The Union

The flames still engulfing Kane's body

Shinjiro looks at Akemi's back and a image of a man with long black hair stretching to the bottom of his back, and six wings. Three on the right black and the three on the left white

The flames disappear revealing Kane's skeleton on it's knees looking up at Akemi

The skeleton falls over onto the ground and turns to dust on impact

Akemi stares at the ground and notices a blue ring next to a red and black dagger

Akemi: "Hm?" he crouches down and picks up the ring and dagger "items still drop even when I'm not inside of a rift?" he looks to the left at the ring

A window appears to the left of the ring

Window: "Storage ring

Rank: Elite

Storage: 50

A ring that can be used to store items or goods with limited space

Can be equipped to others besides user"

Akemi: "A storage ring?" he throws it inside of his inventory "I have no use for that thing when I already have my inventory, but it can be used by others" he looks to his right at the dagger

A window appears to the left of the dagger

Window: "Dagger Of Anger

Rank: Elite

Attack +50 when equipped

When enraged, item's efficiency increases by 3 times

Can be equipped to others besides user"

Akemi stares at the dagger "..." he throws it inside of his inventory "I don't want it"

Ms.Taka looks at Shinjiro "Mr. Principle!"

Shinjiro holds up his right hand "I know" he opens his eyes and looks at Akemi then walks towards him

Akemi stands up "useless" he hears footsteps behind him and looks to his right and sees Shinjiro

Shinjiro: "You do know what comes next....right Akemi?"

Akemi: "Of course...A hunter that harms a civilian will receive sever punishment"

Shinjiro: "A yet, you killed a civilian even knowing that?"

Akemi: "I had my resolve, he deserved it"

Shinjiro looks down and smirks "You, really haven't changed at all"

Akemi: "Hm?"

Shinjiro looks up and lifts his right hand then points at Akemi "Akemi Haruki, you not only harmed a civilian but you have killed one, your punishment will not be lenient" he looks at Akemi with a serious face

Ms. Taka crosses her arms and looks at Shinjiro and Akemi

Shinjiro: "You will be suspended until the class examination"

Ms.Taka: "...Huh?"

Akemi: "Until the class examination?"

Ms. Taka runs to Shinjiro "Wait wait wait!"

Shinjiro covers his ears

Ms. Taka: "Are you crazy? You call this sever punishment? Did you really see what I just saw? He killed a civilian!"

Shinjiro: "Calm down Ms. Taka

He's still just a student and he's still learning the rules of being a hunter so-"


Even if he was still learning this can not be over looked!"

Shinjiro wiggles his arm "Oh come on, don't be such a stick in the mud

it will be fine, he has already received his punishment, leave it alone~"

Ms. Taka sighs and pushes up her glasses "Is something wrong with you?"

Shinjiro smiles "that is pretty rude of you to say...But in a word...Yes!"

Ms. Taka: "Why do you look so proud of that?"

Akemi looks at Ms. Taka and Shinjiro

Ms. Taka sighs "fine, I will let it be for now" she looks at Akemi "but next time, I will not over look this"

Shinjiro: "Yes yes, just go fill out the paper work"

Ms. Taka: :"I'M GOING NOW!" she walks away towards to the school

Shinjiro looks up at Akemi "You should head home too"

Akemi looks at Shinjiro

Shinjiro smiles "No need to be wary, it is all taken care of"

Akemi slowly turns away from Shinjiro and walks away

Shinjiro smile fades "you should come out from hiding too"

Kana starts sweating

Shinjiro turns to the left and looks towards a pillar "I don't like repeating myself"

Kana: "Eck!" she steps from behind the pillar and rubs her head with her left hand while smiling nervously "Y-you caught me"

Shinjiro smiles "No worries, I knew you were there from the beginning"

Kana: "Eh, really?"

Shinjiro: "Of course, who do you think I am?"

Kana doesn't say anything

Shinjiro: "Don't worry you aren't in trouble or anything"

Kana let's out a sigh of relief

Shinjiro: "Just keep what you saw here a secret okay?"

Kana: "Um...Mr. Fuji"

Shinjiro tilts his head "Hm?"

Kana: "If you knew I was there from the beginning, why did you let me see all of that"

Shinjiro: "Hmm" he looks to the right at the sky "well...I suppose it is for Akemi" he looks back at Kana "and it is more interesting that way don't you think?"

Kana: "What do you mea-"

Shinjiro yawn "well it's getting late" he turns around "you should get home too Kana" he walks away then disappears

Kana: "...What did he mean?"

Next Day

Akemi standing in front a huge building

Akemi looks up at the building "So this is the union? It's much bigger than I expected it to be" he walks to the door and opens it

Akemi looks around at the people walking around "gah! There are so many people here" he walks towards a bald man with a handlebar mustache, and a light purple uniform behind a counter "excuse me?"

The man looks at Akemi "Yes sir? How may I help you?"

Akemi: "I'm trying to get some items appraised"

Man: "Oh, you've come to the right place then" he claps his hands together "I do the appraisal of items"

Akemi: "Really? Then can you appraise these items for me?"

Man: "Certainly" he looks Akemi up and down "um, where are they exactly?"

Akemi reaches inside his inventory and pulls out his storage ring and Dagger Of Anger"

The man flinches "He pulled them out of then air"

Akemi puts them on the table "here you are"

Man: "o-oh, alright just one second" he reaches under the counter and takes out a pair of blue glasses then puts them on"

Akemi stares at the man

The man adjusts his glasses "Okay, let's see here" he gets close to the ring and his eyes widen as a drop of sweat comes from his head "u-um"

Akemi: "Is there a problem?"

Man: "This item....Is a storage ring and from the looks of it, a very large one at that"

Akemi: "Oh?"

Man: "It holds up to 50 items inside of it, it is rare to see one this large"

Akemi thought: "It's rare to see it? It is only an elite item, the second from lowest rank according to the system"

Akemi: "Then what about that dagger?"

The man looks at the dagger and doesn't say anything

Akemi: "Hello?"

Man: "Sir, may I ask where you found these items?"

Akemi: "Does that really matter?"

Man: "No no, it was just a question"

Akemi: "Then are these items useful?" he looks at the counter

Man: "Yes! They are very useful indeed, a ring that can store up to 50 items and a very powerful dagger, any hunter would want these items"

Akemi: "Is that so...Then" he looks at the man "I would like to sell them"


Man: "Huh?"