Chapter 388 - Prelude to the Incursion(Part 2)

"The hell is this thing!? It's freaking huge! It's got tentacles, pincers, its body is like a mishmash of several different Mutants, and it's got the head of a killer whale!" Called down Mitchell, as the massive creature barreled towards the shore. 

"It's a completely unknown species, I've never seen anything like it before. Stand back, everyone. I'll handle this one myself," I remarked as I stepped forward, before adding, "Mitchell, can you tie it down with your tails?"

"You got it!" He exclaimed affirmatively, as he sent his tails shooting down towards the Mutant, wrapping around its torso and limbs. 

It let out a vicious snarl before straining against its restraints, my eyes widening in surprise as it broke its own limbs to free itself. 

"Woah, no way...," Muttered Katie, as its broken limbs rapidly healed.