Chapter 114 - Result

Huh...where am I? This isn't my bed...and that's not my ceiling. As I sat up with a groggy yawn and rubbed my eyes, it all came back to me...oh, right, the exhibition match against my sister...I lost, didn't I? 

Looks like I'm in the infirmary...I don't think I took any significant damage during that fight, which means I'm here because I passed out after using every last drop of XFE I had in me. 

Normally, when running low on XFE, the energy circuits inside a Paragon's body will constrict when it's down to about one percent of total XFE, to prevent the body from losing consciousness, kinda like an electronic device that's out of charge...but with XFE, it is possible to force that last drop out, though if you do, you'll pass out almost instantly, like I did.