Something Different?

Akemi sees nothing but darkness "Ugh! What is that sound?" he opens his eyes and sits up with his right hand on his head "did I oversleep?" he looks around noticing white walls "what? This is..."

Woman's Voice: "You're finally awake Akemi?"

Akemi eyes widens and he looks to the right seeing a woman with brown skin, silver hair, wearing a purple kimono "Zhu- Zhurong? Is that really you?"

Zhurong tilts her head "Is something wrong with you? Of course it's me silly" she smiles

Akemi jumps out of the bed quickly and wraps his arms around Zhurong tightly "I missed you so much!" a tear falls down his face

Zhurong: "Did you have a bad dream last night?" she puts her hand on Akemi's head

Akemi: "It was the worst"

Zhurong: "It is okay now, I'm here" she pats Akemi's head "now come on man child, get dressed we have to go shopping"

Akemi let's go of Zhurong "shopping?"

Zhurong: "Did you forget? We have to go and pick out baby clothes"

Akemi: "Baby...Clothes?"

Zhurong closes her eyes and balls up her right fist tightly while raising it "Akemi~ you didn't forget did you~?"

Akemi flinches "Wha-"


Akemi: "OUCH!"

Zhurong: "Seriously how bad is your memory!?"

Akemi holding his head "you didn't have to hit me so hard"

Zhurong: "You only have yourself to blame"

Akemi: "Tch" lowers his voice "violent gorilla woman"

Zhurong: "Huh! What was that!?"

Akemi put his hands up "Nothing, I said refresh my memory"

Zhurong sighs "We're going to get baby clothes"

Akemi stares at Zhurong

Zhurong: "Ba" she point at her stomach "by" she points again

Akemi looks down at her stomach and notices how big it is "a baby?" he crouches in front of Zhurong and his eyes sparkles "We're having a baby!? Really? What is it?" he touches her stomach

Zhurong smiles "not it, she"

Akemi looks up "we're having a girl!?" he jumps up "I'm going to go get ready now, let's go buy the entire store for my princess" he runs into his closet

Zhurong chuckles a little "You said the said thing yesterday" she opens the door "I'll be waiting outside for you"

Akemi doesn't respond

Zhurong: "He must really be excited" she looks down and rubs her stomach "let's go and wait for daddy" she walks out of the house

Minutes Later

Akemi walks out of the closet in a black kimono with red around the neck "finally ready!" he opens the door with his eyes closed and walks out of the house "sorry to keep you wait-" he opens his eyes and sees nothing but but darkness "Zhurong?"

Man's Voice: "So you've finally come"

Akemi: "Huh?" he turns around and a throne room appears as he's looking around

Man's Voice: "I was getting tired of waiting"

Akemi looks down at the throne in the middle of the room and sees an old man with a white beard, a white mustache, and black clothes "Ami?"

Ami: "Did I startle you-"

Akemi: "AMIIIIIII!" he charges at Ami "you piece of shit! DIE!" he cocks his left arm back and thrusts it through Ami's chest"

Ami spits blood on Akemi's arm

Akemi: "You despicable son of a-" he looks up and sees Zhurong, his eyes widens and he pulls his arm from her chest

Zhurong falls on the ground and a puddle of blood forms under her

Akemi stares "What...When did you?" he slowly looks at his left hand as it's covered in blood "No...No..." he steps back and looks down and Zhurong's lifeless body "No, Zhurong..." he looks at the ceiling "ZHUROOOOOOONNNNG"

Akemi eyes opens suddenly and he sits up quickly, covered in sweat while panting heavily "What" he looks down and sees his bed "dammit" he covers his right eye with his right hand "why did I have a dream like that?" he throws the blanket from over him


Akemi walks through the hallway towards his classroom

The students stand on side of the hall

Whispers: "Hey did you hear? That is Lian Xu, What? Really? He looks so different, Lian Xu? That student who was always at the bottom of the school boards? I thought he killed himself."

Akemi opens the door to the classroom and the student stare at him

Akemi: "So, that's how it is?" he walks towards his desk

A leg stretches in front of Akemi blocking him

Akemi looks to his left and sees a boy with light green hair and dark green eyes blocking him

The boy chuckles along with the other boys next to him

Yuuto watches from the back of the class "It's Doi and his gang, those guys...I knew this would happen"

Akemi kicks Doi's foot and keeps walking

Doi: "Ouch!" he looks back at Akemi "Hey!" he stands up "you didn't see my foot right there!"

Akemi sits down ignoring Doi

Doi clenches his teeth and takes a step towards Akemi

Ms. Taka walks into the classroom and stands in front of her desk "Okay, everyone class is starting, be quiet and sit in your seats"

Doi stares at Akemi "Tch" he sits in his seat

Yuuto look back at Akemi and thinks "Was that my imagination, or did he do that on purpose"

Ms.Taka: "Okay, now today we're going to do something different" she walks towards the door and opens it "follow me"

The class looks at Ms.Taka confused


The class is standing in an all white room

Ms.Taka looks at the student "I know some of you may be a little confused as to why we're in this room and not in the classroom right?"

The student look at each other

Ms.Taka: "Does anyone know what a rift is?"

A female student raises her hand

Ms. Taka: "You" she points at the student

Female student: "A rift is a crack in space that connects our world to another and the other world is filled with monsters or other creatures, they first started appearing 10 years ago in south Korea"

Ms. Taka: "Correct, and how does the rifts get dealt with?"

Female student: "Only hunters registered by the union are allowed to enter a rift right?"

Ms. Taka: "Correct again, it is illegal for any one else to enter, if they do, they can do serious jail time because it is very dangerous and can result in many lost lives"

Another student raises their hand

Ms. Taka: "Yes?"

Male Student: "um, what does that have to do with being outside of the classroom today?"

Ms. Taka: "Right!" she looks up and nods her head

A crack appears in the air behind Ms. Taka then opens, forming a large white portal with a large blue outline

The student eyes widens

Ms. Taka: "You guys will be entering one today" she smiles
