Chapter 327 - Recommendation

"So, it okay if we keep what happened last night, and this morning, from the others?" Spoke up Seila sheepishly. 

"Yeah, that's fine by me. Actually, I kinda thought that goes without saying. There's no need to broadcast it, all it'll result in is Mitchell complaining and saying how jealous he is," I responded wryly. 

It was a few hours later, and we were currently getting ready for training, with the others on their way here. And I was on top of the world right now. 

But I can't help but wonder, what's next with this? Like, was this just a one time thing, or will it continue for the rest of the week that Seila's staying here? 

And after that, what then? It won't be my call to make, that wouldn't be fair on Katie and Suri, so it's entirely upto them. They really seemed to enjoy themselves too, so they might be open to it being an ongoing thing.