Chapter 121 - South Quadrant Conundrum(Part 1)

"Well, I'm here like you asked, what's up?" I inquired with a sigh. 

"You seem to be sort of everything alright?" Asked Director Silva. 

"It's...been a weird day," I sighed in response, "Never mind that, why'd you call me here?" 

"First, let me apologize for that...I had been planning to refrain from asking your help in investigating the South Quadrant, since lately, you've had your hands full with public attention, not to mention your Academy classes starting up again."

"Wait, the South Quadrant? That's still an issue?" I inquired with a frown. 

"Yes, in fact, things have gotten even worse. The crime rate continues to increase and a lot of people have started moving to the other Quadrants, it feels like for every one criminal we apprehend, two more pop up to take their place," Sighed Director Silva, looking stressed. 

"It's that bad, huh? I don't think I've seen anyone talking about that though," I remarked skeptically.