Class Examination Pt.4 Yuuto Vs Yuki

Akemi takes a step down from the arena

Four people in white one piece outfits run on stage and surround Doi

Person one flips over Doi and taps his face

Yuuto stares at Akemi in Awe

Yuuto Thoughts: "Is that really Lian...Akemi? He beat Doi so effortlessly!"

The people put Doi on a stretcher and walks off of the arena with him

Akemi steps onto the ground then looks to the left and walks past Yuuto

Yuuto: "Ah..." he holds out his right hand to tap Akemi but stops as he walks past

Yuuto Thoughts: "Nevermind, I can't do it" he sighs and looks to the ground

Akemi stops "Hm?" he turns his head and looks behind him at Yuuto "was something the matter?"

Yuuto looks up surprised "Huh?" he looks to the write of Akemi

Akemi: "Did you want something from me?"

Yuuto:" Ah N-no...Well...Um...That was a good match"

Akemi: "Oh, thank you" he turns back around "good luck with yours then

he walks away

Yuuto: "Really!? Thank you!" he balls up both of his hands in excitement

Akemi walks towards Haru, Ken and Fumiko

Haru: "Nice fight there, you did go a little overboard"

Akemi: "Really? seeing who I was fighting, I don't think I did"

Ken laughs "I agree, you got him good" he looks at Akemi's cloths "but you should go change"

Akemi: "Why?"

Ken: "Your cloths are all ripped up, you might as well not even be wearing a shirt"

Akemi: "I'm fine"

Haru: "There was something weird that he said that I would like to know"

Akemi: "What is it?"

Haru: "Toward the end of the fight, that Doi guy fell to his knees suddenly then once he came to, he said he escaped some kind of hell"

Akemi: "Oh that, well it's a technique I learned a while back"

Haru: "A technique?"

Akemi: "A long time ago"


Akemi looks around

Ken stands up straight looking to the left at Fumiko

Haru smiles with his eyes closed "Is that so?"

Akemi looks back at Haru "Yeah, I'll show you another time"

Fumiko lifts her phone slightly over the barricade


Ken flinches

Akemi looks around quickly

Fumiko hides her phone

Ken eyes widen as he looks at Fumiko

Akemi: "Did you hear that?"

Haru: "Hear what?"

Akemi: "Nothing, I must be imagining things" he stretches backward with his eyes closed

Fumiko stands up and lifts her phone in different angles



Akemi's eyes open suddenly "oh it's starting already?"

Fumiko almost drops her phone and trying to catch it. She catches it then hides it behind her back

Akemi looks at Fumiko "hm?"

Fumiko, Haru and Ken looking in different directions while whistling"

Akemi looks confused then looks back at the arena

Fumiko looks at her phone while her face is red and she's smiling widely with drool coming from her mouth

The crowd cheers loudly

Referee: "Can the two participants step into the arena please?"

Yuuto looks at Akemi then smiles

Akemi thoughts: "That guy...He looks oddly familiar"

Yuuto walks up the stairs into the arena

Ayaka follows Yuuto

Yuuto and Ayaka stands across from each other

Referee: "Time for the semi-finals Yuki Ayaka Vs Yuuto Ayase"

Ayaka looks to her right at Akemi

Akemi sees Ayaka looking at him then tilts his head

Yuuto: "Hm?"

Ayaka looks back at Yuuto then a white book appears in her left hand

Referee: "BEGIN!!!"

Yuuto's thoughts: "Ayaka is a mage hunter right? Which means I hold the advantage here" he puts his right hand on his rapier and pulls it out "I should be about to win this"

Yuuto waves his rapier past his face and his eyes turn narrow

Ayaka: "here he comes!"

Yuuto takes a step forwards with his right foot then runs quickly toward Ayaka"

Ayaka: "He's fast!" she holds out her right hand and shoots lightning bolts at Yuuto

Yuuto moves side to side dodging them and gets close to Ayaka

Ayaka tries to moves back

Yuuto thrusts his rapier towards Ayaka's face

Ayaka moves to the left but the rapier scratches her right cheek then she holds her right hand out toward Yuuto's face

Yuuto looks to his right and jumps back "Tch"

Ayaka thoughts "That was dangerous, I need to keep my distance. If I can make his run out of stamina...Wait" she wipes the blood from her cheek

Ayaka flips the page in her book then it starts shining

Yuuto: "I don't know what you're up to, but whatever it is I'm not going to let you" he runs toward Ayaka

Ayaka runs towards Yuuto

Yuuto Thoughts: "She's running toward me?"

Ayaka holds her right hand out in Yuuto's face "Flash!"

A flash of light comes from Ayaka's hand

Yuuto: "Argh!" he covers his eyes

Ayaka: "Perfect" she jumps back

Yuuto: "I can't see" he keeps his eyes closed for a moment then slightly opens them as he sees Ayaka standing across from him "there you are" he dashes toward

Lightning appears around Yuuto's body

Yuuto: "AHHHH!" he falls to the ground "what was that?" he looks up and sees dozens of light blue stars around the arena "what the-"

Ayaka: "Oh? Can you see them? My stigma"

Yuuto: "Stigma?"

Kaori: "Stigma? That many?"

Yuuto: "You think this is going to stop me?"

Ayaka: "Of course"

Ayaka Thoughts: "Well, it's not meant to stop you really, only meant to slow you down"

Yuuto looks around "found it" he starts running toward Ayaka jumping and dodging the stigma

Ayaka: "you're actually dodging them?" she shoots lightning bolts at Yuuto

Yuuto dodges them as they fly past him cutting his body

Ayaka: "Dammit, I need more time" she jumps back and throws out more stigma

Yuuto: "That's not going to work" he thrusts his rapier towards Ayaka's body and it pierces her left rib"

Ayaka: "AHHHHH!"

Yuuto pulls out his rapier from Ayaka's ribs and stabs her left shoulder

Ayaka coughs up blood

Yuuto takes out his rapier from Ayaka's shoulder and thrusts it towards her head

Ayaka eyes widen and a big yellow stigma appears over her face

Yuuto: "What? I can't move!"

Ayaka slowly backs away while smiling "It worked, it was worth taking these hits just to bait you into attacking this stigma"

Yuuto: "You baited me?"

Dark clouds form in the sky

The audience looks at the sky as it gets darker and lighting rumbles

Yuuto looks up

Ayaka walks back

Lightning bolts rain from the sky

A lightning bolt strikes next to Ayaka and a large white tiger with black stripes and light blue eyes appears next to her

Yuuto: "...What...Is that?"

Ayaka raises her right hand to the sky and the tiger turns into a bolt of lighting and goes into clouds

A roar echoes through the clouds

Yuuto starts sweating

Ayaka smiles

Ayaka: "Byakko" she swipes her right hand downwards

A giant bolt of lighting comes from the sky toward Yuuto

Yuuto eyes widens

The bolt of lighting hits Yuuto causing a huge explosion

The audience yells while covering their eyes

Referee: "Ack!" he flies to the wall

The explosions creates a smoke screen

Moments later the audience uncovers their eyes

The referee get up "W-what happened? I can't see a thing?

The smoke screen clears Yuuto is laying down whole Ayaka is standing across from him

Ayaka: "That was a good fight...Yuuto Ayase" she turns around and starts walking away

Referee: "W-We have a winner...YUKI AY-" suddenly stops talking

Ayaka stops walks

Yuuto puts his rapier in the ground and is using it to help him stand up "I-It's not o-over yet" he stands up

Ayaka: "The match is over, stop" she turns around and her eyes widens as she backs away

Yuuto looks at Ayaka with pure white eyes and a wide smile on his face

Ayaka: "H-Hey"

Yuuto takes his rapier out of the ground "Grand Cross Technique" he disappears

Ayaka holds her right hand out "dammit, I'm out on mana" she looks around "where is he?"

Yuuto: "Equilibrium"

Three Yuutos appears around Ayaka then goes past her

Ayaka body stiffens as hundreds of cuts appears around her body "AHHHHH!!!!" she falls her knees and to the ground

Yuuto: "Kekeke...Ugh!" he falls to the ground face first

Referee: "B-Both Yuki Ayaka and Yuuto Ayase are down"