Chapter 304 - Stronger

"Hey, how are you guys feeling?" I inquired somberly. 

"Come on, dude, no need to be so down about it. See, I'm all good now," Grinned Mitchell in response. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty much fully recovered, I'll be good as new with a bit more rest," Added Seila assuringly. 

It was the next day following the battle against the Werewolf and his Mutant Army, the 26th of March, and I was currently at a hospital in the X-Warrior Zone, where Seila and Mitchell were recovering. They'd both gotten badly injured during the battle against the Mutant army, with Mitchell losing his right arm. 

"I'm so sorry, I was way too slow to react back there," Remarked Katie with a hint of guilt in her expression. 

"Nah, it's all good, it's not your fault. Don't think you're responsible for this, that blame falls onto the Mutants. And besides, I can totally get a badass robot arm now, with like, hidden weapons and stuff!" Grinned Mitchell, trying to lighten the mood.