Chapter 305 - Guest Training Session(Part 1)

"Okay...but why does it have to be me?" I sighed apprehensively. 

"Because you're the most powerful Ace. This may seem like something insignificant, but it could make a difference, we're in desperate need of increased manpower in our X-Warrior ranks, in terms of both quality and quantity," Responded Icell firmly. 

Today's the 29th of March, and I'd been called to the director's office for something...which turned out to be a request for me to give a guest training session to the current batch of Level J students at the Academy. 

And, well...I really don't want to do it. I definitely wouldn't describe me as motivational or inspiring, public speaking isn't exactly my strong suit. Especially in front of a group of strangers. 

"Wouldn't a Prodigy Ace be a better fit? Since that'd be more relatable to the majority," I pointed out, in an effort to get out of this.