Chapter 325 - Proposition(Part 3)

"So, uh...did something happen while I was out? You all seem kinda...I don't know, like you're a bit on edge?" I remarked with a frown. 

Yeah, I know we agreed to pretend like nothing's out of the ordinary, but that was only if Seila was acting awkward...but after I got back from my meeting with Director Icell, Suri and Katie seem to be just as awkward, if not more. And it really doesn't seem like an act. 

We were currently having dinner, and while the food was great, the meal itself was really uncomfortable. I tried to power through it, but it's gotten too much to bear, so yeah. 

"Don't know, must just be your imagination," Shrugged Katie in response, as she munched on her food, averting her gaze. 

"Mhm, what she said," Nodded Suri as well, picking at her food awkwardly.