Minha's Strongest, The Empress Kana

Yuuto and Yuki lays on the ground not moving

Referee: "Wh-what just happened?"

The audience stares at Yuuto and Yuki waiting for one of them to stand up

A few moments pass and neither Yuki or Yuuto moves an inch

Fumiko: "looks like they're down for the count"

Ken: "Yeah, it was a pretty intense battle too"

Akemi sighs

Referee: "Um" he looks around then looks at Shinjiro sitting in the audience

Shinjiro nods his head

Referee nods his head back then walks in the middle of the arena "well ladies and gentleman neither of the competitors are able to continue, this match will be ending in a draw"

The audience starts chattering

Referee which means the winner of the Class Examination of class D is." he holds out his hand towards Akemi "Akemi Haruki!"

Akemi looks confused "Huh?"

People in white outfits put Yuuto and Yuki on stretchers then takes them off stage

The referee flicks his hand "come to the stage"

Akemi: "This doesn't feel like a win" he starts walking towards the arena

The audience hesitates to clap then starts clapping and cheering loudly

Akemi walks up the stairs and onto to the arena

The referee raises Akemi's hand into the air "Your winner"

Akemi looks around with a blank stare "this is really anti climatic"

Voice: "Wait!"

The audience slowly stops clapping then looks behind them

Referee: "Who is that"

Shinjiro looks to his right "Oh?"

Kana stands up

Mio: "Huh? Kana what are you doing?

Kana: "this isn't fair or exciting for the people that made time to come here" she jumps into the air and lands in the arena

Students: "Isn't that Kana?, Wait the empress Kana!?, What is she doing?, Is she going to fight Akemi?, If she does Akemi is done for, the empress is the strongest in the academy after all, right? I heard she like a god of war when she's fighting"

Akemi looks over at the student "strongest in the academy huh? " he looks back at Kana "they said a war god?"

The referee walks towards Kana "Um, excuse me"

Kana walks past the referee and towards Akemi

A image of a tiger appears behind Kana as she's walking

Akemi's thoughts: "So that's why she's looking at me as if she's a beast and I'm her prey, she has such an overwhelming presence around her"

Kana: "You are strong after all huh? I thought you would only be good at killing civilians"

Akemi: "Oh ho?" he smiles "that's a bold thing to say upon our first meeting"

Kana: "Heh, so you're not even going to attempt to hide it?"

Akemi: "Why should I when it seems you already know?"

Kana: "You are an honest person aren't ya?"

Akemi: "I only know to tell the truth"

Kana: "Allow me to introduce myself my name is Kana, people call me empress Kana"

Akemi: "Just Kana? You don't have a surname?"

Kana tilts her head "A surname? I only take surnames from the strong, if they are weaker than me then I don't need one"

Akemi: "From the strong huh? That's an interesting logic you have. Anyway Ms.Kana what bring you before me?"

Kana: "I would like to challenge you to a fight!"

Akemi: " A challenge? Hmm, that sounds nice but I'll pass"

Students: "At least he knows how to choose his fight, I wouldn't want to fight that mad woman neither"

Kana: "What? Why?"

Akemi: "Because I have no reason to fight you, I've already won the examination"

Kana: "A reason!? Do I really need a reason to fight? I am the reincarnation of the goddess of war Bellona, a reason is not needed"

Akemi: "Bellona?" He closes his eyes "that takes me back" A memory comes to his mind

Past Memory

A woman with short white hair, red armor with red horns on the left shoulder and a large broadsword over her shoulders with her right hand while standing still

Kid's Voice: "Mom! Mom!"

The woman looks down at the kid "Akemi" she crouches "I thought I told you to stay put"

Akemi: "Hmm? Did you?"

Bellona closes her eyes and smiles then balls up her left fist" why you little-"


Akemi: "OUCH!" he holds his head with both of his hands

Bellona: " You should have listened"

Akemi: "I was just worried about you, uncle told me you would end up getting hurt"

Bellona: "Uncle? Which one"

Akemi looks up and point up with his left hand "uncle Loki"

Bellona thinks about Loki laughing

Bellona looks at Akemi with a disgusted face "That guy"

Bellona raises her left hand towards Akemi's face

Akemi tightens his eyes closed

Bellona puts her hand on Akemi's hand

Akemi opens his right eye and sees Bellona smiling at him

Bellona: "What is there to be worried about huh? I'm the god of war, you're far too young to be worried about me" she thinks "also you don't need to listen to that clown, he will get you in trouble yeah?"


Akemi: "Bellona huh?" he opens his eyes slowly and a huge burst of energy comes from him

The referee flies off of the stage "Woah!"

Kana: "What?"

The students put their arms in front of them, trying not to get blown off of their feet

The ground under Akemi cracks

Fumiko: "Akemi..."

Jet black energy starts coming from below Akemi

Kaori: "Grandpa this bloodlust"

Shinjiro: "I know, I feel it. Whatever she said must have been something to set him off"

A door at the top of the stairs open

Girl: "I told you if we went out before the examination we were going to be late"

Ai Huan: "We aren't that late" she points at the arena while looking at the girl "see, there is a fight going on now"

The girl looks past Ai and at the arena "hey, isn't that your fiancé?"

Ai Huan: "Huh?" she looks at the arena "Akemi? Why is that trash still here?" she walks down the stairs with the girl and scoots in a seat behind Ken, Fumiko and Haru "He is not my fiancé anymore"

Girl: "Well, you did say the break off of the engagement wasn't official yet because both of you did not sign the contract, only you did"

Fumiko ears flicks

Ai clicks her tongue "That doesn't even matter, I have nothing to do with a trash who tried to kill himself just because I broke off the engagement and they were kicked from their family to live as a beggar on the streets

Haru eyes widens


Haru sits next to Akemi "are you finished?"

Akemi: "just about"

Fumiko: "You didn't need our help again it looks like"

Akemi: "I did tell you, just relax and take all of the credit while I do all of the work. Remember, I did tell you I'm not an official hunter so I am not suppose to enter the rifts until I get my license

Ken: "Speaking of that, what did you do before this?"

Haru: "I am kind of curious too"

Fumiko stared at Akemi

Akemi leans his head back onto the wall and looks at the sky "let's just say, I didn't have an easy life before"


Haru touches his glasses with his right hand

Ken turns his head and looks behind him at Ai and the girl "hey..."

Ai looks down at Ken and her eyes widens

Ai's thoughts: "Oh my god, it's Ken Kanai! He's actually talking to me!" she looks at his face and neck "he is so hot, what do I do, what do I do?"

Ai: "Y-yes?"

Ken: "Shut up..." he eyes widens and flashes red "you are too loud!"

Ai flinches and starts sweating "o-oh"

Haru pushes up his glasses

Ken turns back around and looks at Haru

Ken's thoughts: "those girls are lucky they got off easy with just me saying that" he looks at Haru's eyes and sees them wide with veins "I haven't seen him look like that in a long time"

Akemi takes a step and the jet black energy spreads across the arena

Kana: "Did I say something wrong?"

Akemi: "I will allow you to answer my question one more time"

Kana: "Hm?"

Akemi: "Why do you want to fight me" he stares at Kana

Solace appears in the shadow below Kana with multiple eyes

Kana: "Hmm" she smiles innocently at Akemi "because I think it'll be fun!"

Akemi looks surprised as he sees Bellona's face next to Kana's09 with the same smile

The jet black energy disappears

Akemi: "Pfft! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he starts laughing loudly

The audience stares at him silently

Shinjiro: "He's laughing?"

Fumiko: "Did she say something funny?"

Akemi leans down and holds his stomach while laughing "you sound just like that old hag, that's unbelievable"

Kana looks at Akemi confused "Huh?"

Akemi stands straight up " fine fine, I'll accept your challenge"

Students: "WHAT? Is he serious?, it doesn't look like he's joking"

Akemi starts walking toward Kana

Kana smirks and walks towards Akemi

After a moment they get in front of each other, looking into each others eyes

Red energy swirls around Kana and blue around Akemi