Chapter 254 - Ace Mission(Part 1)

Point-of-View: Kilella Floence


"I can't believe they're sending three Aces for a simple Mutant extermination Mission, seems kinda overkill if you ask me," Remarked Seung with a sigh. 

"It's also not a very well thought-out group, since the three of us haven't worked together that much before," Added Ciel in agreement, "This new director seems to think that simply adding a bunch of strong people together makes for a good team. And while Kilella and I have worked together a few times, you've only ever teamed up with a handful of people, since you've always been so secretive about your powers."

"You don't understand how important it is for an Anomaly to keep the details of their powers a secret," She grumbled in response.