Chapter 253 - Dates(Part 3)

"That was even more pleasant that I expected," Sighed Katie happily, as I dried her hair with a towel. 

" was really nice," I agreed in response. 

As I finished drying her hair, she picked up the other towel and reached up to return the favor, before pausing... 

"Um...could you lean down a bit?" She requested sheepishly, having to strain a bit to reach my head. 

"Sure," I grinned, as I bent my knees till I was at her eye level. 

I closed my eyes as she began running the towel across my hair vigorously...heh, this is kinda fun, it feels nice. As she finished mostly drying my hair, she then moved the towel around the back of my head, holding both ends of it as she pulled my head towards her, resting her forehead against mine. 

"Don't mind me...I'm just really, really happy right now," She whispered, as she met my gaze warmly. too. I'm absolutely loving every moment of this.