Chapter 328 - Promotion

Point-of-View: Zera Judem


"You dodged that, huh? Hm, not bad, I have to say. Alright, then, in that case...let me kick it up a notch!" Exclaimed Firyal, as she put on a sudden burst of speed and zipped down towards me rapidly. 

I dropped down through a portal and emerged several meters away as she began to close in, and then did it again as she changed her trajectory and chased after me. 

She's incredibly fast, but her attacks are relatively simple and straightforward...there probably aren't many who are faster than her, so her go-to method is probably to overwhelm an opponent with sheer speed. 

She's continuing to chase after me relentlessly, even as I continue using my portals to warp all across the area inside the Duel Field. And she's slowly but surely closing the gap, reacting faster and faster to my portaling the longer this goes on for.