Chapter 122 - South Quadrant Conundrum(Part 2)

" look absolutely amazing," Remarked Director Silva, before stifling a laugh and trying to pass it off as a cough. 

"I hate fucking much, right now," I growled in response. 

We'd agreed that it would be a bad idea for me to go as myself, a disguise was going to be essential for this Mission...she then suggested that I go back home and get all my equipment ready, and that she'd take care of the disguise and help me get into it. 

So I went back home, got changed and equipped myself, before making my way back to the X-Warrior Zone and to her office. And that's when I realized that I should have just handled it myself. Because she'd decided to disguise me as a girl. 

I adamantly refused to wear a dress or skirt, much to her dismay, but she eventually got me to agree to the wig and makeup by promising me a month's worth of supply of desserts from Delectables.