Chapter 326 - Reality

Wow, that was some dream last night, holy shit. Too bad it probably won't ever happen in reality, but I'm more than happy to settle for having such a vivid dream. It felt so real, it doesn't feel like it was a dream...but, come on, there's just absolutely no way that actually happ-...huh?

Weird...Seila's here too, sleeping on me, her head on my stomach, while Suri and Katie were on either side of me. Ah, I get it, I must still be dreaming, no wonder what happened last night doesn't feel like it was a dream! 

Still, though, this is one hell of a realistic dream. I've never had a lucid dream before, never realized it could feel this real. Like, I can clearly feel three pairs of boobs on me, one on either shoulder, and one on my crotch. 

Ow...I just pinched myself, and it hurt. Crazy. Uhh...this isn't a dream, is it? Which means...last night wasn't a dream either.