Chapter 27: The Class Examination Pt3: Akemi Vs Doi, Painful Memories

Doi looks at Akemi "Oh? empty huh?" he smirks "has anything I ever said to you been empty? Surely you remember"

Akemi: "How could I forget?"


Doi laughing with three girls and one boy on the roof of the school

The door opens and Lian Xu walks through the door

Doi: "There you are Lian Xu" he walks to him and pats his head with his left hand "what took you so long?"

Lian Xu looks at the ground "I-I'm sorry"

Doi: "Well, since you were the last one here it's only right you make up for it"

Lian Xu: "M-make up for it?"

Doi: "Why don't you buy us all lunch, I'm sure you're hungry too" he smiles

The people behind Doi starts chuckling

Lian Xu looks to his right "U-um, I brought us all lunch yesterday...My money is a little-"

Doi stops smiling and pulls Lian Xu's head up my his hair

Lian Xu: "Ouch!"

Doi gets close to Akemi's face and stares into his eyes "I wasn't asking ya little shit"

Lian Xu: "B-but"

Doi slaps Lian Xu "excuse me?"

Lian Xu's eyes tear up "I-I said...What would you guys like?"

Doi pats Lian Xu's cheek "that's a good little piggy" he let's go of Lian Xu then turns around "order whatever you want guys, piggy's got this"


Akemi stares at Doi

Doi: "Now then!" he stomps his left foot and three rocks form from the arena and levitate around him

Akemi doesn't move

Doi: "You can stand there if you want" he smiles "but try to be more entertaining that usual will ya!" he balls up his right fist and punches the rock in front of him

The rocks flies towards Akemi's head

Akemi tilts his head to the right and dodges it

Doi: "Oh?" he punches another two rocks toward Akemi

Akemi steps to the right then runs toward Doi

Doi crouches and puts his right hand on the ground then pillars of rocks come from the ground under Akemi

Akemi starts running side to side

Doi: "Not yet" the pillars start appearing faster

Akemi jumps into the air towards Doi

A pillar comes from the ground and launches Doi into the sky then a wall of rock comes from the ground in front of Akemi

Akemi looks up

Doi: "gotcha!" he holds his arms out towards Akemi then crosses them

The pillars of rocks surround Akemi

Doi clenches both his fists and the rocks move toward Akemi and crushes him

The rocks start shaking then explodes into tiny pieces as Akemi still stares up at Doi

Doi smiles a little "you got out of that? Fine, then try this one!" he does a somersault and stomps onto the ground

Dozens of rocks fly into the air

Doi: "Go!" the rocks fly towards Akemi

Akemi lifts his right foot to start running but stops "hm?" he looks down notices vines covering his feet

Doi: "Did you really think I would let you run around again?"

A rock hits Akemi in the face then the other rocks hits Akemi around his body

Shinjiro: "For someone so confident, he sure is being cautious"

Kaori: "Cautious? How?"

Shinjiro: "He is not letting Akemi close the distance between them, and taking extra steps to make sure of that...Yet in his first fight it was different"

Kaori puts her right hand on her chin "hmm, now that you mention it" she looks at Akemi as he's getting hit by rocks "why is that though?"

The barrage of rocks stops hitting Akemi

Akemi stands in the same place with his clothes full of scratches and ripped while blood is leaking from his head

Doi stares at Akemi as his hair is over his eyes "even though you were talking confidently a minute ago, all you did was run around?" he walks slowly toward Akemi then flicks his left hand "looks like you only won against Sakura because you used some kind of trick"

A giant plant grows from the arena behind Akemi then vines wraps around his arms and legs

Referee Thoughts: "This kid...What is he doing now, the match is over isn't it?"

Doi holds his right hand to his side and a sword made of plants comes from the ground

Doi looks at Akemi's right arm and raises the sword into the air "I told you...I always keep my word" he slashes towards Akemi's right shoulder

Akemi: "...Pathetic"

Doi's sword stops and he looks to the left at Akemi "huuuh?"

Akemi looks at Doi and the plants go up in flames

Doi jumps back "what!? He had another trick up his sleeve?"

Akemi: "Weak" he breaks free from the vines around his arms and legs "far too weak"

The plants fall to the ground

Doi: "Weak?" he grins "you!" more rocks appear behind him and fly towards Akemi

Akemi waves his right hand and the rocks fly in the air

Doi: "Huh?"

Akemi: "Is this really all? I got so worked over someone that can only manage this?" he starts walking toward Doi "Open your eyes"

Doi sweats a little

Akemi's eyes turn black and he looks Doi "and gaze into the abyss"

Doi steps back then everything around him turns black and dark blue

Doi looks around "What is going on? Where did everyone go?" he looks at Akemi "what did you d-"

Akemi appears in Doi's face with a dagger and slices off Doi's head " too much"

Doi's head flies into the air as he sees his headless body

Akemi walks past Doi

Doi gasps

Akemi turns around and sees Doi with his head on his body

Doi rubs his neck "my head! It's still here!?"

Akemi: "So...How did your first time dying feel?"

Doi turns around and looks at Akemi "What did you do?"

Akemi: "No answer huh?"

Doi: "Answer me! What did you-"

Akemi appears in front of Doi and stabs him in the heart

Doi eyes widen and he spits up blood then falls on the ground

Akemi stares at Doi

Doi looks down at his chest and sees that the wound is gone "again...?"

Akemi: "So...How was it?"

Doi looks up at Akemi with eyes full of fear "What...Is...Going...On?"

Akemi: "Oh? Still no answer huh?" he puts the tip of the dagger of Doi's forhead then puts his palm on the end of the hilt "that's fine" he plunges the dagger inside of Doi's head

Doi falls to the ground holding his head "AAAHHHHHH IT HURTS, IT HURTS"

Akemi: "What hurts? Nothing's there"

Doi: "Huh? he doesn't feel the wound anymore"

Akemi walks to Doi and crouches next to him with his eyes closed and smiling "So...How was it?"

Doi looks into Akemi's eyes then starts crawling backward

Akemi steps on Doi's chest then the dagger turns into a gun and he points it at Doi's head "don't worry you still have 167 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds to come up with an answer"



Intermission: BADOWBA...DOW

The black and dark blue space disappears

Doi falls to his knees with lifeless eyes while looking at the ground

Ken: "Huh? What happened?"

Haru: "I have no idea, one moment he was gloating then the next he fell to his knees"

Akemi looks at Doi "what's wrong Doi? I didn't even do anything yet"

Doi looks up and notices the shocked look of the audience "huh? I'm back..." he smiles then stands up "I'm back....HAHAHAHA I'm finally back from that hellish place" he turns around and looks at the audience "It felt like that was going to go one for an eternity!"

Fumiko: "Back? What is that guy talking about? Did he go crazy?"

Doi turns back to Akemi and notices he isn't there "Huh?" he looks down and sees Akemi's foot

Akemi kicks Doi in the chin and Doi flies into the air

Doi: "ARGH!"

Akemi lands then jumps again and kicks Doi again making up fly higher into the air

Kaori: "He's so high up! What is Akemi doing?"

Akemi lands on the ground then jumps high into the sky over Doi "I'm not done yet" he spins then kicks Doi in the face sending him hit first towards the ground

Doi spits out floor and opens his eyes a little to see Akemi face to face with him

Akemi smiles then flips and wraps the back of his leg around Doi's neck

Doi: "What are you-"

Akemi start spinning him and Doi at a high speed


Lian Xu in the bathroom naked in the corner shivering and crying as lights flash

Doi stands in front of a crowd of students taking pictures and laughing "come on now, pigs aren't supposed to wear cloths" he laugh loudly "why don't you oink for us?"

The students: "Oink, oink, oink, oink"


Akemi opens his eyes as they get closer to the ground "Purple Lotus Style: Final Step



Lian Xu flies to a wall and falls to the ground while blooded

Doi shakes his right hand "Damn teacher, giving us homework on a weekend...Well, whatever...I feel much better now, thanks as always piggy"


Akemi: "Descending Dragon"

Doi falls to the arena head first "HGHH!" his eyes turn completely white and he spits up blood

The arena cracks then dust and rocks fly up from the arena

The audience screams and yells

The referee falls to the ground "AHHH!"

Haru: "What kind of technique was that?"

Fumiko coughs "I can't see a thing"

After a moment the dust clears and Akemi appears with his right foot on Doi's head, as Doi lays on his stomach unconscious

Akemi: "...How does it feel to be looks down on by me...?"

The referee lifts up and tries to fix his broken glass "Jeez" he looks at the arena and sees Akemi "is it over?"

Akemi stares at Doi

Students: "DOI!"

Akemi: "It's over"

Kaori: "Akemi went too overboard"

Shinjiro silently looks

Referee: "I...It's over! The winner is..."

Doi: "...Not yet!"

Referee: "What?"

Akemi: "You are persistent...The match is over, stay put"

Doi clenches his fist and puts them on the ground while lifting his head"

Audience: "Stay down! Stop it kid are you crazy!? Stop the match ref!"

The referee looks up at Shinjiro

Shinjiro shakes his head no

Referee's Thoughts: "No? What the hell is the principle thinking!? this is going too far! This isn't even a match anymore" he looks back at Akemi and Doi

Doi: "I changed my mind" he spits up blood "this match is not ending until I kill you with my own two hands!" his eyes widen

A moment passes and everyone gets silent

Doi pants "Huh? W-why is quiet?" he turns his head a little to the left and sees Akemi lifeless eyes looking down on him

Akemi: "Is that so?"

Referee: "What tremendous bloodlust!"

Fumiko: "AKEMI DON'T"

Akemi stomps his right foot down with force driving Doi's face into the arena

The arena cracks all around it

A puddle of blood comes from Doi's head

Akemi takes his foot off of Doi's head the walks away

The referee stares at Akemi then looks at Shinjiro

Shinjiro nods

The referee picks up the mic "a-and the winner, Akemi HarukI!"