Chapter 376 - Uprising(Part 4)

"Not bad, not bad at all...but not good enough to keep me out! I'm almost through the security layers, just a minute more and I'll be able to access the system!" Grinned Ruby triumphantly. 

"Great, it's about time...," I nodded in response, a little over twenty-five minutes having passed since she began. 

I was getting pretty restless and anxious just sitting here, doing nothing. I'm not used to being on the sidelines, this was hard. 

"Hm? Uh-oh...," She suddenly frowned. 

"What do you mean 'uh-oh'? What's wrong, did something happen?" I inquired warily. 

"Yeah...whoever this is, they're trying to get into my personal system. They won't be able to break through, I'm sure of it, but...they've probably tracked my location, so they likely know where I am," She grimaced, before hunkering down and working on getting into the system more urgently.