
Everything happened so quickly, one minute I was with my mother and the next minute she's gone.

I can't stop looking at the pictures we took together, our conversations and how happy I was but I got what I thought would make me happy but the truth is no one will ever make you happy more than your mother regardless of what she does for a living.Langa is always busy, he hardly has time for me and Lihle is Lihle, works long shifts we barely spend time together as a family.

'Be careful of what you wish for'

Today Thando is coming to visit me, it's school holidays and I miss her so much, I can't believe we are going to spend time together.

I prepare my room, make sure everything is perfect.

*Door bell rings*

I come downstairs running, she is finally here.I open the door and I see a woman, she looks like Noma.


How does she know me, who is she? Is she crazy?

Me:"Yebo mama"(yes mama)

Woman:"Look at you, you look so beautiful my child, I am sorry I wasn't a part of your life maybe my child would still be alive today"


Woman:"Noma left us"

Me:"You know my mom?Are you my grandmother?How did you find me?"

Woman:"She left a note and said I will find you here"

Me:"A note?What's happening?"

Woman:"Yes a note, I am tired, I will come back tomorrow to explain everything, right now I need to rest, take care my child, you are so beautiful I am very glad I got to meet you"

She turned around and walked away before I could even open my mouth.Different things are going in my head!Is my mother dead?Where is she?Is it true?What is happening?

My holidays are ruined