Chapter 310 - Charades(Part 1)

"Hey, glad you guys could make it! Man, it feels like it's been forever since the last time you were here!" Grinned Mitchell, as he opened the door and let us in. 

It's the next day, the 6th of April, and I'd just arrived at Mitchell's place, along with Suri and Katie. 

"So, are we the first to arrive, or have any of the others gotten here yet?" Inquired Suri, as we walked in. 

"Oh, Steen, Zoya and Bytra are here, but the rest should all arrive pretty soon too," He informed us. 

"And everyone's coming?" I sighed warily. 

"Yup, all our classmates will be showing up," He nodded in response. 

"Great, I was really hoping a certain someone wouldn't be able to make it," I muttered in exasperation. 

"Don't worry about it, just avoid him," Replied Katie, giving me a pat on my back.