You Did What?

The students standing around in the white room talking loudly while being tended to by the medics

Chatter: "We made it back alive! I thought we were going to die in there, she said that was a D rank rift? There must have been some kind of mistake"

Yuuto quickly looks around past the injured but lively students

Dai looks at Yuuto "you look troubled, are you looking for someone?"

Yuuto: "Yes but-"

Dai: "Maybe they just didn't come out of the rift yet"

Yuuto: "I really hope that's the case"

Inside Of The Rift

Akemi: "A class change key?" he looks to his left and his stat window pops up

Window: Name : Akemi Haruki

Level: 25

HP: 1680

MP: 380

Title: "Wolf Slayer"

Job: None

Strength: 94

Agility: 94

Intelligence: 25

Defense: 64

Luck: 25

SP: 10"

Akemi puts his right hand on his chin "my intelligence is pretty low" he looks holds out his left hand towards the wall and looks to his left

A red rune appears over Akemi's hand

Akemi: "Hellfire!"

A small flamethrower comes from the rune and slightly burns the wall

Akemi looks at his left hand "this is more of a lighter than anything else" he raises his left hand and taps the window "for now I will focus all my SP into intelligence" he looks at his right hand "and as for this"

The class change key turns into a blue light and disappears

Akemi: "I will leave this in the inventory for now" he puts his hands in his pockets and looks at the rift "guess it's time to leave"

Outside Of The Rift

Ms.Taka standing in front of the students "Ok quiet down"

The students looks at Ms.Taka

Ms.Taka: "First of all I would like to congratulate you all for making it back alive, you've showed promise with this little activity" she looks around at the student "someone is missing"

The students look around at each other

Ms.Taka: "Where is Lian Xu?"

Dai: "We haven't seen him since we entered the rift"

Doi: "More than likely the Idiot got himself killed"

Dai looks at Doi quickly "Doi!"

Doi digs in his right ear with his right pinky "what? I'm just saying"

Ms.Taka: "Tch, I told him" she turns towards the rift and the coat on her back floats up "you students wait here!" she walks towards the rift

A foot steps out of the rift

Akemi emerges from the portal with his hands in his pockets

Ms.Taka stops as she's face to face with Akemi

Akemi notices the look on Ms.Taka's face "did I miss something?"

Ms.Taka looks down and smirks "This kid"

Yuuto: "Lian Xu...I knew you were alive" he smiles

Dai: "See Doi!"

Doi: "Tch!" he looks away

Ms.Taka: "since you're back, let the medics have a-"

Akemi puts his right hand up "no need"

Ms.Taka: "Huh?"

Akemi: "I'm not injured"

Ms.Taka looks at Akemi from head to toe "Well that looks to be the case" she turns toward the student "class is dismissed for today, your reward shall be distributed tomorrow"

The student cheer loudly

Akemi walks past Ms.Taka

Ms.Taka stares at Akemi

Ms.Taka Thoughts: "Every student came back with an injury big or small...even the top students in the class have some sort of scratch...but you're spotless, what the hell happened in there?"

Akemi looks at the ceiling "I should get roses from the garden or Rin will get mad again"

At The Hospital

The door slides open and Akemi walks into the room

Akemi: "Guess who's her-" he looks at the bed and notices Rin laying in the bed sleep "oh?" he takes the old roses out of the vase next to her bed and replaces them with the new ones then sits in the chair next to the head of her bed "she must have been tired "he puts his right hand on her head

Rin opens her eyes slowly "Hmm?" she looks to the left at Akemi

Akemi smiles with his eyes closed at Rin "did you have a nice nap?"

Rin: "Akemi?" her eyes widen as her face turns red then she sits up quickly "w-w-when did you get here?"

Akemi: "Not too long ago actually, but you were sleep so I sat down"

Rin: "You didn't knock did-"

Akemi: "Nope"

Rin: "Don't cut me off!"

Akemi laughs a little

Rin sighs "anyway how did school go?" she says while rubbing her eyes

Akemi: "normal...well actually, our teacher had the class enter a D ranked rift today"

Rin: "Yes that's nice..." it takes her a moment to realize what Akemi said "YOU DID WHAT!?"

Akemi: "I said-"

Rin: "No no no, I heard what you said! You went into a rift!?" she gets close to Akemi's face

Akemi: "Too close"

Rin: "Do you know how dangerous that is? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Akemi waves his right hand side to side "no no it was an easy time"

Rin leans back on the bed "an easy time huh? What exactly happened in there?"

Akemi: "Oh right right"

A few minutes pass as Akemi tells Rin what all happened in the rift leaving out the class change key

Rin stares at Akemi with a blank stare

Akemi looks at Rin with a innocent face and sparkles around his head "were you worri-?"

A pillow hits Akemi in the face

Akemi: "Oof"

Rin: "Shut up!"

The door opens and a nurse walks into the room

Nurse: "Excuse m-" a drop of sweat comes from the right side of her head as she sees Rin and Akemi

Rin has both of her hands raised making a claw gesture and her tongue wiggles while hissing loudly "you reckless idiot!"

Akemi both of his hands up "Hey hey, calm down"

Rin: "Ahhhh!"

Nurse: "u-um excuse me, but visiting hours are about to be over"

Akemi and Rin looks at the nurse "Huh?"

Akemi: "Phew! saved"

Rin sits back "Tch!"

Akemi stands up "I will be back tomorrow Rin"

Rin looks out of the window

Akemi walks toward the door

Rin: "...See you tomorrow...Idiot"

Akemi smiles widely and walks out of the room

The nurse watches Akemi leave while waving

Akemi: "today was a eventful day" he yawns "I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow"