Chapter 255 - Ace Mission(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Kilella Floence 


"Crap, is this thing an Ace Mutant? What a nuisance," Sighed Ciel, before firing out a couple of wind bullets at the towering Mutant's head. 

It raised its right arm in response, snarling in pain as the bullets struck its arm and broke through the skin, drawing blood. But it was too shallow to do any real damage, and mainly just seemed to anger it. 

"I'll keep it restrained!" Exclaimed Seung, as several, thick streaks of water rose up from the lake and wrapped around the Mutant's legs and torso. 

"Leave this to me, !" I chanted, as my armor rapidly expanded with a coat of flames enveloping it, growing to about ten meters tall as I fired out a roaring, intense blast of flames at the Mutant.