Chapter 35: Rift Boss And Akemi's Strongest Weapon

The jet black energy gets stronger creating a strong wind from Akemi

Ken's Thoughts: "Is he serious? Over these monsters?"

Akemi stares at Ken

Ken: "Alright..." he looks away "I understand"

Akemi let's go of Ken's wrist and the energy coming from him fades away

Ken turns around and walks towards Haru

Haru looks at Ken "W-what happened?"

Ken walks past Haru "Nothing" he gets to the door and looks down at his wrist

Ken's Thoughts: "My wrist...It's broken"

Akemi turns and looks back at the kids "see? You're safe"

The boy and girl slowly open their eyes and sees Akemi smiling at them

The boy: "W-who are you?"

Akemi: "Me? My name is Akemi, what is yours?"

Kei: "Kei...My name is Kei"

Akemi: "Kei huh? That's a nice name" he looks at the girl behind him "what about her? Is that your sister?"

Kei: "Yes" he steps to the side and moves the girl in front of her

Girl: "H-hello"

Akemi smiles "aren't you precious" he puts his right hand on her head "what is your name?"

Chie: "M-m-my name is Chie"

Akemi: "Kei and Chie? Those are very good names"

Chie: "Um, Mr.Akemi"

Akemi: "What is it?"

Chie: "have you seen mommy and daddy?" Her ears points up

Akemi looks at chie with a sad look

Akemi's Thoughts: "They are probably dead..."

Chie looks at Akemi with a confused look

Akemi: "I am sorry little one, I haven't"

Chie'a ears drops down

Akemi looks to the side

Akemi's Thoughts: "Hey!"

The undead fighting the wolves look up

Akemi's Thoughts: "Do not kill any more of the wolves, fight them but killing is forbidden...If they don't surrender incapacitate them"

Akemi stands up

Chie and Kei looks up at Akemi

Akemi: "Don't worry, I'll bring them back"

Kei and Chie: "Really!?" they eyes sparkle

Akemi: "Really, but you have to be good and stay in here okay? No matter what you hear outside"

Kei and Chie: "alright"

Akemi walks toward Fumiko

Fumiko: "um..."

Akemi: "I'm alright" he walks out of the house

Kana looks at Fumiko and shrugs then follows Akemi

Haru turns around and stands nect to Fumiko while watching Akemi "that was a close one"

Fumiko: "...Yeah" she follows Akemi with Haru walking behind her

Ken stands looking at the forest

Akemi: "here"

Ken looks to his left and sees a red potion in front of his face

Akemi looks at Ken "..."

Ken takes the potion while staring at Akemi

Akemi coughs "sorry about that"

Ken: "it's fine, I'm sure it was something personal that made yoy angry"

Akemi stands next to Ken "yeah..."

Ken: "I won't ask, you'll tell me when your ready"

Akemi: "...thanks"

Window: "Rift Boss Now Spawning!"

Akemi: "Huh?"

The sky darkens

Kana looks at the sky "it's getting darker!"

Fumiko: "The boss must be appearing

Akemi and Ken turns around

Ken: "the boss is here, wonder what it is this time"

Akemi: "A gigantic wolf I bet"

A huge hole opens in the sky and a huge shadow covers the forest

Kana eyes open wide "what the hell is that"

A gigantic white and blue whale comes from the whole in the sky

Fumiko Kana and Haru covers their ears

Ken covers his ears "why is it so loud!"

The Beach

The wolves looks up at the sky

Wolves: "Ah" they bow on their knees with their face toward the ground

Akemi with hands over his ears "my ears are going to burst!" He looks at the whale and notices it has a dark red name

Window: "Whale Overlord"

Intermission: BADADABOW

Akemi look blankly "Plain name"

The whale slowly turns toward Everyone

Kana: "Does it see us?"

The whale opens it's mouth wide and energy gathers in front of the whales mouth

Fumiko: "that's a yes!" She stands up quickly

The energy in front of the whale forms a blue ball

Haru looks at Kana and Fumiko "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

The whale overlord shoots a giant bean

Haru, Kana and Fumiko jumps in opposite directions away from the beam

The beam flies past them towards mountains in the distance then explodes, creating a large shockwave

Kana and Fumiko looks at the giant explosion

Haru fixes his glasses "Is that really a B rank boss?" He turns around looking at Akemi and Ken while sweating "A-akemi"

Ken holding up a card that says 7 "that is a solid seven"

Akemi holding a card that says 9 "Seven? That is a least a nine"

Ken: "It needed to be bigger"

Akemi: "..." he puts down the 9 card and holds up an 8 card "bigger is better"

Ken: "See"

Haru mouth gets really wide "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING!?"

Akemi: "we were looking at the explosion"

Ken nods "mhm mhm"

Haru: "That is not what I meant! You wanted to handle the boss so handle it!"

The whale overlord opens it's mouth again

Haru turns around and looks at the whale overlord then point


Akemi: "This is extremely out of character"

Ken: "he's like that when he panics"

Akemi: "alright, that's enough playing "he walks past Haru "I've been wanting to trying this thing out anyway"

Haru looks at Akemi "huh?"

Akemi walks past Fumiko and Kana "This is my first time using it, so stand back just in case"

Kana: "What are you doing"

Akemi holds out his right hand and a jet black energy with a red outline forms and massive amounts of energy leaks from Akemi

Ken: "That's..."

Haru thinks back to the class examination "he was doing this back then"

Akemi's Thoughts: "When I opened the mystery boI got two things"


Window: "you have met the conditions"

Akemi eyes widen

Window: "Skill: Invictus Obtained

Description: Summons a giant blade from the sky towards the earth"


Akemi's Thoughts: "And the other was this "

The energy in front of Akemi turns into a black and red scythe with a chain at the end of the hilt

Kana: "A scythe?"

Window: "Weapon: Abaddon's Scythe

Rank: Godly

Attack: +1,000

Weapon consumes 10,000 MP per attack, more MP can be added for bonus power

Max. 1,000,000,000 MP"

Akemi looks at the scythe

Akemi's Thoughts: "Old man Abaddon scythe...back then I could never get my hands on it because he said it was too powerful"

A window appears next to Akemi's face


Level: 60

HP: 2,280

MP: 5,010

Title: Wolf Slayer

Job: God Of The Abyss

Strength: 129

Agility: 129

Intelligence: 5,500

Defense: 104

Luck: 120"

Akemi's Thoughts: " Even with stat bonuses, rift quests, side quest and god's authority, I can just barely use it...I can see why he was so against me using this weapon, guess I should be thanking the system even if it is only one attack"

Energy starts forming in front of the whale overlords mouth

Akemi crouches slightly then jumps into the air towards the whale overlord

The whale overlord looks forward and sees Akemi

Akemi: "Take this!" He swings the scythe upward and a jet black wave of energy comes from the scythe

Everyone stares at whale overlord

The wave of energy slowly disappears into the air

Nothing happens after a moment


The whale overlord gets cut in half and falls apart

Ken, Fumiko, Haru and Kana mouths drop "HUUUUUUH?"

Akemi falling down and smirks "heh"