Chapter 133 - Reluctant Cooperation

Well, it was nice while it lasted, but sadly, my week off from classes is now over. I may or may not have used Save and Load to relive the last couple of days a handful of times in order to extend the break for as long as possible, but there's no point in delaying the inevitable anymore. 

I can't keep running away from this crap, I'll have to deal with it sooner or later, and I'd rather do so sooner. Otherwise, the pressure and stress around the whole situation is gonna keep piling up and drive me crazy. 

No matter how much Tairo's attitude towards me changes, I'll still treat him the same as I always do. I mean, he's only sucking up to me because I revealed that I'm an Anomaly, if not for that he'd have never apologized to me or stopped screwing with me.