Chapter 131 - Gamble(Part 4)

"Tch, your cheap tricks may have helped you win, but next time, I'll crush you," Growled Zarina irritably, as the barrier deactivated and I walked out. 

"You really think so, huh?" I responded condescendingly, walking past her with my head held high.

Still, she came very close to teleporting me out...and had this been a real fight and if her aim had been more accurate, that probably would've ended up with both of us dead. 

I mean, yeah, in a real life-or-death battle, I won't hesitate to freeze time or do whatever else I need to in order to avoid dying, but still, I'd have liked to have won that fight more convincingly and comprehensively that I did. 

"That was a pretty lit showing, you're not half-bad, Glasses," Remarked Altan with a look of intrigue, "I certainly wouldn't mind taking you on sometime."

"Sure, so long as you don't call me Glasses again, I'm all for that," I responded dryly.