"Yah,leave me alone,oppa!",I yelped at my old brother who start to tickle my whole body
"Not a change!",he speak amused starting to tickle me again
I hit him with my leg in his stomach making him to groan on pain.I sit up on my butt looking at Hyungsik who is on the ground groan to the pain holding his stomach.I smile proud of me for what I did to him.
"So,that boy is your boyfriend?",my brother ask me teasing me about Jungkook
"A-Ani",I stutter without thinking
"Mhm",he mumble at his chin making me to groan
"Really!We are just friends!",I exclaim frustrated because he doesn't believe me at all
"Just friends?",he ask me ironic smirking at me
I groan frustrated laying down on the bed sighing.I can't deal with him.He is to good to this game even we don't play a game.
"Do you love him?",he ask me suddenly letting me shocked
I get up on the bed looking at him shocked but also confused about his question.Do I love him?For real?Or is just an attraction?I grow frustrated.
"I.....don't know",I mumble in my chin looking down on my lap
"How is that?",he put another question with his eyebrow up
"Aish,stop being annoying!",I says nervous ruffle my hair
He chuckle at my frustration.I pout at him.I can't believe he laugh to me for what I says.I mean,he put a question that let me without any words.I don't know my feelings.I didn't fall for boys or have a relationship.
Do I love him?
Even my brain can't answer to this question.Do I love him or is just an attraction?I mean,he is handsome with his small brown eyes,tiny lips and his cute cheeks.His brown hair that hide his forehead and when he ruffle his hair he is looking hot and sexy.
What the hell,Eunha?Stop thinking about him.He is just a boy with handsome face and sexy body.Ah~,I am so frustrated that I can't get him out of my mind.Why he have to be so handsome and beautiful?
"Morning,girl",someone greeting me with a big smile
I look at Sana who is smiling widely without stopping.I look at her confused why she suddenly is happy?Yesterday she was so sad that don't want to talk to someone and now she is happy and hype.
"You okay?",I ask her leaning on my locker
"Hell yeah!",she exclaimed happier
I borrow up my eyebrow up doesn't convince for her happier.Sana roll her eyes groan at me.
"Seriously,I'm fine!",she say frustrated at me shaking her arms
I chuckle at her reaction.She is so funny when she is angry that makes me to laugh to her.She pout at me.
"Okay,okay,I stop teasing you!",I said borrow up my hands in sign of give up
Sana roll her eyes before heading to class letting me back laughing hard at her cuteness and pouting.She looks so funny when she pout and I like to see her like that.I want to see her smiling and laughing forgetting that her father hit her and her mother.
My smile fade immediately remember that jerk who hit her with brutally not thinking about her feelings or her mother feelings.I clenched my hands starting to feel furious about her father.Right now I feel to punch his face so hard to take him to hospital.He doesn't deserve to live.
The bells rings after fifty minutes making me to groan because on the lessons I start to fall asleep.Lucky to my best friends that she wake me up on time not to be punish by the teacher.We get up on the chair heading to our locker to take our books there.
"Sana!",someone yell my best friends name making us to turn our head to the person who yell
I see Namjoon running towards us fast to catch us.I chuckle at his cuteness when he is running.I tell Sana that I will let them alone smiling widely at her.She start to protest to stay with her,but I shake my head start to run outside to not be catching by her.
I go to the bench sit down there feeling a little dizzy.My head start to hurt being in a big pain.Ahh,damn it!My head hurt so much that I can't handle this pain.I think I will faint right now.
"Eunha,you okay?",someone ask me making me to look up seeing Jungkook looking worried at me when he saw me
I nod at him looking another way.He sit down beside me taking my chin on his hand looking deep on my eyes.My cheeks start to burn feeling right now like a tomato.
"You look pale,Eunha.You are sure that are you okay?",he ask me worried and I nod at him."Damn it,Eunha,you don't look better at all!",he add furious at me when he search all of my face
"I'm fine,Jungkook",I says taking his hand on my cheeks ruffle my hair feeling more dizzy like before
Before I say something I faint on the ground hearing Jungkook yelling my name desperately before my sight become black and fainting.
I wake up immediately feelings dizzy again.I look around to search for someone,but I see one single person looking at me worried with his eyes sparkling when I open my eyes slowly.
I sit up more comfortable looking for the nurse to let me go to go to the class.I don't want to see him.Not now.
Not today.
"You okay?",Jungkook ask me worried for me
I scoff at him."Yeah,where is the nurse?",I ask myself looking for the nurse
"She goes to canteen to get some food for you",Jungkookie answer my question making me to turn my head to him confused why he is here
When I look at him he just smile cutely at me making my heart to beat faster and my cheeks turn immediately red feeling hot and like a tomato.
Ahh~,why he makes me like that?I put my hands on my cheeks try to turn my cheeks to normal not wanted to be seeing by Jungkook looking like a big red tomato.I sigh closing my eyes for some seconds before I open my eyes hearing him saying something hearing like a mumble.Why he is smiling at me like that?I hate when he smile at me like that.He looks like a little bunny.
"Cute.....",he mumble at his chin making me to turn my head to him
"You say something?",I ask him curious about his mumble
"N-nothing!",he stutter turning his head at other way seeing his cheeks red
I chuckle on my chin looking another way hearing him scoff to me.He is so cute when he is shy around girls.The nurse came to the cabinet looking at us with her big smile.
"Here,sweetie!",says the nurse cutely putting the food on my lap patting my hair sweetly
"Gomawo,unnie",I says to her making aegyo making her to chuckle before she go to another room
I start to eat without knowing that Jungkook is here and he is hungry like me.I groan on my chin taking some food putting in his face to take a bite.He is looking at me confused at first,but then he accept my offert taking a bite smiling widely when he eat.
I roll my eyes starting to eat both of us.Jungkook is sitting on a chair in my bed waiting for the food for me.I giggle at his cuteness making my heart to be melted.Jungkook know how to make girl heart to beat fast.
He is such a baby.
"You are not eating?",Jungkook ask me making me to come to my sense when I look on the ground for some minutes
"Hmm?Oh,I'm not hungry anymore",I says to him shaking my head in no
"Cool~,more for me~",he sings taking the plate on my lap putting on his lap starting to eat fast
"Yah,that's my food!",I exclaimed pouting at him for taking my food
"But you say that you are not hungry anymore,right~?",Jungkook ask me innocently smiling at me showing his bunny teeth
I open my mouth to say something,but then I closed my mouth looking another way because I know he has a point.I roll my eyes at his giggle putting my arms on my breast scoffing at him.He likes a lot to tease me and I hate that.I hate to be tease by everyone.But when he tease me I....like it?I think I like when he tease me.
"Eunha-ah,you okay?",Sana ask me worried for me when she arrived to my locker
I look at Sana who she breath heavily knowing that she run to me to see if I am okay.I am so glad to have a best friend like her.She worried for me even I am super fine.She is overprotective when it comes to me.Eunji comes right behind Sana being worried for me.
"Yeah,I'm okay,girls",I says to me chuckle at their worries for me
"Oh,than God!",exclaim Sana putting her hand on her heart to beat normally
I roll my eyes at her worries.I say to her to not worry for me,but she listen me?Of course,not!She is such a crybaby and of course I have to calm her down showing her that I am good.
When Sana wants to ask me something she stops when Jungkook walk in our face looking at me with his usual bunny smile making me to stick out my tongue to him looking like a baby.He just let's a laugh out walking to the class letting me frustrated.
Ah~,I hate him so much!
"Oho,Jungkook looks at you~",Sana exclaim pointing at me start to tease me again
I roll my eyes frustrated."Shut up,blondie!",I says to her making her to groan to me hating this nickname
"Yah,don't say that nickname EVER!",she yells at me nervous for this nickname and Eunji laughing in her back
"Why?I like this nickname a lot!",I giggle at her pout looking like a child
"But I hate IT!",she speak pouting at me putting her arms on her breast
"So what~",I smirk at her before heading to our class hearing her yelling my name
I chuckle shaking my head walking at put class.Sana is so funny when I start to tease her.Two can play this game,Sana.And of course I win this game always.She try a lot to win this game,but always fails.So she stop tease me until today.
"Hey,Eunha.",Sana salute me when she arrive with Eunji and I just smiled at them."Me and Eunji we are going to cafe.You want to come with us?",Sana ask me when the bells ring our highschool finish today
"Nah~,I am not in the mood to go there.Maybe next time~",I says to them shaking my head an no
Right now I want to go home and take some nap because I feel tired and dizzy again.I have a headache and I just wanna go home and to rest.
"Okay~",she sung waving her and Eunji to me before they are gone at my sight
I sigh ruffle my hair.Yeah,I want to go with them,but right now I am not in the mood and all I want is to sit down on my bed and take some nap.
"Well,well,well,who is it here?Alone?",a voice knowing by me says to my back making me to roll my eyes
I turn whole my body to Yoonbyul having a criminal face making her to gulp when she saw me taking some steps back with her friends.I smirk at her feeling proud for myself for scaring her to death.
"What to do you want,Yoonbyul?",I ask her annoyed by her presence always when she come to me
I know how Jungkook feels when he is annoyed by someone.I'm sorry Jungkook.Sometimes you want to lunch that person who annoyed to everyday.Some people doesn't not understand when they want to be alone and Yoonbyul is one of that people.
And me,of course.
"Where are your friends?",she ask me taking a big step on my face being face-to-face
"Since when you care about me?",I ask her smirking at her having my always smirk
"Me?Care about you?Please,I will kiss a frog than care about you",she says ruffle her hair like a diva
"Good.Then,go ahead.Kiss a frog.",I repeat her words smirking without stopping to making her to gasp
I pt my hands on my breast smiling devilishly at her looking at her shocked face before I walk letting them with their big eyes and mouth.Their looking so funny right now that I can take a picture of them and show to all highschool to laugh to them.But I will not do that.Because I care a little for her and she doesn't deserve this even she deserve this.
Ugh,what I am thinking?
I can believe that I am so naive right now.I can't pity her because she doesn't deserve my pity.Never ever.She is a bad person and deserve bad things and words.
Ah~,I feel so good right now.The air smell so good right now and he ruffle my hair giving goosebumps all my body travel whole body.I put my hands I side my hoodie and walking to my house using my feet.Right now all o want to walking without using any car to explore this city.
"Eunha!",someone yell my name making me to groan knowing this voice
Just ignore him and walk without knowing that he yells your name.Just ignore him and pretending you don't know him.He will let you go.Right?Right.
"Eunha!",he yelling again my name making me to growl like a wolf
Right my ass.
What he wants to me?He says to me to leave him alone.Why he doesn't leave me alone?I turn my whole body bumping at him looking at our eyes straight for some 10 seconds.I turn my head having my cheeks red.
"What do you want?",I ask him angry at him for stopping me and yelling like a crazy on the street
"I yell at you for ten minutes.Why you didn't answer me?",he ask me pouting at me looking like a little bunny
"Where is write that I have to answer to you?",I ask him ironically putting my arms on my breast
He borrow his eyebrow up."What the hell is wrong with you?What happen with annoying Eunha I know?",he ask me frustrated shaking my body having his big hands on my shoulder
I look at him shocked for his question.He is right.What the hell happened with me?Why I treat him like hell?I take his hands away for my shoulder looking another way.I don't feel well and I can't look at his eyes.
"I don't know",I answer to all his question ruffle my hair sighing
"You okay?",he ask me directly letting me shocked,but all I do is to nodding at him closing my eyes for some times
"Sure?",he ask me again looking straight in my eyes
I look straight at his eyes feeling my cheeks burning up.I turn my head a other way just nodding at his question feeling awkward and shy.How can make me to feel like that with just a glance?His glance is so hard to take and so deep that my heart is gonna explode in every moment.
"Y-yeah,I-I'm f-fine",I stutter in his face making him to chuckle at my awkwardness
Why I stutter?What the hell is happening with me?
It's my first time when I stutter in front of boys.Since I was born I was very friendly with the boys talking with them casually,but when I am around to Jungkook all I do is stuttering and that it's not me.I sigh closing my eyes for some seconds.
"I'm glad you okay",he speaks making me to gulp having my eyes and mouth open wide at his words
What did he says?I heard correct?Or not?
Did he says what I heard?He is glad that I am okay?Or what?Ah~,please tell me that I heard correct and I am not daydreaming.Because I right now I think I daydreaming and this is just a dream that I have to wake up anytime before I explode right now.
"What do you want,Jeon Jeongguk?I am busy right now",I ask him looking straight at his eyes with a serious face
"With what?",Jungkook ask me curious leaning on me being face in face making my eyes big
I gulp thinking to an excuse to escape to this maze and run away at my house.But what excuse I can says to him to believe me and leave me alone?Right now I don't have any excuses in my mind.
"Uhmmm.....I..I have to wash my..My CAT.Yes,my cat!",I lied right in his face saying a stupid excuse
"Your cat?",he ask me raising his eyebrow up curious about my lie and I nodding smiling
I hope that he believes my lies and he will leave me alone because I can't take this anymore.I feel pressure just by looking at his eyes who they looking for something on my eyes.Since I was born I try all the time to hide my feelings to all people because I didn't want to be bullied by the others.I was weak in that time,but not now.