Chapter 389 - Incursion(Part 1)

"Well, now I've seen everything," I muttered in bemusement, as we stared up at the incoming spaceship. 

"Here's hoping they're the 'we come in peace' type of aliens," Sighed Ziva warily. 

The two of us, along with Katie, Mitchell and Hebi, were on a large drone the size of a platform, hovering over the dome of the Sanctuary. 

We'd come out here to intercept the UFO and find out why it's come here...I doubt they're gonna be a peaceful bunch though. Ruby mentioned that the orb was sending out some kind of signal...that, on top of the fact that we can't properly analyze the orb, likely means that it isn't from this planet. 

"It's stopping," Frowned Mitchell, clenching his fists...looks like he's come to the same conclusion. 

As the UFO then stopped descending, floating in midair above us, a wide gap opened up at the bottom of it, before translucent bars began forming in a descending row, like a staircase.