Chapter 36: A Request

Akemi falls from the sky slowly while smirking

Window: "Rift Boss Defeated"

Kana: "H-he was going to use that on me?"

Haru stares at Akemi

Haru's Thoughts: "He was planning to use that dangerous thing at the examination?" he pushes up his glasses

The whale overlords body hits the ground

Ken smiles while sweating "this guy"

Akemi squints his eyes "my vision's getting blurry" he falls toward the ground head first

Fumiko: "A-Akemi!" She runs toward Akemi

Ken, Kana and Haru follows her

Akemi's eyes widen then he flips and lands on his knees while panting heavily "tch" he looks down at the scythe "is this what happens when I use too much mp?" he stands up slowly "this weapon is too taxing, I shouldn't use it unless I have to"

The scythe turns to black energy and disappears

Akemi looks on the ground and sees a shining orb "is that..." he walks towards the orb and picks it up "A skill?" He crushes it

Window: "Skill: Condensed Beam, Obtained

A powerful beam of condense energy used by the whale overlord

Damage relative to Intelligence"

Akemi: "Condensed beam? Does it mean that attack the whale overlord used to destroy the mountains?" he looks to his left at half of the whale overlord "do I really want the whale overlord as an is unnecessary large, and But it may be of use" he holds his left hand toward the whale overlord "res..."

Black energy gathers around both halfs of the whale overlord and floats into the sky then comes together

The whale overlord opens it's eyes then whistles loudly

Akemi: "So loud" he points at the whale overlord "your name is cringe so I'm changing it"

The whale overlord looks down at Akemi

Akemi: "hmmm" he snaps his fingers after thinking for a second "Yu...Toby...nen...ord...hmmm" he points at the whale overlord "Hoè"

Hoè whistles even louder

Akemi puts his hands on waist and laughs "you like it?"


Ken: "looks like you defeated the rift boss again"

Akemi turns around and sees everyone

Haru pushes up his glasses "you did something weird again"

Akemi shrugs

Kana: "You are out of your mind"

Akemi: "I don't want to hear that from you"

Fumiko: "are you okay?"

Akemi: "better than ever actually"

Kana: "The next boss is mine, I let you have this one"

Akemi puts his hands up "fine fine"

Fumiko: "We can leave now right?"

Akemi: "Yes" he looks behind him "But, I have to do something first"

Fumiko: "Hm?"

On The Beach

Wolves: "Please spar us! We will not continue fighting! Please!"

Kana: "Sorry but we can't understand a word you guys are saying"

Fumiko: "maybe it's their determination?"

Ken: "meaning they still want to fight"

Kana punches her left palm with her right hand and smiles "that's better"

Wolves: "T-they still want to continue fighting? If that's he case then" they raise their weapons

Akemi walks past Kana and Ken

Ken looks at Akemi "Akemi?"

Akemi stops in front of the wolves "calm down, all of you"

The wolves look at Akemi "Wha-"

Akemi: "we're not here to continue fighting" he turns to Ken and Kana "you two stop as well"

Ken: "oh?"

Kana: "How can he even talk to those things?"

Akemi looks back at the wolves "I have one question" he points "are any of you the parents of Kei and Chie?"

Wolves: "Kei? And Chie? Those mixes breeds? What did they do? Why ask for them" they look at each other

A hand covered in black fur raises in the air "um"

Akemi sees a wolves with black fur and a eye patch over his right eye

Kai: "m-my name is Kai the vice chief of the village, Kei and Chie are my children"

Akemi walks towards Kai and stares at him "then.. when you see them"

Kai takes a step back

Akemi: "You should thank them"

Kai: "h-huh?"

Akemi: "I'm letting you all live because of them"

The wolves looks at each other smiling and chattering

Kai: "Really?"

Akemi: "just tell them, Akemi kept his promise" he turns around and starts walking away

Kei: "Akemi...?" he bows along with the rest of the wolves "Thank you!"

Kana looks at Akemi "what happened? Are we just letting them go?"

Akemi: "Yes, leave them"

The rift opens in front of Akemi

Fumiko: "If you say so" she walks through the rift

Haru: " As long as the rift boss is dead then, I can turn a blind eye this once" he follows Fumiko

Ken looks at Kana "can't do anything about it now" he walks through the rift

Kana looks back at the wolves and clicks her tongue then walks through the rift

Akemi stares at Kana "I guess she wasn't satisfied with that" he scratches his head and looks back at Kai "Oh right, Kai"

Kai stands straight up "Y-yes"

Akemi: "besides vice chief, you should start calling yourself the chief"

Kai: "H-huh?"

Akemi walks into the rift while waving his right hand "make sure to get strong and protect the village so this doesn't happen again"

Kai reaches out to Akemi "w-wait! What do you mean"

The Rift Closes

Outside Of The Rift

Akemi steps outside of the rift and sees Kana standing by herself "where did everybody else go?"

Kana: "They said they were going to meet you there"

Akemi: "Oh? And you didn't go with them"

Kana: "Nope, she walks toward Akemi and pokes his chest with her left index finger" I'm going with you"

Akemi stares at Kana and sighs "fine"

The Union

The door opens and Akemi and Kana walks inside

Kana: "The Union?"

Arden bows his head "welcome back Mr.Akemi"

Akemi: "Yo"

Kana: "You must be pretty well connected"

Arden looks up at Kana "Oh? Who might this be?"

Kana looks at Arden "funny mustache"

Arden stares at Kana "what?"

Akemi: "A friend from school and fifth member of my party"

Kana: "Name's Kana"

Arden: "Ah h-hello Ms.Kana, my name is Arden I handle the material exchange of the Union"

Akemi: "Where's fatty"

Arden: "He is in his office"

Arden's Thought: "...I've gotten too used to him calling Mr.Meng Bao by that name"

Arden: "Shall I tell him you're here"

Akemi: "No that's fine" he walks past Arden

Kana nods her head at Arden and follows Akemi

Akemi walks up the yellow staircase with Kana following him then opens the door "fatty I'm ba-" he looks at Ming Bao and sees him with a serious look on his face with Kana, Fumiko and Haru sitting on the couch

Akemi stops and looks around

Ming Bao looks up and he smiles "Oh Akemi, welcome back"

Haru looks at Akemi: "You finally made it?"

Akemi walks into the room "that's quite the face you were making there fatty, for a moment I was scared"

Ming Bao tilts his head to the left with his eyes closed "What face?"

Akemi sits in the chair in front of Ming Bao's desk "acting innocent huh?"

Ming Bao looks at Kana "Oh, This must be Kana, I've heard about you"

Kana leans down towards Fumiko "who is that fat guy"

Fumiko: "he's our uncle, and the president of the alchemist guild"

Kana sits next to Fumiko "so he's really important?"

Fumiko: "Don't they teach you this stuff in school"

Kana: "I think it was in a book from the academy but...I threw it away"

Fumiko looks at Kana "why?"

Kana: "The book was too big"

Fumiko sighs

Ming Bao looks back at the desk silently "...Akemi...I have a request"

Akemi: "Is it another rift?"

Ming Bao: "...No this is a personal request"

Akemi: "Personal?"

Ming Bao: "yes...I was suppose to go out with some of the presidents of the other branches of the union and my childhood friends but I couldn't go, do to the mountain of work I have so I stayed here. I just received a unknown call from someone saying they kidnapped them all and are now holding them for ransom"

Akemi: "how do you know they were telling the truth?"

Ming Bao reaches in his drawer and pulls out a red light that's flickering "this is an emergency button that acts as a tracker given out to all of us, if we are in danger we press it and if the other sees it then we will immediately send help" he presses the red button

A green hologram map comes from the button with 10 blinking dots in the same place

Ming Bao: "This is where they are"

Kana: "kidnapped? How? Shouldn't the presidents be like insanely strong?"

Haru pushes up his glasses "you would think that but most of the presidents became president through birth rights or politics"

Ken: "They are really weak or non combatants, maybe two of them are who I would consider strong"

Fumiko: "it's the guild masters that are the really powerful ones, the presidents and chairmans are based around politics unless the guild master raises to president or chairman which is extremely rare, because guild masters usually have no interest in that kind of stuff"

Kana: "I kind of get it"

Akemi looks confused "why are you asking me? I'm sure there are people much more fit for this kind of thing"

Ming Bao: "because I know your abilities and what you are capable of, you would be the best bet to send there" he slaps the desk with both of his hands and bows his head "Please, help them!"

Akemi: "I think you're misunderstanding something fatty"

Ming Bao look up at Akemi "Huh"

Akemi looks down Ming Bao "I am not some kind of charity nor do I care what happens to your friends, I only care about the rifts I can receive from you"

Ming Bao slams his head into the desk cracking it "PLEASE! I will do anything you ask if it's within my power!"

Akemi: "Ho? Anything?"

Ming Bao: "If it means I can save their lives then yes!"

Akemi: "Then...I want your position as the president of the alchemist guild"

Everyone eyes widen

Ken's Thoughts: "Hey hey!"

Haru's Thoughts: "you can't be serious?"

Fumiko's Thoughts: "Did he lose his mind!?"

Ming Bao: "I-is that all?"

Akemi: "Hm?"

Ming Bao looks up smiling wide "If that's all it takes for you to save them, then I will gladly give up this position"

Haru, Ken and Fumiko: "UNCLE!"

Ming Bao raises his left hand slightly "when you bring them back, I will resign as the president that day and announce that you will take over my position"

Akemi's Thoughts: "No hesitation?"

Akemi smirks then starts laughing

Ming Bao looks at Akemi

Akemi stands up and takes the red light

Ming Bao: "Akemi"

Akemi walks toward the door "that's a lot of resolve, I will get your friends back for you"

Ming Bao: "R-really!? Then-"

Akemi: "Don't worry about your position, I don't want it" he opens the door "just sit tight...Ming Bao" he leaves

Akemi's Thoughts: "you've done a lot for me already"

The door closes