Possible Reconciliation

"There is no time for breaks, Daiki. Stand up!" The man shouted as he kicks his son all over his body for taking a minute of rest.

"If you want to be the strongest then work hard for it!" The man again strike his knee on to Daiki's face causing both his nose and mouth to bleed.

He collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily and coughing out of blood due to his father's beating.


It was due to his father's way of disciplining him, is what his father always says.

"I won't pass down the clan in your care if you're too weak and frail. Now stand up and go back to training!" The man pulled Daiki's arm and forced him to stand up but he was too tired to the point that his legs couldn't carry his own weight.

"You won't stand up?" The man asked. Daiki was silent and couldn't answer. He was afraid, fearful that a quake in his voice would expose his trepidation.

"I'm asking you, Daiki. Won't you stand up and continue the training?" The man asked once again as he pulled his gun from his coat that made Daiki flinched in terror.

"I-I will! I-I'm sorry!" Daiki shouted as he look up to his father. He hurriedly put his one knee up and the other on the ground. He shifted his weight to his one knee and tried to stand up but his body kept on collapsing on the floor. His body was so stiff from his father's blows. His blood started racing and his heart started pounding because he knows what his father will do next if he doesn't stand up right away.

"You're useless." His father dryly insulted and pointed his gun on to his son's leg.

"W-Wait! P-please stop!!!"

A sudden gun fire was heard after.

Daiki lay writhing on the ground screaming in agony from the intolerable pain on his leg. Blood spurted out his wound that stained his white training pants.

"Get him outta here." The man walked away as his men gave Daiki a first aid medication before carrying him to the hospital.

"We will take you to the hospital as soon as possible, Sakusa." The man on his 20s said, a junior guard of the clan who was assigned to take care of the next heir. With his family being the protector of the Sakusa clan, generation after generation, it was a curse for him to be with them. 

He was unhappy with where he was, unhappy with what he is doing. He always felt that it was a waste of time, doing something he didn't asked for at least.

A path that was paved by your own family that can't be changed and a path where your opinions doesn't matter.

"Let's meet at the usual place." A woman chuckled softly while talking to someone on the phone.

When the family's guards passed by her, she immediately hang up the phone and noticed that there's blood stains on their clothes.

"M-mom..." Daiki called out as he saw his mother. "P-please... help me." He trembled as he felt the pain hit him again as he tries to face his mother.

His mom had this wry smile painted on her face that sent chills through his spine. "So?"

She walked close to her son and stared at his wound on his leg that was shot by his husband. "Just on your limb? Good for you. Your father still cares for you by making sure the shot is not close to your torso."

"M-mom, please... don't be... like that." Daiki breathed as he reach out for his mother's hand but she slapped his hand away from her.

"Don't touch me. You're disgusting!" She then walked passed by them and went back inside the mansion, leaving his son suffering from the pain that his own father caused.

The pain that Daiki felt in his wound was not as bad he felt in his heart. Being beaten by his father every day and being hated by his mother is far painful than what he feels in his wound.

When the man saw how Daiki was treated by his family, he felt that he wasn't alone. It wasn't just him who was born in this world wherein people control their child's lives. 

Sakusa Daiki was the same as him, thrown in a path that the adults has planned out and having no choice to do what they like.

He was just 14. He's just 14 but already carrying a heavy responsibility, no, a heavy burden he'll carry the rest of his life. A heavy burden he didn't want to but was ordered by the adults to do.

Sakusa Daiki was the same as him.

"Don't worry." The man said as they walked out of the mansion to the park way. "I will always protect you and will never leave your side, Sakusa."

Daiki's tears started welling up on his eyes and his lips trembled. He gripped the man's coat and buried his face on the man's chest, saying, "T-Thank you, Oiwake."

"Daiki?! Oi, Daiki! Wake up!" He slowly opened his eyes and saw Oiwake, shaking him to wake him up as tears course down his cheeks.

"Y-you're... alive." He pulled Daiki closer to him to give him a tight embrace, feeling the warmth of his friend that he thought he would lose forever.

"Where... am I?" He tried to stand up but he felt a sharp pain on his neck. He touched the part where he felt the pain with his shaking hand and saw some blood on it.

"Stop that." Oiwake removed Daiki's hand off of his wound and said, "A sniper almost killed you earlier. Good thing I found him hiding in a bush before he shot you dead on the head."

"The bullet grazed your neck but it was a little deep so Dr. Takashi cleaned the wound and stitched it. He will be back a few minutes after he cleans his tools."

"Takashi...? Takashi Utsui from the Ushijima family?" Daiki asked as he stares blankly at the ceiling.

"They have a hospital near here that's why I called him beforehand if anything happens to you." Oiwake stared at him for a moment, not knowing if he can say something he knows to Daiki.

"I bet... Kiyoomi is there." Daiki suddenly said that gave a shock to Oiwake.

"So he knows." He pulled the chair next to the bed and sat, crossing his arm infront of his chest. "What do you plan to do then?"

Daiki didn't answered. He was silently staring at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. He knew that he messed up everything. He became the same as the person he hates the most. He hated his father for ruining his life yet he did the same to his own son.

 That dream felt like a wakeup call to him.

The moment he saw his son, lying on the floor and not moving at all, scared the hell out of him. He felt the terror of losing someone. The feeling he didn't felt when his mother and father died because of murder.

Kiyoomi was the only family he has left, yet, he was always the reason why he gets hurt and now is on the brink of death.

"I.. don't know if he's still... alive after that." He raised his hand he used to pull the trigger which started shaking badly as he remembers his son collapsing on the floor with blood gushing out of his chest.

"You want to visit him in case he's really there?" Oiwake suggested as he stood up on his seat. "It's a five minute drive from this resort but I don't think he's still there since it has been six hours since you passed out." Oiwake cleared his throat as he starts to sound hoarse from all the screaming he did to wake Daiki up.

"If I visit him there, I'm sure it will just cause a commotion."

A general and prolonged silence followed. No one dared to talk further about what happened earlier. Guest from tonight's celebration all went home. Shattered glasses from wine bottles, plates and glass drinks were scattered on the venue. Oiwake told everyone who attended the celebration that if someone from the police department interrogates them about the incident, they need to lie about it. Instead of gun fires that were heard, they need to lie that it was from a mistaken dud fireworks that exploded on the venue that's why they all ran out.

"Takurou." Daiki called out, his arm covering his eyes. Oiwake didn't answered. He knew Daiki will say something that will trouble him upon seeing the tears flowing down his face that he tries to cover with his arm.

"I... want my son back."

"I knew it." Oiwake thought and sighed heavily.

"There's a 75% chance that he's still alive." He walked towards Daiki, showing him his phone. Daiki quickly wiped his tears away and slowly sat up to see what Oiwake was talking about.

"This is the app we use to track him, right?" Daiki nodded in response.

"Remember the chip I ordered a doctor to plant in his body to track him wherever he goes?" Daiki nodded once again.

"Then do you know which part of his body did the doctor placed the chip?" Daiki shook his head, confused on what he's talking about. 

"What does the chip has to do with the chances of him being alive?"


"A chip was planted in his chest?!" Komori screamed at Ushijima as soon as he goes out of the surgery room.

"We found this inside his body. It looks like a chip that was encased in a silicate glass so that it won't infect his body." (A/N: This is dumb shit. I don't know how this cannot infect someone when they put something inside their body but please bear with me. I don't want Sakusa to die so early.)

He gave the chip that is inside a zip lock bag to Komori and said, "That thing blocked the bullet from hitting deep down his heart but the glass scattered around his wound that's why the surgery took us six hours. The operation's done but we still need to examine him further through some tests." (A/N: Again. It was just a chip that can't fully block a bullet so please bear with me with this one too.)

"Is he awake now?" Komori asked him before Ushijima goes back to the surgery room.

He looked at Komori confused why he asked that kind of question. "Uhm... Do you think being shot on your chest and injected with anesthesia that can put you to sleep will let you be conscious all throughout the surgery?"

A vein on Komori's temple seemed like it popped out because of his annoyance upon hearing Ushijima's answer. "You really talk honestly, huh? Wanna go?"

He was about to walk towards him but someone from behind pulled him back. "Stop fighting. We all need to thank him for saving Sakusa's life."

"It.. was a joke." He laughed awkwardly and raised both of his hands up, a sign that he's surrendering. He patted Ushijima's shoulder really hard to vent his anger on him but it was too weak for Ushijima to feel anything. "He's a friend of mine, Atsumu."

"You're... my friend?" Ushijima asked as he looked down at Komori who was flabbergasted because of his question



"No way." Komori covered his mouth because of shock and said, "You didn't treat me as your friend even though we all grew up together with Sakusa?"

"You two didn't change a bit." Akari butted in to stop the two from fighting. She walked towards Ushijima and gently patted his head. "Thank you for always saving my son, Wakatoshi-kun."

"Tsk. I can do that too if I were a doctor." Komori murmured as he sulks in a corner. 

"Of course you too." She messed Komori's hair and a wide smile formed on the woman's lips. "Thank you for always staying by his side, Motoya-kun."

Komori unconsciously scratched his nape and shyly smiled at Akari. "We will always do our best to save his life, right Ushijima?" He said while hitting Ushijima' side using his elbow.

"Well, my job is to save people's lives because I'm a doctor so..."

Komori snapped once again and pulled Ushijima's lab coat and angrily said, "You really wanna go, huh?"

Ushijima frowned, confused on what Komori said. "Go where?"

"I really can't with you." Komori sighed as he removes his grip off of Ushijima's lab coat. "But really. Thank you for saving him once again, Ushijima."

He bowed down his head in front of him together with Akari and Atsumu who did the same thing. "Thank you, Ushijima/Wakatoshi-kun."

"I won't dare to say 'You're welcome' but thank you for trusting me, everyone." His face engaged in a smile that created little wrinkles around his eyes and grooves in his cheeks. 

"I need to go back now. We need to transfer him on a private ward so we can watch him closely if there would be any changes that will happen after the operation."

He bowed his head down and went back to the surgery room where Sakusa was, leaving everyone as they sighed in relief that he is okay now.

"Akari-san." Masataka called out and bend close to Akari's ears, whispering, "The hospital called earlier that we need to go back as soon as possible or else this will be the last time that they'll approve your request of going out."

"Eh? Can't we wait until Kiyoomi wakes up?"

Masataka shook his head in response.

"But I want to sta----"

Akari was cut off when Yamazaki slammed the wall behind her.

"Listen here, Mizuho. I saw how Suda died with my own fucking eyes when Daiki's right man saw how Suda shot Daiki while he was hiding in a bush. He was shot seven fucking times by that man. No one knows when that guy will come in here to search for Sakusa. If you want to stay here and die, then do it. Don't drag Masataka on that fucking request."

"Oh fuck. He snapped." Masataka thought as Yamazaki pulls away from Akari.

"Don't worry, Akari-san." Masataka swiftly said to ease out the awkward atmosphere around them. "I've contacted our men to guard Sakusa's room and I've also coordinated with Komori-san about this. His team will also be in here in a minute so no need to worry about him. I'll visit in here so I can give you a daily report of his condition so please let's go home for today."

Akari was about to open her mouth to say something but shuts it when he saw how tired Yamazaki and Masataka looked.

"I understand. I'm sorry if I was too pushy but I'm really thankful that you all are here for me." Akari walked passed by him and bid her goodbye to Komori and Atsumu before leaving. "Please take care of my son while I'm gone."

"Of course we will. Have a safe trip and rest well, Akari-san." Komori said before bowing down to her. Two of them were left  as they wait outside the surgery room.

"Let's go and have a bite?" Komori invited who was feeling very hungry ever since they came in the hospital. All he had at the party was alcohol and he didn't have the time to eat his meal.

"No, I'm fine. I'll stay in here while you're out."

"Guess I'll eat alone again." Komori thought before smiling at Atsumu. "I'll eat as fast as I can. I'm 101% sure that guy will wake up soon. He gets lonely really quick so please stay with him inside his room."

Atsumu unconsciously nodded in response. Komori walked out of the hospital and went to the park way and saw Daichi and Hinata were still waiting for him.

"Is he okay now?" Hinata asked as soon as Komori arrives.

"Yeah he's okay now. Atsumu will be taking care of him while I'm out but my team and some of Akari's men will be staying there so no need to worry about him."

Daichi stared at Komori blankly before saying, "Why don't you kill Hinata right now?"

"H-huh? D-Daichi-san, what are you talking a-about?" Hinata pulled Daichi's coat with all his might but his hands were shaking so bad, scared and surprise on the sudden change of attitude of Daichi.

Daichi wasn't looking back at him. He didn't said anything and his expression was emotionless as if carved from a marble.  He was far different from how he acted earlier in the resort. 

"He's an agent." Daichi continued. "You're sober now, right? Why didn't you killed us both when you saw us helping Atsumu that I know for a fact that you know he's an undercover agent too?"

"Hmmm... I almost thought that he's throwing his comrade by wanting him to get killed instead he said the word 'both'." Komori thought. He placed his hand on his chin as if thinking of something what to do.

"Well, he is." He then faced Hinata and said, "If I will kill you, all the efforts of Sakusa when he tried to save you at the Akigawa Valley will all be wasted, right?"

He walked passed by them and waved his hand at them, "I won't kill you both for now but I'm really interested why Sakusa-san chose you as the new heir of the Kita family, Daichi."

"What do you mean?!" Daichi shouted at Komori who was already twenty meters away from them. "That reason was already announced by Sakusa-san during the ceremony, right?!"

"I'm not believing that bullshit!" Komori shouted with his back still facing them before disappearing down the street to hide. He reached for his phone in his pocket and dialed a number to call for someone. A few rings after, the man on the other line answered.

"I'm sorry for the sudden call." He clenched the zip lock bag that contains the chip they found inside Sakusa's body and said, "But I need you to do something for me, Ukai-san."


"Is it really okay for me to come inside?" Atsumu asked to Ushijima after they transferred Sakusa in his room.

"It's fine. We'll conduct some examinations tomorrow morning so we'll let him rest for tonight." He glanced at his watch before leaving and said, "I need to go now and go back to duty. Please take care of Sakusa for me."

Atsumu was left alone outside the room where Sakusa is. 

He felt hesitant. 

He questioned himself over and over on what he was doing and why was he was even there.

"Let's break up."


Those words.

Those words that directly came out of his mouth that felt like his already shattered heart attempted a painful escape through his throat as Atsumu said those last parting words to Sakusa....

"Okay. I don't really like being with you anyway. Whenever I'm with you, my life is always in danger. It's good that you made that decision because that saved me the effort to actually reject you."

Sakusa has ended everything that they have so the thoughts kept rattling in his mind if he really is needed by him right now. He clenched the door knob tightly and sighed before coming in.

He then walked towards the sofa that is far from where the bed is and sat quietly. 

He remained in place silently. He brought a hand to push through his blonde hair, and slowly, his head fell forward.

"I want to go home." Atsumu breathed as he stares at his shoes. Another sigh was forced out, even heavier this time.

"You're... free to go." A sudden voice broke out the silence inside the room that made Atsumu froze. He didn't want to look up at his direction nor say something in return.

"You don't... need to be here." Sakusa tried to sit but the pain on his chest hit him again.

But it was not the pain he felt in his wound.

But it was the pain he felt in his heart as he saw how Atsumu tries his best to not let him see that he was crying while he looks down on the floor.

"You... don't want to... be here, right?" Sakusa shuddered in pain as he tried to use his arm to support himself to sit but he failed once again.

Atsumu shook his head, still not looking at Sakusa. He clenched his fist tightly to calm his self down, thinking what he needs to say in a situation like this. He didn't knew he will be inside a room alone with him once again. 

It was the same at that day they broke up, alone in one room with him.

"Please go... home already." Sakusa said after giving up when he can't control his body properly to sit. 

He let out a sigh and stared blankly at the ceiling, saying, "If you stay here any longer, I don't know if I can protect you with the state I'm in right now." 

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest so he clenched the blanket tightly to suppress the pain so that Atsumu won't get worried about him, is what he hopes so.

He accepted the fact that it was only one sided on his part when he forced him to go out even if they only had that sex one night he was drugged by some guys at a bar. 

He was fine loving Atsumu even if he doesn't receives anything in return. But the longer he waits, the more he felt the greed to monopolize him.

"Please, Atsumu. Stay away fro----" 

"I... don't... need it." Atsumu murmured which Sakusa didn't heard. 

"What? I.. can't hear you... from this distance, Atsumu."

"I don't need it." Atsumu said once again but louder than earlier.

He stared at Atsumu and saw him clenching his fist tightly. "Need what?"

Atsumu stood up from his seat and gazed back at Sakusa and shouted, "I'm a fucking undercover agent so I don't need your goddamn protection, you scrub!" His voice broke, tears gushed from his eyes, and he turned quickly to hide them.

"I know." Sakusa answered.

It bounced around his head, first in disbelief, then in shock, and finally, in anger. "If you knew then why didn't you killed me?! I'm sure your father was testing you earlier because he already knows I'm an undercover agent!"

"Atsumu, please... don't scream. My head is starting to ache... because of your loudness." He raised up his hand, signaling him to come over.

Atsumu walked towards him and was about to pull the chair next to his bed but Sakusa stopped him.

"Not there." He slowly moved his body almost at the edge of the bed to give space for him, pointed and said, "Here."

"You're fucking kidding me, Sakusa Kiyoomi."