Akemi's Lose


Woman's Voice: We have to hurry her kidneys are starting to fail

Eyes opens and sees a white ceiling with bright lights and a nurse above with a mask over her face

Woman's Voice: "Don't worry Aiko, you will be ok"

Rin closes her eyes "Ak...emi"


Akemi opens his eyes and sees a dark sky "What?" he sits up slowly "am I alive?" he looks down at his ribs and notices his wound is healed "it's gone" he touches his ribs with his right hand "even my arm...But how?"

A window appears in front of Akemi

Window: "Class selected...Necromancer"

Akemi looks at the window and his eyes widens "My class? I don't remember choosing such a class" he stands up and stares at the window "A necromancer is a person that has mastered the dark arts and can control the dead right?" he looks at the skeletons bones scattered around the ground"

Another window pops up

Window: "

500 SP to Intelligence

Skill: Resurrection Lv 1 Obtained, reach beyond the grave and call the souls of the undead to do your bidding 30MP per resurrected (resurrection can fail, three tries only until soul disappears permanently, (0/200)

Skill: Call Of The Dead Obtained, call forth your undead 5MP

Skill: Soul Banish Obtained, banish one of your resurrected and receive 30MP return

Passive: Mana Regeneration Obtained, regenerate 2MP per second"

Akemi stares at the window

A window appears to the left of Akemi

Window: "

Undead (1,000/200)

Solace (1/1)

Do to points accumulated would you like you like to unlock hidden class


Akemi: " A hidden class?" he lifts his right hand "hopefully it's something different than a class that has to do with magic" he presses yes with his index finger

A darkness comes from the window and engulfs Akemi

Akemi looks around quickly "what the-"

A message appears in front of Akemi

Message: "Even the greatest light will drown in the darkness."

Giant blue eyes appears in the darkness

Message: "When you stare into the abyss...The abyss stares back at you"

A window appears "Hidden Class: God Of The Abyss Obtained"

The darkness disappears

Akemi: "God of the abyss? what kind of class?"

A window appears next to Akemi


"1,000 SP into Intelligence

Passive: Mana Regeneration has become Mana Meditation

Mana Mediation, regenerate 5MP per second

Hellfire has become Hellflare

Hellflare, can call forth five runes to a selected location 20 MP per runes

Skill: Abyssal territory Obtained, creates a field of darkness self and allies receives 50% to all stats while enemies receive -10% to all stats, 200MP lasts 40 seconds"

Passive: God's authority Obtained, skills MP cost reduced by 50%

Skill: Abyss recall Obtained, hides resurrected in the darkness 0MP"

Akemi stares at the window of skills and passives "I-isn't this a but much?" he turns and looks at the skeletons on the ground "..." he holds out his left hand "resurrection"

A dark shadow appears underneath 200 of the skeletons and their bones turns black as they stand up from the ground slowly

Akemi: "Oh?" he stares at the skeletons as they all stand up and look at him "this is interesting" he looks around and notices Solace still on his knees "Did it not work on him?" he walks towards Solace and holds his right hand out "banish"

One of the skeleton soldiers disappears

Akemi stands in front of Solace "...Solace" he holds his right hand towards Solace "resurrect" a darkness appears around Solace then disappears

Solace doesn't move

Window: "resurrection failed 2 tries remaining"

Akemi stares at Solace "your god is calling you...resurrect"

A darkness appears around Solace

Solace stands up, with his white skin becoming blue

Akemi looks at Solace "glad you made it"

Solace looks at Akemi then bows

Akemi smiles "that's enough for now, Abyss recall"

The skeletons and Solace sink into the ground then disappear

A window appears "Class Change Quest Completed, Would You Like To Return


Akemi presses yes with his left index finger

A rift appears in front of Akemi then he walks through it

Akemi returns to the street where he accepted the quest "finally, I'm back" he looks up and notices the sun shining brightly "it's daytime, I'd better hurry to the house and get roses for Rin before I visit" he looks down "and change my clothes"


Akemi walks in front of his house and notices the roses in the garden are dead "What? What happened?" he runs to the flowers and crouches down as he touches them "why did they suddenly die?" he stands up "Rin is going to be so mad now" he sighs and walks into the house "I'd better hurry" he closes the door

At The Hospital

Akemi walks into the hospital and down the hall towards Rin's room then stands in front of her door "ok" he opens the door quickly and smiles "guess who!?" his smiles fades and he sees nothing in the room but a neat empty bed "um" he looks down the hall and sees a nurse "excuse me?"

The nurse looks at Akemi "Yes?" she walks towards Akemi

Akemi: "Isn't this suppose to be Rin's room? Where is she? Did you change her rooms?"

The nurse falls silent

Akemi: "Hm?"

Nurse: "Um, by any chance are you Akemi?"

Akemi: "Yes, why?"

The nurse pulls a letter from her folder and gives it to Akemi "I'm sorry"

Akemi takes the letter "sorry?"

The nurse walks away

Akemi: "That was weird" he looks at the note and opens it "Akemi, if you are reading this letter then that means my time has come"

Rin's Voice: "I'm sorry, I couldn't bare to tell you that my illness has gotten much worse and I didn't have much longer to live, I held back from telling you because I wanted to enjoy my last days to the fullest and without you worrying about me. Please don't hate me for not telling you. These few months has been the best time of my life, you made me smile so much that my cheeks hurt and laugh so much my stomach felt as if it would explode...I am so happy to have met you Akemi, thank you for everything- Rin"

Akemi's eyes widen as he stares at the note and walks towards the same nurse "hey"

The nurse looks a Akemi and flinches as she notices his eyes "Y-yes sir?"

Akemi: "Where is Rin?"

Nurse: "W-well from what I'm told she asked to be buried on the hill behind the hospital"

Akemi: "thank you" he walks past the nurse

The nurse looks at Akemi "Those eyes...were not normal"

The Hill Behind The Hospital

Akemi standing looking at a grave as the wind blow softly

Grave: "Rin Aiko"

Akemi: "You idiot" he crouches in front of the grave "banish"

A window appears next to Akemi "Resurrect count (199/200)

Akemi puts his left hand towards the grave "Resurrection"

A darkness appears around the grave then disappears

Window: "Resurrection failed 2 tries remaining"

Akemi's eyes widens and tears up "hey...Rin...I'm calling you...Resurrection"

A darkness appears around the grave then disappears

Window: "Resurrection failed 1 try remaining"

Tears fall from Akemi's eyes and he looks down "Rin...I need you to come back...Please...Resurrection"

The darkness around the grave turns to a bright light and two hands reaches down then touches Akemi's face

Akemi looks up and sees Rin "Rin" his eyes widen

Rin smiles brightly "you dummy"

Tears keep coming from Akemi's eyes

Rin wipes Akemi's tears "stop crying, I didn't leave...I will always be watching over you" she leans down and kisses Akemi on the lips "thank you...for everything" she fades away

Akemi reaches towards Rin "Wait, don't go"

The light disappears

Window: "Resurrection failed 0 tries remaining"

Akemi stares at the sky "RIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN" he falls to his hands and knees "Why!" he punches the ground "who...who's fault was it" A image of Rin's husband appears in his mind and his eyes widens "...Yes" a black energy comes from Akemi

Window: "Murderous Intent Activated"

Birds start flying away and some fall from the sky

Akemi stands up slowly "it was you" he turns around "you're going to pay" he eyes shine gold