Akemi's Wrath

Akemi walks towards the hospital

A nurse sees Akemi walking towards her "hey did yo-" she notices Akemi's eyes and aura then backs away

The nurse falls to the ground as Akemi walks past her

Construction site

three men standing in a circle laughing

Man 1: "It's hard work but the pay is too good to quit" sips water from a bottle

Man 2: "good jobs are so hard to find nowadays"

Man 3: "At least something you said today makes sense"

Man 2: "Huh? What did you just say" he looks at Man 3

Man 3 laughs "you heard me" he looks at Man 1 "by the way, how's your wife doing?"

Man 1: "Tch, hell if I know, I don't care"

Man 3: "Hey hey, this is your wife we're talking about"

Man 2: "Right? You should show a little compassion"

Man 1 laughs loudly "compassion? I don't care about her, her family is loaded that's all I care about" he keeps laughing

Man 2 and 3 sighs "he is the worst"

Man 1 suddenly stops laughs and his eyes opens widen

Voices in the distance: Kane...Hey Kane!

Kane looks down and sees the two men staring at him "Huh?"

Man 3: "You alright?"

Man 2: "You kind of spaced out?"

Kane touches his neck "I'm alive?" he looks around

Man 2&3 looks at each other confused

Man 2 looks back at Kane "what are you talking about"

Kane looks at the men and laughs nervously with his left hand on his head "it's nothing"

Akemi's distorted voice: "You!"

Kane turns to the left and sees a large dark hooded figure with a scythe and multiple eyes in it's cape

Kane: "AHHHHH!" he jumps back into the two me sweating heavily

Man 2 looks at Kane "Hey hey! Are you sure you're okay?

Kane points forward "th-there!"

Man 3 looks up and sees nothing "what are you talking about? Nothings there?"

Kane looks around nervously

Man 2&3: "Pfft!" they laugh loudly

Man 2: "I think you've been watching too many scary movies"

Kane: "Y-yeah you're probably right" he smiles nervously "well, I should-"

A fist flies towards Kane and punches him in the face sending him flying across the ground

Man 2&3 looks back at Kane as he rolls on the ground "KANE!" they look back and see Akemi standing in front of them

Akemi stares at Kane

Man 2: "W-who are you!?"

Akemi doesn't respond

Man 3 looks at Akemi's clothes "wait a minute, you're a student at Minha Academy aren't ya? That means you can't hurt us civilians! Do you even know what you're doing!?"

Man 2: "Yeah! If you don't leave now, we'll call-"

Akemi lifts his left hand and back hands Man 2

Man 2 falls to the ground while holding his left cheek

Man 3 runs to Man 2 "What's your problem!"

Akemi looks at the two men "disappear from my sight..."

The two men stand up

Man 3: "Let's go"

Man 2: "Yeah"

They get up and run

Akemi looks back at Kane slowly, then walks towards him

Kane lifts to his hands and knees while his nose leaks blood on the ground

Akemi cocks back his right leg and kicks Kane in the stomach

Kane spits up blood and rolls on his back "ouch!" he looks up and sees Akemi "I-it's you-"

Akemi: "So..." he bends down and grabs Kane by the neck with his left hand "what did you just say about Rin"

Kane eyes open wide

On The Street

Man 2&3 runs past Kana

Man 3: "We have to hurry and tell someone at Minha Academy before it's too late"

Kana ears twitch and she looks back at the men "what's going on?" she looks forward and starts running

Seconds Later

Kana runs to the construction site and sees Akemi holding up Kane by his neck with his left hand "Isn't that-?" she backs out of sight and watches

Kane puts both his hands on Akemi's arm "l-let me go"

Akemi lifts his right hand and punches Kane in the face

Kane: "Ack!"

Akemi: "You were Rin's husband but yet, you never came to visit her?" he punches Kane in the face "Yet, you have the audacity to call yourself a husband after everything you put her through? " he punches Kane again

Blood flies on Akemi's face

Akemi keeps punching Kane repeatedly

Minha Academy

Ms.Taka standing at the gate

Man 2&3 runs to Ms.Taka while panting

Ms.Taka looks at them "Is there a problem?"

Construction Site

Akemi throws Kane

Kane tries to get up

Akemi steps on his right arm "...If I remember, this was the hand"


Kane: "I don't have time for your excuses. I said get up!" he raises his right hand

Rin clenches her eyes closed


Kane: "What?"



Kana watches from behind bushes while sweating "this guy...is she crazy?"

Minha Academy

Two big doors fly open

Ms.Taka: "Principle, we have a problem!"

Shinjiro looks up with his eyes shining

Construction Site

Kane trying to crawl away

Akemi walks slowly behind Kane "where are you going?" he steps on Kane's right arm and he holds out his left hand

A blue light appears over Akemi's left hand and dagger appears in his hand

Akemi lifts his left arm and stabs Kane in his right thigh

Kane: "AHHHH!" tears comes from his eyes

Akemi: "Oh?"

Kane: "God...Please...Help me"

Akemi: "God?" he stares at Kane "Sorry, I'm not taking prayers right now"

Minha Academy

Ms.Taka runs out of the school and past the gate "I hope I'm not too late!" she puts her left hand on the ground and jumps into the air

The ground sinks then a big ball of rock floats into the air

Ms.Taka lands on the rock "let's go"

The rock flies towards the construction site

Construction Site

Akemi stands in front of Kane

Kane lifts himself up to his knees "...Please, stop"

Akemi: "Stop?" he puts his right hand in front of Kane's face

Kane looks up at Akemi "You don't understand? I really did love her"

Akemi: "What?" he looks down at Kane angerly

Kane: "..."

Ms.Taka: "HEY!" the rock flies over the construction site and she jumps to the ground "what is going on?" she looks around noticing blood all over the ground then her eyes widens as she sees Akemi covered in blood next to Kane "Akemi!" she walks towards Akemi "What do you think you're-"

Akemi looks at Ms.Taka "back off"

Ms.Taka stops and a drop of sweat comes from her forehead "those eyes"

Akemi looks back at Kane

Akemi: "What did you say?"

Kane: "I...I did...Love Rin"

Akemi's eyes widen then black and red aura forms around his body

A red rune appears over Akemi's right hand

Ms.Taka: "I have to" she puts a black glove on her right hand

A hand grabs her left shoulder

Ms.Taka: "Huh?" she looks to her left

Shinjiro: "stop"

Ms.Taka: "Principle...But"

Shinjiro looks at Ms.Taka

Ms.Taka flinches "Yes sir" she looks at Shinjiro and notices a big smile on his face

Kane looks at the ground

Akemi lowers his hand a little and the rune disappears

Kane smiles while looking at the ground then looks back at Akemi with a sad face "so you believe me?"


Rin sitting in the bed then looks to the left and smiles "Akemi"

Rin's voice fades


Akemi: "No"

Kane eyes widen "Wha-"

Akemi lifts his hand and the rune reappears

A huge flame comes from the rune and engulfs Kane