," Responsed Katie, raising her hand, before adding, "And the one you wrote was nastier." 

"I strongly disagree," He argued with a huff. 

Anyway, Seila ended up doing the dare, opting to sniff the armpits of Zoya, Katie and Lin. Her face was red with embarrassment after the first two, and as she stepped towards Lin...she tripped on her own feet. 

"Woah!" She exclaimed in alarm, falling onto Lin and as she reached out to grab onto something, she ended up grabbing Lin's boobs, her face hitting Lin's waist with a thud.