Chapter 113 - Exhibition Match(Part 2)

I quickly sprang back as Kilella zipped towards me while firing a barrage of red XFE blasts at me, before teleporting myself above her as she closed in on me. 

I then swiftly combined my X-Blade handles to form the long and wide blade mode and slashed down at her, which she quickly blocked with her tail, before leaping away as I fired out a shot at her at close range, my bullet grazing her left cheek as she backed away and flew up. 

I pulled out my Square Blaster, set it to maximum output and took aim while evading the blasts she was firing straight down at me, before pulling the trigger, thousands of black XFE streaks bursting out and homing in towards her. 

She rapidly zipped away through the air as the streaks chased after her, narrowly avoiding taking any of them head-on, evading them at the last minute so that they hit the barrier and dissipate, though she couldn't avoid several grazing her. None of them managed to get through her armor though.