Chapter 71 - A New Team Training Exercise

"Later, everyone," Waved Zoya, as she left next, teleporting to the West Quadrant. 

"Guess we'll head off next," Said Lin, as she and Seila stepped onto the platform. 

She instructed the attendant to teleport them to the South Quadrant. 

"Um, see you two in class," Remarked Seila with a shy smile and wave...okay, wow, that's pretty cute. 

"Mhm, see you later, take care," Replied Suri, putting in a bit of effort to appear that's pretty cute too. 

"Yeah, sure, bye...oh, and try not to trip over on the way home," I joked, almost instantly regretting it...crap, should I have done that? 

It must have come off as lame and cringy...I bet my delivery was awful, what was I thinking, I've never told a joke before, what made me think that it was a good idea to start now, huh? I'm such an id-!