Dreadful Prediction

April 15 11:37 PM Isumi Lake House Misaki Village, Nakahara, Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture

"Stop grinning. You're creeping me out, Motoya." Sakusa disgustingly said at Komori who was beside him, sitting on a couch at the living room and grinning while looking at his phone.

"Then don't look at me, you dumb freak." Komori answered back, "If you don't like seeing me, you're free to leave my house."

Sakusa stood up and grabbed the collar of his shirt and snapped, "You're the one who's locking us up here for three weeks already, you fucking birdbrain!"

He awkwardly laughed as he tries to remove his grip off of his shirt. "Oh... right. I forgot."

Sakusa went back to his seat and took a sip of his beer before staring back at Komori, grinning once again while looking at his phone. He doesn't have anything to do and he was bored because Atsumu has already fallen asleep an hour ago.

"I can't help it, you know." He faced his phone towards Sakusa and showed him why he was grinning.

"My girlfriend is sending me cute messages and she wanted me to go back to Korea so that we can have our time together for a vacation."

"You have a girlfriend?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs because Komori didn't said a word about his girlfriend.

"Well... yeah." Komori said before burying his face on the throw pillow because he knew he was blushing. "She's also from the orphanage where I came from."

"Since when?" Sakusa leaned towards him and continued, "Since when did you start dating? Tell me the details."

"Ew don't lean too close to me. Your breath stinks of alcohol." He pushed Sakusa away from him and transferred to the couch next to where he was sitting but Sakusa followed him and sat where Komori was sitting earlier.

"Why didn't you told me anything about her?" He pulled Komori's shirt as he tries to look at his phone once again but he stretched out his hand so that Sakusa won't have a peek on it.

"How can I even tell you when you're having daddy issues, you fucking brickhead. Stop pulling my shirt!"

"I'm just curious!" Sakusa exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"What do you even want to know? We're just normal." He shoved his phone at Sakusa's face and let him scroll on his gallery.

"We go on dates, we travel, we eat together and just that."

Sakusa scrolled down and checked each photo and then the sparkle on his eyes earlier turned dull as he look at him with an uninterested face. "Such a boring person. You didn't hit the home run?"

As soon as he said those words, Komori smashed two throw pillows at his face, not letting him breath.

"I'm not a fucking pervert like you, fucking faggot. I respect women!" He annoyingly shouted while using his one hand to cover Sakusa's face with the pillow and at the same time punching him in the gut with his other free hand.

"D-does it really... have to be in order?" Sakusa asked, struggling as he breaks free from Komori.

"I can't believe how empty-headed you are." He punched him on the arm one last time before going back to his seat.

"You need to pamper them with love. It doesn't have to be that luxurious or extravagant. You can cook meals together, eat it together or just even have a movie night with the movie that they've picked. That's just it."

He leans close to Sakusa and pointed his finger to his face and threatened him with the words,

"If you think that the only way to express your love is to stick your fucking dick in him, then you're a fucking bastard."

Stunned, Sakusa was speechless for a moment. He reminisced all of the memories he had with Atsumu and all he remembered was his life getting in danger and,

"We only had sex." Sakusa blurted out that made Komori's eyes twitched in disbelief.

Komori messaged someone thru his phone before turning his head back to Sakusa. "Wake up early tomorrow."

"There's no way I can wake up early tomorrow right after we drank all of this." He pointed the bottles placed on the table which were almost ten in count. "I want to rest with Atsumu the whole day tomorrow."

"You need to go on a date!" Komori shouted, whose words struck Sakusa specifically when he said the word 'date'.

"A d-date?" Sakusa held his gaze at him, the expression on his face was a mixture of dazed desire and amazement.

"We can go on a date?" He tugged Komori's shirt once again as if asking for approval.

"Yeah, you can. You just need to report where you are all of the time. I need to make sure nothing bad will happen to you." Komori ordered while messaging someone once again.

"I won't be home tomorrow night," He leaned towards Sakusa, grabbing his collar and uttered in a serious tone, "but that doesn't mean that I'll let you do something dirty inside my own house. You fucking get me?"

Sakusa forcibly removed Komori's hands off of him because he doesn't want his shirt to get wrinkled. "Aren't you more of a clean freak than me?"

Komori glanced back at him and his lips twitched upon hearing what he said. He can't believe that question really came out of his stupid friend's mouth.

"This home is my safe haven and not even once I brought a girl so that I can fuck them freely."

"Yeah, cause you're a virgi----"

Two pillows were once again thrown at him by Komori and he angrily shouted, "Get the fuck out here and sleep already!"

The next morning, even if Sakusa doesn't want to get up, the alarms around his bed that were almost twenty in count which were set up by Komori last night forced him to wake up so early. It was so noisy and the alarms were ringing every five minutes so he didn't have the choice but to stand up and turn off the alarms. It seems like it was a revenge for Sakusa's bullying last night.

When he went downstairs, he saw Atsumu was already dressed and Komori has left the house right after he packed Sakusa's things and prepared the clothes he will be wearing for the date.

"Do you have a place you want to go today?" Sakusa asked after finishing his coffee.

"Komori has already planned everything." Atsumu answered while wearing his dark brown mid-length woolen coat on top of his black turtleneck sweater.

"I should give him a call later to express my gratitude." Sakusa grabbed his Burberry Sketch Tropical Trench coat on the couch at the living room before turning his head back to Atsumu. "Where did he want us to go today?"


"T... D... L...? Are you fucking kidding me." Sakusa murmured as he stares at Atsumu who was happily lining up to give his ticket at the entrance gate after their one and a half hour drive from Isumi to Urayasu.

"No. There's no way I'll get in there." Sakusa thought. He flinched in disgust as the crowds bump into him for the third time already. "I... need an excuse."

He walked towards Atsumu and tugged his shirt, saying, "I forgot I have an appointment today."

Atsumu frowned upon hearing what Sakusa said.

"What are you talking about?" Atsumu asked while removing Sakusa's hands off of his shirt, "Komori told me that you're free today that's why he bought these tickets."

"Oh right. I forgot that fucking dumbass planned all of this." Sakusa thought before pulling out his phone from his pocket and told Atsumu to stay where he is. "I need to have a quick call with someone."

Atsumu just nodded in response.

He walked away from him and found a small open space behind a tree, not far from the entrance. He dialed Komori's number and a few rings after, Komori answered his call.

"Hi, this is Komori Motoya, speaking. If your name is Sakusa Kiyoomi, I'll be hanging up the moment I hear your voice."

"You fucking dickhead! Who the hell told you to buy me a ticket here in TDL?!" Sakusa shouted. Some of the tourists who were sitting under the shade of the trees stared at him, surprised and scared because of the sudden raise of his voice.

"I told you, right? You need to go on a date.... ah shit it blew up." Komori answered, a loud noise of explosion on his background can be heard. "You don't want it?"

"You do know the fucking answer to that question then why the fuck you chose TDL?!" Sakusa shouted in a whisper while glancing back at the crowd to ensure he's not gaining their intention.

The sound of Komori's tongue clicking can be heard on the other line. "You don't know anything about your lover? What an asshole."

"Then tell me what do you know, huh?" Sakusa asked as if testing Komori if he really does know some information about Atsumu that he doesn't know.

"You know that Atsumu lives in Hyogo Prefecture?"

He then thought about the records that his men gave him and it is indicated that Atsumu was from Nagamachi and not from Hyogo Prefecture. He shut his mouth to listen on what Komori is about to say because he doesn't know what information he can rely on. It turns out that he doesn't even know a thing about him.

"You don't know, right? I asked him earlier when he woke up and he said that the place he really wants to visit is Tokyo Disneyland. It's a 7 hour drive from his hometown that's why he didn't have the chance to visit there not even once."

"So the main reason why you picked my clothes that will cover me from top to bottom, packed me a bag of sanitizer and alcohol and lastly you let me wear gloves and a mask even though you hated me doing it, was to force me to go on a date with Atsumu along with these dirty people?"

"You should thank me, you ungrateful bastard. I've contacted all of my connection at Urayasu City just to reserve you two a slot. You just need to enjoy his company. If you hate it that much, then fucking meditate and think that it's just the two of you there. I'm busy right now so I'm hanging up."

Komori hung up the phone, not letting Sakusa to complain.

Sakusa went back silently where Atsumu was and he looked back, staring at the long line behind them at the entrance and thought, "This will be one hell of a day."

"S-sorry!" A woman on his 20's panicked as she stares at her ice cream that smudged Sakusa's trench coat. "I r-really didn't m-mean to bump you. P-people at the back were pushing us forward."

Sakusa stared at her from head to toe as if examining if he'll punch her in the gut or drown her on a drum filled with water for ruining his favorite coat which costs two thousand two hundred fifty eight dollars.

His thoughts were cut off when Atsumu suddenly pulled Sakusa behind his back and smiled purely at the woman.

"It's no biggie. We can wipe it with a tissue." Atsumu raised a pack of tissue paper on his right hand and started wiping the ice cream off of Sakusa's coat.

He noticed the slight change on Sakusa's expression and he knew it wasn't good that's why he acted quickly.

"See? There's nothing left." Atsumu said but the white mark from the woman's vanilla ice cream remained.

"I w-will pay for the c-cleaning." The woman nervously searched for her wallet inside her bag but Atsumu held her hand to stop her.

"No need, Miss. Please forget about it and let's enjoy the day, okay?" Atsumu said as he flashed a smile that warmed his eyes.

He then forced Sakusa to face forward because he was still gazing at the woman intently. "Stop it. You're creeping her out."

Sakusa sighed to calm himself and tried to forget what happened because he knows that much more terrible things will happen on their date. He placed his bag in front of his chest and searched for something inside. Atsumu took a peek on it and saw tons of sanitizer, towel, hankies, and even rubbing alcohol.

"Can you wipe it off once again with this?" Sakusa handed him a wet cloth and the stain from the vanilla ice cream was instantly removed.

"What was that?" Atsumu glanced at him with amazement as he stares back at the cloth Sakusa gave him.

"Komori always packs all of my things so I don't really know what are those."

He searched for something inside his bag once again and not long, he pulled out a hand sanitizer.

"Use this." He said as he handed it to Atsumu which made him confused.

"What is this for?" He asked but still used it to clean his hands.

"You touched something filthy so you need to clean it." Sakusa answered before putting back the sanitizer after Atsumu used it.

"You mean the ice cream? I can just wipe it off with a tissue."

"It's her fucking hand you touched." Sakusa thought but he shut his mouth up to not ruin their date.

He just nodded in response as he sighs in relief when he saw that they're already near the front of the entrance. He can be free from the filthy people and that he can breath fresh air that is free from all of the shitty carbon dioxide that the disgusting people are releasing, but that's what he thought.

As soon as they entered the theme park, it was packed with tons of people more than the count of people outside. Kids running around with their shirts smudged with food stains, sweaty people that seems to be walking non stop just to visit all of the attractions and the mascots scattered around which he hates the most. He has been frowning and it was obvious that he was in a bad mood since earlier which Atsumu has noticed already.

"We can go home if you want to?" Atsumu looked worried. He knew Sakusa is a germaphobe to begin with. If the reason why Komori bought two tickets is about the thing he said this morning, he can't help but to blame his self.

Sakusa was silent for a moment. He cursed himself quietly by being so bothered and obvious that he hated everything. He felt stupid thinking about the place and other people and not Atsumu who is beside him, worried and might be thinking that Sakusa isn't enjoying his company.

"Why would I want to go home?" Sakusa asked as he smiles at Atsumu. He then removed his black glove on his right hand and held hands with him. "Where do you want to go first? I'll be your tour guide today."

Every muscle on Atsumu's face is now quivering with excitement; his eyes, in which seems to be so worried of Sakusa earlier is now flashed with brilliant light.

"Are you sure we can go anywhere today?" Atsumu asked with his eyes sparkling while tugging Sakusa's shirt non stop.

"Stop acting so cute today what the hell..." Sakusa thought, his heart was pounding hard as warmth invaded his neck.

"Where do you want to go first?" He pulled out his phone and was about to search for the famous attractions in Tokyo Disneyland because he doesn't even have the slightest idea about this theme park. He only said that he will be the tour guide for this date just so Atsumu can lean on him.

"Pirates of the Caribbean!" His eyes lit up with excitement as he drag Sakusa down where the attraction is.

While running, Sakusa searched what type of attraction 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is. He knows the movie but he doesn't know what to expect on the attraction. When he clicked at the 'Tokyo Disneyland' homepage and scrolled down to where Atsumu wants to go, he had the urge to back out but it was all too late.

"Set sails for adventure and thrills! Captain Jack Sparrow awaits you!" A man holding a sign board shouted. "Please be aware that this ride will go through darkness and some scary characters will suddenly appear so if you have any illnesses that is written on this board, kindly let us know."

"The queue to get in is longer than I'd guess." Atsumu looked back at Sakusa and held his right hand. His hand was shaking, his thoughts so scattered, he wasn't able to think of an excuse.

"Is everything alright?" Atsumu asked as he notice Sakusa's face turned pale.

Unable to resist, Sakusa shook his head and squeezed Atsumu's hand because he needed strength to conquer his fear.

"Everything is all right. It's just a ride." He assured him as he forced a smile to prevent Atsumu from worrying.

Ever since Sakusa was a child, he has been afraid of the dark.

It wasn't as extreme as it was when he was young because he has been being take care of by Ushijima's father. The physical and emotional symptoms has been reduced because he always tries his best to avoid being in dark places.

"Please sit still so that we can avoid the boat from shaking." The staff inside instructed while he guide them to the ride.

As soon as they entered and road the boat, Sakusa sighed in relief as he saw small lights, lighting up the scenery inside.

The cannonballs were flying across their boat and splashes into the sea. The rough voices of pirates shouting loudly adds up the thrill. The beautiful classic brick houses can be seen around, the imitation of a market filled with merchants and buyers wearing dresses, the street performers and also Jack Sparrow's Black Pearl Pirate ship is one of the most awaited appearance in the attraction.

"It wasn't that... bad." Sakusa thought as he stares at Atsumu who was enjoying every second of the ride while staring happily at the Black Pearl Pirate ship. "I'm one hundred and one percent sure he likes Jack Sparrow."

"We should go see Jungle Cruise next!" Atsumu invited Sakusa right after the ride. He didn't wait for his approval so he just dragged him onto their next destination which is a 500 meter walk from where they are.

"With a fun-loving skipper as your guide, venture into the mysterious jungles inhabited with wild animals!" A man shouted, wearing a PrAna Stretch Zion Shorts and a Merger Long Sleeve Shirt, a Filson Tin Packer Hat, and a Red Wing Heritage Iron Ranger.

"Do you know how much are they paying for their staffs in here?" Sakusa blurted out as he noticed what the ranger was wearing.

"You also noticed what the ranger was wearing? I also thought so too." Atsumu smiled at him, feeling a bit bewildered that Sakusa also noticed it.

Sakusa didn't felt the same way. He noticed something strange happening around them ever since they finished the ride from the first attraction they went to.

"Yeah that look pretty expensive." Sakusa smiled back but his voice suddenly sounded rough but the hand that intertwined Atsumu's hand held him gently. "We need to hurry up so that we can visit as many attractions as we can."

They went all of the famous attractions that the theme park can offer, starting with the Jungle Cruise: Wildlife Expeditions, then Swiss Family Treehouse, Big Thunder Mountain and lastly on the Splash Mountain.

"I can't walk anymore." Sakusa breathed as he crouch down while holding both of his knees. "Let's take a rest first. It's also lunch time already so I bet your hungry."

"I want to eat their famous Glove Shape Shrimp Cutlet. Do you know where we can buy that?" Atsumu asked as he handed a hankie to Sakusa to wipe his sweat off.

Sakusa straightened up quickly and proudly answered, "O-of course I k-know every places in here."

"Then that's good. I'll just go to the restroom for a sec."

"Yeah sure. I'll wait for you here."

A soon as Atsumu left, Sakusa noticed two men that followed right after him. Some of them were left behind who were a few tables away from where Sakusa is.

Sakusa stood up from his seat and hurriedly blended in with the crowd who were all on their way for the parade. He then noticed three men who stood up also from their seat and started following him. They didn't notice where Sakusa went so they parted ways to look for him.

Sakusa hid on a corner of the street and as soon as one of them passed by, he dragged him on the alley with him.

"Who sent you here to follow me?" Sakusa asked after swiftly wrapping his arm around the suspicious man's neck.

"Sakusa-san, w-wait please s-stop." The man struggled to breath but Sakusa didn't care. "We d-d-didn't came h-here to h-harm you."

"Was it my father?" Sakusa asked but the man didn't answered. He tightened his grip on his arm around his neck that forced the man to expose his intentions.

"Y-yes, it was your f-father." The man tapped Sakusa's arm as a sign that he's surrendering.

Sakusa loosened his arm that cause the man to collapse on the pavement, gasping for air.

"We didn't came here to kidnap you." The man said as soon as he steadied his self. "Your father just wanted to make sure that you are safe that's why we came here to guard you."

"Did you reported where I am staying now?"

"Yes. But he didn't ordered us what to do in case we found where you are staying. The only order we receive was to protect you at all cost."

"Is he okay?" Sakusa blurted out that made the man dumbfounded.

The man looked up at him in disbelief. He knew that Sakusa doesn't have a good relationship with his father, yet the first thing he asked was his father's condition.

"Is my father alright? Did he got injured after the celebration three weeks ago?" Sakusa asked once again when the man didn't respond.

"A bullet grazed his neck and he had bruises around his arms but he is fine now." The man answered as he straightened up and dusted off the dirt on his pants.

"Is Oiwake-san treating him well? Did he allowed my father to rest? Is he forcing my father to some shady business that will surely harm his life? " Sakusa asked, flooding the man with his questions.

"Everything is alright, Sakusa-san." The man assured him. "He rested for two weeks and he only works with the documents that has piled on his desk so he haven't had the chance to leave the mansion."

"Did you ate already?" Sakusa randomly asked to drop the topic about his father. The man just shook his head in response.

Sakusa pulled out his wallet from his pocket and gave the man forty thousand yen. "Eat out with the others and rest. Don't report anything about our conversation. Are we clear?"

The man nodded as he took the money. "Thank you, Sakusa-san."

Sakusa left the man behind and went back to his seat earlier. He was just in time when Atsumu came back.... with two girls beside him.

"The fuck." Sakusa cussed as he saw one of the girls clinging around Atsumu's arm.

"S-sakusa..." Atsumu called out as he let out an awkward laugh.

Sakusa's anger increased as he saw who the other girl was. It was the woman who stupidly smudged her ice cream on his coat.

"Your tall friend is cute too." The girl clinging around Atsumu said as she stares at Sakusa from head to toe. "Say, why don't we do a double date and go watch the parade together?"

She gently pushed her friend towards Sakusa and then she clamped her arm around Atsumu tightly and appealingly said, "You can be my date, Suzuki-san."

"Pfft." Sakusa couldn't held in his laughter as soon as what the girl called Atsumu. All of the jealousy he felt earlier has vanished and he appeared to be calm and in control again.

Sakusa removed her arm using his left hand with the glove off of Atsumu and asked, "Can you not put your filthy hand on him?"

The girl was dumbfounded for a moment but she just laughed it off to ease the awkward air around them. The girl with an ice cream earlier tried to stop her friend but the girl felt that her pride has been crushed because of Sakusa's rejection.

"Do you have any problem if I touch him like this?" The girl held Atsumu's hand to mock Sakusa but what he did next shocked everyone.

He removed the girl's hand off of Atsumu and pushed her roughly on the forehead. "Sorry. But I don't want your gross smell stains on my date."

"EH?!" The girls shouted in disbelief.

He wrapped his arm around Atsumu's waist and gave the girls a sly smile. "I want to continue on my date so please don't bother us anymore."

He leaned close to the blonde's face and said with an emphasis on his name, "Let's go, Suzuki-san."

Both of the girls were left behind, dumbfounded. Not because they were rejected but because they saw two guys proudly declaring about their relationship.

"Say, did you heard what I just heard?" The girl clinging around Atsumu asked.

The girl who smudged her ice cream at Sakusa nodded in response before pulling out a memo from his purse and stared writing. "I did."

The girl clinging around Atsumu patted the other girl's head and said, "We need to write that down for our next fanfic. Take note of that just in case we forget about it."

The girl nodded non stop while writing.

"We came here for research purposes might as well savor every moment."

"Will you please stop putting your arm around me?" Atsumu asked while shrugging off Sakusa's arm around his shoulder.

"Why? Is it because you don't like it?" Sakusa asked dryly, still not looking at him.

"It was weird that you told them that we're on a date so..."

"So?" Sakusa asked as he pulls Atsumu closer to him.

The blonde frowned as he tries to put his arm to add some distance between them. "So... it's weird... people are also looking at us right now."

"So?" Sakusa asked once again but finally looking at him.

Atsumu sighed cause he knows that he can't win on a conversation with him. "It's uncomfortable for me. So can you please remove your arm around me?"

Atsumu held Sakusa's hand on his right shoulder using his left hand to remove it but Sakusa grabbed his hand tightly, locking him to prevent him to move.

Sakusa leaned close to his face and stared right to his eyes before leaning down to his ear and seductively breathed,

"Well then, be more uncomfortable."

April 16 2:19 PM Minami-Boso, Chiba Prefecture

"It was a microchip implanted in his body to locate him. I haven't seen such an advanced technology like this. Most of the microchips implanted are only used for Radio-frequency identification and those are only for animals." The man said that has blond hair, wears a headband and has two piercing on his left ear.

"You mean like a GPS personal tracking system?" Komori asked as he stares at the microchip that was found inside Sakusa's body after his operation.

"There are a lot of experiments being done to finish this type of product." The man took out a cigarette and lighted it up. "The main factor that determines the size of this microchip is the battery life. Which means, the smaller the GPS microchip is, the shorter the battery life of the tracking system. Therefore, a GPS microchip for humans placed under the skin would have one very crucial shortcoming which is the ability to be powered long term. I'm surprised that this microchip is in medium size, yet it seems like it has been in his body for roughly five to seven years already."

"So how normally long is the time that this microchip operates, Ukai-san?"

"The average is around 20-30 hours of movement time with a micro tracking system that is about three inch in size." Ukai answered as he stub out his cigarette on his ashtray.

"That big?! But it has been in his body for how many years so how did that tracking system last that long?"

"I also don't know the answer to that question. Where is he staying now?" He pointed a light at the microchip and examined it once again.

Komori took an apple from Ukai's table and went to the sink to wash it. "He's staying at my house. Sakusa-san doesn't know that place because I haven't told him about it."

Ukai went towards Komori and leaned on the all while crossing his arm across his chest. "Has his father been always good to him?"

Komori closed the faucet before turning his head back to Ukai to answer his dumb question.

"Are you seriously asking that?"

A worried smile formed on the man lips and said, "I just have this feeling that sooner or later, he'll come back to his father on his own accord."

"Then I'll stop him." Komori answered flatly before having a bite on his apple. "If he wants to go back to his father, then I'll smash his head on the wall over and over until he realize that his father will never treat him good."

"Will you do that to a son who just loves his father so much?" Ukai lighted up another cigarette and continued, "Kiyoomi loves his father the same way he loves his step mother. If he didn't love his father, will he stay by his side this long just to be abused and used? No, right?"

He blew out the smoke from his mouth and said, "No one knows what that kid is thinking. If it was me, I would have left everything behind and just hide for the rest of my life. You get my point?"

"I don't get it." Komori dryly said as he threw his apple on the trash bin. "I don't have a family to begin with so I don't have the slightest idea about family love. The only thing I'm sure of is, whoever will cause harm to his father will never be forgiven by Kiyoomi. If someone is planning to kill his father, he'll return the favor by torturing them to death."

"Hmmm..." Ukai gazed at him, thinking that Komori knows something that he doesn't know. "You know something is about to happen, huh?"

Komori glanced out of the window, unable to meet Ukai's eyes because he is still uncertain of his prediction.

"Yeah. I know someone who's planning to kill his father."