Chapter 132 - Change

Watching other people puke makes me feel like I'm about to puke myself...though I was already feeling a bit nauseated before Hebi starting throwing up. It wasn't just me, Director Silva and Zarina were also looking a bit green around the gills, so to speak. 

How and why? In a nutshell, because of that last attack...when Altan activated his Secondary Manifestation and blasted out that deafening sound wave, it affected us too, though I imagine not nearly as badly as it's affecting Hebi. 

"Oops...I, uh, might have gotten a bit carried away, my bad," Apologized Altan with a sheepish grin, as he saw out nauseous faces and Hebi puking his guts out. 

Hebi then stumbled away with a dazed mumble and collapsed onto the ground, letting out a weak sigh. 

"," Groaned Director Silva, her face pale as she nodded as the puddle of vomit, "That's'll be...the one who...cleans that...up."