D Rank Rift Pt.1

The students stare at Ms.Taka as she points at the rift

Yuuto raises his hand "Um."

Ms.Taka: "Is something wrong?"

Yuuto: "Didn't you say the rift is dangerous and we ccould potentially die?"

Ms.Taka: "Yes, that is correct but not to worry, we have a team of B ranked healers on standby for you guys also it is only a D rank rift"

Chatter: "Wow B ranked healers?, I've never seen anyone above C ranks in action, I'm sure we can get healed from any injury now!"

Ms.Taka: "Although before you guys go in, there is something I need to tell you" she walks towards the rift "when you enter a rift, there is only one way out and that is to clear the rift by defeating the boss, only then will the rift reopen, until then you will be locked inside."

The students stops talking and looks at each other

Ms.Taka looks around at the student "Don't worry, I won't force anyone to enter if you are not up to it but for those who wish to enter the rift you will have to form a party of 4 or go in by yourself without one, which I highly advice against.. If any of you manage to come back, I will give you a skip ticket which allows you to skip any assignment with a perfect score, including tests and exams"

The students start chatting with each other loudly

Ms. Taka: "You may begin looking for a party or entering the rift alone"

The students run around look for a party

Akemi looks around and notices everyone ignoring him then sighs "that's to be exp-"

A message appears to the right of Akemi's face

Message: "Choice Quest

1. Enter and clear the rift alone

Rewards: 1. 3,000

2. 10 SP

3. ???

2. Find a party and clear the rift

Rewards: 1. 1,500 EXP

2. 1 SP

3. D rank weapon box"

Akemi: "Hmm, I get more experience and SP from doing the rift by myself...why would I need a D rank weapon?" he hears girls talking loudly then looks up and sees a group of girls surrounding a boy with short blonde hair, light blue eyes, silver armor, a shield on his back and a sword on the left side of his hip

Girl 1: "Hey! I was here first back off!"

Girl 2: "No you move! I was here asking to for a party with Dai first!"

Dai puts his hands up with his eyes closed "hey hey no need to fight, you can both join my party"

Akemi stares at Dai "If my memory serves me right that's Dai Haru or something, he's the second strongest in the class according to the class board, he's a rather carefree guy, I think he's a tank right?"

Guys Voices: "Class rep, please form a party with us!"

Akemi looks to his left sees 3 boys bowing with their right hand to a girl with light purple hair and a braid on each side of her head going down to her shoulders, dark purple eyes, and glasses "speaking of the class board, that's Yuki Ayaka right? The strongest person in the class according to the class board from what I remember, she is a pretty quiet girl but when it comes to magic it's a completely different story" he looks back at the window then walks slowly towards the rift

Dai opens his eyes and looks at Akemi as he walks past "oh?"

Akemi walks in front of Ms. Taka

Ms. Taka looks at Akemi "Oh? You're Lian Xu right? I recommend that you form a party with some people, I would rather you not get hurt or worse"

Akemi: "I don't need a party, but thank you for your concern"

Ms. Taka smirks a little "You are confident, but if you insist you can go alone"

Doi points at Akemi "AHAHAHA look at Lian Xu trying to be a tough guy and enter the rift by himself! Don't you see everyone forming parties? Even the class rep and Dai are forming parties"

Yuuto looks up at Akemi along with the rest of the class

Doi: "We all know you aren't going to do it, come down here I'll let you in my party since no one will take you...If you bow and carry my bags" he laughs loudly

Akemi ignores Doi and walks slowly into the rift

Doi eyes widens "he actually did it"

The walls of the room turns into dead trees, the light from the room turns dark and the ceiling turns into a night sky, full of stars and a full moon

Akemi looks around "so this is a D rank rift"

A message appears next to Akemi "Defeat The Hellbound


Rewards: 1. 3,000 Exp

2. 10SP

3. ???"

Akemi looks at the message "The Hellbound? That is a new one"

The message closes

Akemi stretches "let's explore a little then" he starts walking

Outside Of The Rift

Yuuto: "Did he really just..." he runs towards the rift "Lian Xu!" he jumps into the rift

Doi stares at the portal with a nervous smile and a drop of sweat coming from the left side of his head

Dai walks to the rift "I can't be falling behind, now can I?" he waves and walking into the rift

The 2 girls run behind Dai "wait for us!"

Ayaka: "I'll be going too then" she walks into the rift with her arms crossed and the three boys following her

Doi: "H-hey!" he looks behind him at his party "come on guys, there is no way we are losing out!"

Inside The Rift

The students enter the rift and while looking around

Dai: "Oh?" he puts his left hand against his forehead

Yuuto looking around " I don't see him!"

Doi: "he's probably already did, since he's so weak"

Yuuto: "Dammit" he starts running

Doi: "Hey! Where are you going?"

Dai: "Well I'm off too" he leaves with his party

Ayaka walks in the opposite direction of Dai and his party

Somewhere In The Rift

Akemi walks past bushes and trees while looking forward "This looks about the same as the goblin dungeon I received from the system"

The bushes to the right of Akemi starts rustling

Akemi: "Hm?"

A small wolf with red fur and a horn in the middle of it's head jumps from the bushes and pounces at Akemi

Akemi raises his right arm and slaps the wolf with the back of his hand, turning it's head into a pile of blood

Message: "You Have Defeated A Horned Wolf

You Have Gained 100EXP"

Akemi looks at the message "I gain experience from defeating the monsters inside of rifts too. Just like inside of a dungeon" he turns around and notices dozens of red eyes piercing the darkness " looks like I've found a good farming spot" he holds out his right hand a a dagger with a white hilts forms

East Of The Forest

Dai walking "Um"

The 2 girls walk close behind Dai with their hand on his shield while looking around

Girl 1: "It is so dark"

Girl 2: "I don't want to get lost"

Dai: "there isn't a need to be-"

The girls bump their heads into Dai's shield

Girls: "Ouch!"

Girl 2: "Why did you suddenly-"

Dai: "Shh!" he grabs his should off of his back

Girl 1: "Did something happen?" she looks past Dai and sees 3 horned wolves in a circle eating something she squeals quietly and hides back behind Dai

Dai: "You girls stay back" he walks toward the wolves and raises his shield into the air with both hands then plants it into the ground "Hey." he gets on his knees as his shield and armor start shining

The wolves stop eating and looks at Dai then start growling

Dai: "Come!" his shield shines brighter

Girl 1: "Be careful Dai!"

The wolves charge at Dai and jumps in the air

Dai smirks "Heh!" he grabs his sword with his right hand and spins to the left, in front of his shield "Spanda Style: Half Moon" he swings his sword horizontally

After a momentary pause a slashes appears across all of the wolves, cutting them in half and they fall to the ground

Dai: "Phew"

The girls run to Dai

Girl 1: "Dai!"

Girl 2: "You were amazing!"

Dai rubs his head with his left hand "haha thank you"

West Of The Forest

The three boys stand in front of Ayaka

Boy 2: "Don't worry about anything class rep"

Boy 3: "That's right, you can just sit back and relax"

Boy 1: "We will handle everything" he puts his right hand up

The three boys smile proudly

Ayaka looks at the sword on the boys waists then looks up towards the right of the forest

The boys stop

Ayaka looks ahead on her and stops

Boy 1: "Class rep, please stay behind us"

Ayaka looks confused then she past the boys and sees 5 horned wolves with their backs turned

Boy 2: "There are 5 of them though? We'll be okay right?"

Boy 3: "We have to be strong enough! For the class rep!"

Boy 1 & 2: "FOR THE CLASS REP!"

The three boys charge at the horned wolves

The horned wolves turns around and growls

Boys: "HAAAA"

The wolves pounce at the boys

Boy 2 takes out his sword and stabs a wolf in the chest "Heh, I got yo-"

The sword breaks

Boy 2: "What? His fur is too tough!"

The wolf knocks boy 2 on the ground and opens it's mouth

Boy 2 lifts his left arm

The wolf bites boy 2's arm

Boy 2: "AHHHHH"

Boy 1: "Just hold on, I'll be there!" he blocks a wolf with his sword

Boy 3: "Class rep get out of here, we'll hand it"

Ayaka watches the boys then sighs "I don't need you guys to protect me" she holds out her left hand and a white light shines from her hand then a white book appears

2 of the wolves look at Ayaka and walks slowly towards her while growling

Ayaka opens her books and looks down at it " moonlight drowns out all but the brightest star, as the sun covers the world, come before me drum of the heavens"

Clouds start forming above the wolves and the boys

The boys looks at the dark clouds

Ayaka: "and defeat thy enemy in one swift strike" thunder roars from the clouds "Smite!"

5 thunderbolts comes from the clouds and hits the wolves

The wolves yelp loudly as their fur turns from red to black then they fall over with smoke coming from their bodies

Boy 1: "Class rep! You saved us"

Boy 2: "Praise the class rep" he gets up holding his left arm with his right hand

Boy 3: "Our goddess"

Ayaka stares at the boys

Elsewhere in the forest

Akemi stands on a mountain of dead wolves while looking up at the moon, as it shines down on him

Window: "Akemi Haruki

Level: 20

HP: 1580

MP: 280

Title: Goblin Slayer

Job: None

Strength: 89

Agility: 89

Intelligence: 20

Defense: 59

Luck: 20"

Message: "

Title: Wolf Slayer Obtained

Wolf species take 60% more damage"

Akemi turns his head to the right and his eye shines gold in front of the moon