D Rank Rift Pt 2

*Pant Pant*

Doi runs through the forest with two boys following him

Doi: "Come on, we're almost there!"

Three horned wolves jump from the bushes behind Doi and his party

Doi: "just a little more"

The wolves get closer to the boys

Doi: "Now!" they jump forward

The wolves fall into a big hole in the ground

Doi falls on the ground then turn toward the wolves "take this" raises his left hand

Dirt from the ground gathers above the wolves creating a large boulder with a sharp bottom

Doi smirks and drops his hand down

The boulder falls on the wolves and blood comes from under the boulder

Doi lays down while panting heavily "This" pants "is going to take forever"

Boy 1 looks at Doi "what are we gonna do?" he wipes the dirt from his face

Doi: "There's only one thing we can do" he takes a deep breath "we can only try to survive until the class rep or Dai kills the boss" he stands up and looks at the sky "until then, we should tread carefully"

Elsewhere In The Forest

Yuuto running through the forest "Lian Xu, where are you?"

Two wolves jump out of the bushes on both sides at Yuuto

Yuuto pulls his rapier from the left side of his waist and his eyes become narrow "move..." he extends his rapier past the wolves and bolts past them

The two wolves fall backward with a hole in the center of both of their heads

Yuuto: "Why did you enter this rift by yourself? Why didn't you go looking for a party...I would have joined you, tch dammit" he runs faster "please be safe"

Center Of The Forest

Akemi walks while looking at the status window "I've leveled so much just from killing those weak wolves and I got a new title" he presses on the title "it's just like my goblin slayer title but for the monsters here" he equips the title then looks up seeing a huge castle "this must be where the rift boss is" he stares at the two giant doors in front of him "I would love to turn around and farm as much as I can but" he puts his hands on the door and pushes it open

The doors make a loud creak revealing nothing but darkness then torches light on each side of the wall down a long hallway

Akemi: "I still have to visit Rin today" he walks into the castle

Minutes Later

Akemi keeps walking and stops in front of a door "this should be the boss room...That was faster than I thought" he pushes the door open

Smoke comes from the dim room covering Akemi's feet

Deep voice: "Who dares enter my domain?"

Akemi steps into the room without saying a word

Deep Voice: "If you don't want to die, then leave!"

Akemi stops in the middle of the room "trying to scare me won't work... Show yourself"

The deep voice chuckles "You are a brave one"

Chain sounds can be heard around the room

Akemi looks to his right and sees a large shadow with red eyes piercing the darkness

The large shadow walks into the ray of moonlight shining into the room from the roof

Deep voice: "You ignored my warning"

Akemi looks closer and sees a large wolf with jet black fur, red eyes and a chain around it's neck. He looks above the wolf's head and sees a window that says Hellbound in white letters

Akemi's thoughts: "The name above his head is white. But the name above the goblin champion was yellow...Does that mean he's weaker than the goblin champion? Or did I just get stronger from leveling?"

Message: "The color of an enemy's name compares their power to the player's current power, the darker the enemy's name, the stronger"

Akemi: "Oh? Then it must be really weak then"

Hellhound: "You can only blame yourself"

Akemi stares at the Hellbound "Oh, A dog that can talk, isn't that cute?"

The Hellbound snarls at Akemi showing his dark teeth "A dog? You dare disrespect me!?" the ground cracks under his paws "today will be your last"

Akemi cracks his neck with his hands on his hips "you talk too much" he gestures the Hellbound with his right hand to come to him "just attack me already"

East Of The Forest

A wolf falls on the ground

Dai panting "why are there so many of them?"

The girls get closer to Dai

Girl 2: "Um, Dai"

Girl 1: "We're surrounded!"

Six horned wolves gather around Dai and the girls

Dai looks down at his armor full of scratches and bite marks

The wolves get closer while growling

Voice: "Smite!"

Thunder comes from the sky and hits the wolves

The wolves red fur turns black and they fall to the ground

Dai: "That's-" he turns around and smiles

The class rep and three guys walk from through the trees

Dai: "Class rep!"

Ayaka walks towards Dai and pushes up her glasses "you looked like you were in trouble"

Dai: "Me? In trouble?"

Ayaka sighs "anyway did you find any clues to the boss is located"

Dai: "No luck on our end, what about you?"

Ayaka: "Well we did pass a-"

Voice: "Hey hey, why is everyone here?"

Ayaka and Dai turns around

Doi and his party walks towards them "did you two form a party or something?"

Dai: "Doi, you're still alive?"

Doi: "Ha obviously! Who do you think I am?" he looks at Dai "looking at your condition I'm surprised you're still alive"

Dai shrugs and smiles "I guess we're both lucky then"

The bushes starts rusting behind Dai

Dai jumps backward with his back towards Ayaka, Doi and the other "there's still more?" he takes his shield off of his back "stay behind me"

A book appears in Ayaka's hand and everyone gets in a battle stance

Yuuto leaps from the bushes with his rapier in his hand then looks around ignoring everyone "damn, he isn't here either"

Doi: "Well well well, look who decided to join the party

Yuuto stands up and puts his right hand on his chin "I am sure I looked everywhere, unless I missed somewhere"

Doi: "Hey!"

Yuuto: "If I did, it would be deep in the forest, but I don't think he would be able to make it that far into the forest"


Yuuto glares at Doi "Shut up"

Doi takes a step back and sweats heavily "w-what was that"

Yuuto: "It is your fault to begin with, if you didn't open your fat mouth in the first place I would have formed a party"

Doi: Huh!? My fault!? What are you even talking about?"

Yuuto: "Tch, an idiot as always"

Doi: What? You want to try saying that again?"

Yuuto: "Or What?"

Dai: "Now now you two, let's stop"

Doi: "He was the one that started it"

Ayaka: "Enough you two"

Doi and Yuuto look away from each other "Tch!"

Ayaka: "Since we are all here, we should form a party and travel together. It is the safest way for all of us to get out of here alive"

Doi: "A party? with this guy?" he point at Yuuto "over my dead body!"

Yuuto: "I was about to say the same thing about you!"

Ayaka: "I think you are misunderstanding me" she pushes up her glasses then looks at Yuuto and Doi "I wasn't asking"

Doi flinches "Eh"

Yuuto sighs "Fine"

Dai puts his arms around Yuuto and Doi's shoulders "then it's official~!"

Doi: "You're too close!"

Dai: "Oh come on, don't be like that"

Ayaka: "Now that that's settled, let's go"

Dai: "Go where exactly?"

Ayaka: "Oh right, I didn't finish telling you earlier" she turns around "before we met up with you guys we passed at suspicious castle but we ignored it"

Yuuto: "Why did you ignore it?"

Ayaka: For one, I wasn't completely sure what was in there and didn't want to take a risk and second she points to her left with her thumb "these guys are useless"

Boy 1,2 and 3: "Hey!"

Ayaka: "And also something else bothered me

Dai: "something else?"

Ayaka: "When I looked closer, the door to the castle was open and the torches were lit"

Dai: "Hmm, that is weird"

Ayaka: "Right? So we're going now!"

Everyone: "Right!"

Inside Of The Castle

A loud bang echoes through the castle

Akemi: "Is that it?" he walks towards a cloud of smoke

The smoke clears and a giant dent is in the wall with the Hellbound in it

Hellbound: "You...Who are you"

Akemi walks in front of the Hellbound "Me? Just a clown of a god"

Hellbound: "You still want to joke !?" he leans forward quickly and a red rune forms in front of his mouth "Hellfire!" a giant red flame come from the rune and engulfs Akemi

A message appears next to Akemi "Passive: Fire Resistance Obtained

Fire based attacks deal less damage"

Akemi's right hand comes from the flames and punches the Hellbound in the forehead

The Hellbound flies back into the wall

Akemi: "That hurts" a dagger appears in his right hand

Hellbound: "Wait, spare me please I'll do-"

Akemi dashes towards the Hellbound and stabs him in the forehead

The Hellbound's eyes roll in back of his head

Message: " Quest Completed

Defeat The Hellbound


Rewards: 1. 3,000 Exp

2. 10SP

3. ???"

Akemi: "That was much quicker than I thought it would be" he looks at the Hellbound and sees a white orb shining inside of his head "hm?" he digs his hand inside of the Hellbound's head and grabs the orb "what is this?"

Message: "Passive: Orb Seeker Obtained

Orbs sometimes can be found inside of defeated monsters, crush the orb to obtain a random skill or passive from the enemy, skills can only be obtained once"

Akemi: "Oh? Now this one is really useful" he crushes the orb

Message: "Skill: Hellfire Obtained

Form a fire rune in your hand and burn your foes to ashes. Damage relative to Intelligence. 20MP cost"

Akemi: "Relative to my Intelligence? So it's a magic skill"

Outside The Castle

Ayaka: "There it is"

Doi looks around at the castle "that is a really big castle"

Dai: "But why would the door be open?"

Ayaka: "I have no idea, but it looks like the rift boss would be here"

Dai: "Maybe the boss is welcoming us"

Ayaka: "I never heard of that happening but it is a possibility"

Yuuto: "It does have a boss feel to it?"

Ayaka: "Now that everyone's here, let's defeat the boss so we can get out of here"

Yuuto: "Lian Xu please stay alive until we kill the boss"

A light appears in front of them and forms a rift

Ayaka: "What? A rift?"

Dai: "Why is a rift here?"

Doi: "Does that mean the rift is done?"

Ayaka: "Impossible! The only way for the rift to reopen is for the boss to be defeated!"

Dai: "Well, no use worrying about the details class rep"

Doi: "What Dai said, the only thing that matters is that we can get out of this place"

Doi and the background students cheer and runs through the rift

Dai walks through the rift

Yuuto looks around then walks slowly through the rift

Ayaka stares into castle "this is all too suspicious" she walks through the rift

Inside The Rift

Akemi looks at the window and claims rewards 1 and 2

Message: "3,000XP has been rewarded, you have leveled up x5

you have claimed 10 SP"

Akemi: "I leveled 5 times just from that? Something must be wrong with this thing" he looks at the third reward "I hope this one is good, I don't need something I can't use" he presses the window

A light shines from the window and a key appears in Akemi's hand

Message: "Class change key claimed"

Akemi: "A class change!"