Chapter 377 - Uprising(Part 5)

"I have to say, I'm really surprised you actually came out here, Ruby," Remarked Kilella, as Ruby leaned back on a cough with a sour look on his face, letting out a slight huff in response. 

"Yeah, well, after that asshole revealed my name, there wasn't much point in trying to remain anonymous," She grumbled irritably, tapping her foot against the floor repeatedly. 

It was a few hours later, around 8 PM now. We'd gotten more clarity on the damage inflicted all over, and it was pretty immense. It wasn't so bad in the Sanctuary, we had suffered some casualties, but it could've been a lot worse...only twelve people had died, with a number of others sustaining injuries and are now receiving medical attention.

But in the areas outside the Sanctuary, it was a lot more severe...nearly a thousand people had been killed by the attacks, heavy structural damage had been inflicted and thousands more were badly injured, many in critical condition.