Chapter 311 - Charades(Part 2)

"Since you failed to guess correctly, Zoya, time for the dare!" Smirked Mitchell, as he held up his phone. 

"Fine, let's get this over with," She sighed in response, as she stood up and walked over, before tapping on the screen to reveal the dare, "Let's see...take off one item of clothing. Real glad I didn't take my socks off."

She then took off the sock on her right foot and headed back to the couch with a look of relief. 

"You're so lucky, that was a pretty tame dare," Grinned Lin, as Zoya rejoined her team. 

"It was still pretty hot though, foot stuff is great," Remarked Makoto with a nod of approval. 

"Ugh, you're the worst," Grumbled Zoya with a look of disgust.