The Class Change Quest Begins

Window: "Would You Like To Start Class Change Quest?


Akemi stares at the window then raises his right hand and taps yes with his index finger

A moment later, a giant black shadow appears on the ground in front of Akemi

Akemi looks at the shadow

Two huge purple doors with a skeleton on each end of them, six silver chains going across the doors and a lantern with a blue light in the middle comes from the shadow

Akemi stares at the door and his eyes widened

The key floats out of Akemi's hand slowly and into the lantern

A moment later the eyes of the skeletons glow blue and the doors open slowly, revealing a bright light

Akemi: "No turning back now" he walks through the doors and they close slowly behind him

The bright light disappears and Akemi appears in the middle of a dark graveyard surrounded by trees, under a starry sky

Akemi looks around "where?" he notices the tombstones and trees around him "a graveyard in the middle of a forest?"

A window appears to the right of Akemi

Window: "Class Selection Quest

Defeat: Undead (0/200)

Solace (0/1)

Survive as long as possible"

Akemi: "Undead?" he thinks about skeletons with spikey helmets on "well that shouldn't be a problem" he looks at the name solace "but solace? Is that the name of the boss of this place?"

A timer appears in the sky and starts counting

Akemi looks up and quickly tilts his head to the left as an arrow flies past his face and scratches his right cheek "an arrow?" he looks where the arrow came from and sees a skeleton archer "oh?"

The skeleton archer pulls back the string on the bow getting ready to fire again

Akemi: "No you don't!" he runs toward the skeleton archer

The skeleton archer fires the arrow at Akemi

Akemi moves to the left and cocks back his right arm with his fist balled up

The skeleton archer looks up at Akemi not moving

Akemi looks to the right and quickly jumps to the left as an arrow pierces the ground, he looks down at the arrow "there's more?" he keeps jumping backwards as more arrows miss him and pierce the ground "how many archers are there?" he jumps over a tombstone and sits behind it as the arrow hit the tombstone "tch, I have no idea where they all are" he looks at the skeleton archer firing arrows slowly

Teeth chattering sounds can be heard behind Akemi

Akemi: "huh?" he turns around

A skeleton with a sword in it's right hand, and shield in it's left hand standing in front of Akemi staring down at him

Akemi: "When did this skeleton get here?"

The skeleton raises it's sword in the air

Akemi: "Shi-" he jumps to the left

The skeleton swings it's sword downward cutting the tombstone in half

Akemi rolls on the ground quickly as skeleton hands burst from the ground almost grabbing him. He taps the ground with his right hand and flips onto his feet while looking at the ground "tch" he looks up

A huge group on skeletons stare at Akemi while some of them still climb out of the ground

Akemi cracks his neck "there is a lot of them" he bends his knees then disappears

Window: "Quick step activated"

Akemi dashes to the skeletons, punching them and shattering their skulls while their bodies falls to the ground

Arrows come from above Akemi

Akemi jumps back dodging the arrows then looks at the tree "those archers are annoying!" he looks back at the skeletons and notices the skeleton solider with the sword and shield "I have an idea" he dashes to the skeleton solider

The skeleton solider turns around slowly

Akemi waves at the skeleton solider with a skeleton's hand "missing something?" he hits the skeleton solider with the shield, shattering it's skull "now"

The skeleton archer slowly loading another arrow

Akemi: "I'd better save my MP as much as possible" he runs toward the skeleton archer

Arrows come from the sky towards Akemi

Akemi: "These archers are so accurate" he raises the shield blocking the arrows

The skeleton archer pulls the string back

Akemi spins quickly to his right and throws the shield at the skeleton archer

The shield flies towards the archer and knocks it's head on the ground

Akemi jumps into the air and steps on the skeleton's head crushing it, he picks up the shield quickly and puts it in front of him ready to block the arrows

No more arrows fire

Akemi stares at the trees patiently


Akemi: "Are they all done?" he turns around and notices there are much more skeletons than he remembers "it is like a mini army" he hops slightly "well whatever, they will be easy to beat without the archers here" he runs towards the skeletons

Intermission: BABADOW


Akemi steps back as he sees more skeletons coming out of the ground "dammit, no matter how many I kill, more just keep coming" he looks to his right

Window: "Class Selection Quest

Defeat: Undead (199/200)

Solace (0/1)

Survive as long as possible"

Akemi: "Is the system glitched? I am sure I killed more than 200 by now!"

A skeleton swings at Akemi

Akemi sidesteps and hits the skeleton with the shield shattering it's chest

The skeleton falls on the ground

Akemi: "I don't get, why does it stay at 199" he looks around "and more just keep coming" he keeps panting

Two skeletons run towards Akemi from each side

Akemi jumps back

The skeletons run into each other then falls to the ground

Akemi: "I can't keep this up" he looks around as he dodges the skeletons "what is wrong here?" he looks far behind the skeletons and notices a skeleton in a purple robe with a pearl necklace and a staff "has that skeleton always been there?"

The robed skeleton raises it's staff slowly then a skeleton comes from the ground

Akemi: "What? Is that thing a necromancer? Is that skeleton the reason I can't complete the first half of my quest?"

Window: "Quick Step Activated"

Akemi dashes past all of the skeletons and gets in front of the robed skeleton "...There you are..."

The robed skeleton looks at Akemi

Akemi uppercuts the robed skeleton shattering it's upper body

A moment later the skeletons start falling apart on the ground

Window: "Class Selection Quest

Defeat: Undead (200/200)

Solace (0/1)

Survive as long as possible"

Akemi pants heavily as he looks at the window then smiles "finally, I can rela-" his eyes open wide as he feels a massive ominous pressure behind him "what?" he starts sweating heavily "it's behind me?" he turns to the left very slowly and sees a white visor with a red symbol in the middle of it

A strong wind hits Akemi in his side before he could fully turn around

Akemi spits up blood "ACK!" he flies in the air and through three trees then slides on the ground hitting his head on another tree

Footsteps echo throughout the forest

Akemi uses his hands to lift himself slowly to his knees "ouch!" he holds his left ribs with his right hand as blood flows through his fingers onto the ground "that was such a heavy blow" he looks at his ribs "who"

The footsteps get closer

Akemi looks up towards the footsteps and he smirks nervously as a memory from the system comes to mind

Message: "The color of an enemy's name compares their power to the player's current power, the darker the enemy's name, the stronger"

A man with short messy black hair, a white visor over his eyes with a red symbol in the center of it, a black and red steampunk trench coat, black steampunk pants and black boots

Akemi stares at the man "you have got to be kidding me"

A message appears over the man's head in blood red letters, almost black "Angel Of The Abyss Solace"