A Promise With You

Ms.Taka: Dai Haru!

Dai: "Here!"

Ms.Taka: Doi Isamu!

Doi: "Here!"

Akemi looking outside of the window and yawns

Ms.Taka: "Akemi Haruki"

The students looks around

Students: "Who's that?, Did we have someone by that name here?, I've never heard that name before today"

Akemi raises his hand "Here..."

The students look back at Akemi

Doi: "Akemi?" he laughs "Did you try and change your name or something Lian X-"

Akemi looks at Doi with a blank expression "shut up...That isn't my name"

Doi's smile quickly turns into an angry expression "what did you say to me weakling"

Ms.Taka: "Quiet you two!"

Doi turns his head "Tch!"

Ms.Taka puts down the clipboard in her hand on the desk "now that attendance is done" she sits on top of her desk and crosses her legs while facing the class "I have an announcement to make"

Dai: " an announcement?"

Ms.Taka: "In 2 months, there will be an examination for all classes"

Ayaka raises her hand

Ms.Taka: "Yes?"

Ayaka: "What is a class examination?"

Ms.Taka: "Right right, a class examination is similar to the entrance exam you all took but besides fighting instructors you will be fighting each other" she crosses her fingers "also, you will not change rank in the school, it is just to assess what kind of hunter you are and your abilities"

A student raises his hand "Um, what do you mean what kind of hunter?"

Ms.Taka: "For instance, Ayaka is a mage type hunter, she specializes in using her spells to defeat her enemies from a distance but mages are left wide open when casting spells and falls short in hand to hand combat compared to others" she points to Dai "Dai is a tank hunter, he is there to take most of the hits for the party and get the attention of monster so other members can do damage but, he doesn't do as much damage as other hunters do"

Doi: "Is the type of hunter we are assessed through our fights"

Ms.Taka: "The school uses a special card to determine that, the card measures your capabilities and tells what kind of hunter you are and will be"

The student stare at Ms.Taka

Ms.Taka: "There are all different kinds of ways to fight as a hunter but hunters are separated into 4 categories, mages for long range, assassins for close quarters combat, tanks for defense, and healers for survivability and buffs" she leans back "with that being said, tanks and healers will not be taking part in combat, instead they will focus on what they specialize in" she stands up "we will talk more on the subject later" she turns towards the board "let's start class"


The door open

Akemi: "Surprise!~" he stands in the doorway looking at Rin

Rin staring out of the window while sitting in the bed and the light blue blanket over her legs

Akemi walks into the room "Helloo, earth to Rin?"

Rin eyes widen suddenly and she turns to Akemi "Oh, Akemi when did you get here?"

Akemi: "I just got here" he replaces the old roses with the new ones "hey Rin"

Rin: "What?"

Akemi: "Let's go outside"

Rin: "Outside?"

Akemi: "Yeah, you're always staring out of the window, so why not go out?"

Rin looks down at her legs "Akemi, I can-"

Akemi: "Don't worry, I already gotcha covered" he runs out of the room

Rin stares at the door confused

Akemi walks back in the room with a wheelchair and his face shining "Tada~!"

Rin: "Pff" she covers her mouth

Akemi: "What?" he tilts his hand

Rin: "Nothing"

Akemi walks to Rin, leaving the wheelchair at the door "okay, let's go"

Rin: "why did you-"

Akemi: "I don't want you hurting yourself trying to get into the chair" he moves the blanket from over Rin

Rin: "Akemi?"

Akemi puts his left arm under Rin's legs and his right arm behind her back

Rin: "Hey hey hey"

Akemi: "relax, or ill drop you" he smiles and picks her up (Princess Carry)

Rin face turns red with her head against Akemi's chest

Akemi walks towards the wheelchair

Rin holds on to Akemi's shirt

Akemi lowers Rin into the wheelchair "there"

Rin looks up at Akemi

Akemi smiles in Rin's face "you ready?"

Rin looks away "let's just go"

Akemi notices Rin tapping her leg in anticipation "alright alright" he get behind the wheelchair

Moments Later

Akemi walks out of the hospital while pushing Rin in the wheelchair

Rin looks up at the sky as the sun shines down on her

Akemi: "It is really bright today? We should go ba-" he looks down at Rin and is shocked by the wide smile on her face "hmph" he smirks "well never mind" he continues pushing Rin towards the court "you know Rin"

Rin: "Hm?"

Akemi pushes Rin slowly around the court "the first time I seen you was out here...You were staring at me from through your window"

Rin: "Huh? I wasn't staring at you!"

Akemi: "Really? It looked like you were"

Rin: "Why would I be staring at you if I didn't know who you were?"

Akemi: "I don't know, that is what you should be asking yourself" he shrugs

Rin: "What! Try saying tha-"

Akemi pats Rin's head "anyway, it is really hot"

Rin looks up at Akemi with her cheeks puffed out

Akemi: "Wait a minute" he stops and runs into the hospital

Rin: "Where are you going" she looks at Akemi as he runs "so fast!" she sighs

Minutes Later

Rin looks down at the ground

A bowl of ice cream touches the back of Rin's neck

Rin looks up quickly and her body shivers "AHHHH!" she looks behind her and sees Akemi

Akemi: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he leans forward

Rin she puts her left hand on the back of her neck while staring at Akemi

Akemi keeps laughing

Rin sees how close Akemi's face is to the bowl and turn the wheelchair around then rolls closer to Akemi

Akemi wipes a tear from in right eye "hm?"

Rin grabs the back on Akemi's head with her left hand and pushes it into the bowl

Akemi: "Ugh!"

Rin laughs while pointing at Akemi

Akemi looks up and gets close to Rin's face

Rin: "Hahahahaha- huh?"

Akemi starts rubbing his face against Rin's face

Rin starts shaking while blushing "s-s-stop you idiot, that's cold!" she pushes Akemi and starts rolling away

Akemi chances Rin with his face covered in ice cream "come back, I need to be warmed up"

Rin smiles "stay away from me!"

The nurses watches them from inside of the hospital

Nurse: "My, they seem to be having fun"

Nurse 2: "She does only seems to smile or have fun when he visits...I'm glad"


Akemi sitting on the corner of a white bench leaning back with his eyes closed and Rin sitting next to him

Rin wipes the ice cream from her shirt "My clothes"

Akemi: "Hehe, you'll be fine" he opens his eyes and looks at Rin "Rin, I've been meaning to ask"

Rin: "What is it?"

Akemi: "When are you getting released from here?"

Rin's hands stops moving and she doesn't say anything

Akemi: "hm?"

A flashback comes to Rin's mind


Nurse: "I remember, I told you you had 2 months to live but your illness is worsening much faster than expected"

Rin: "What do you mean?"

Nurse: "At best you maybe have a week or 3...I'm sorry"


Rin: "Um, Akemi"

Akemi: "Because, I was thinking after you got released you would have to come back to the house right?"

Rin looks at Akemi

Akemi: "And since I don't have a place to go, we would end up living together" he laughs for a moment then stops "you would need someone to watch over you right?"

Rin's eyes widen

Akemi looks at Rin and smile "I'll protect you then"

Rin looks back down for a moment "...You promise?"

Akemi: "Of course! No matter what"

Rin bites her lip and a tear drops into her lap "...Idiot"

Akemi : "Now what were you going to say? Sorry for cutting you off"

Rin waits for a moment "I...I'm just kind of sleepy, so I was going to go inside before it gets too dark"

Akemi stands up "Oh, i'll see you later then"

A Minute Later

Akemi stands waving as a nurse pushes Rin in the building "that girl" he starts walking down the street then stops "A promise huh?" he looks at his right hand "I'll get strong enough to keep my promise" a bright light comes from his hand and a key with a skull at the top appears"

Window: "Would You Like To Start Class Change Quest?