Chapter 37: The Branch Leaders

Akemi stands outside of the union and looks down at the green map "ah, they aren't too far from here" he smirks and looks to the left " this should be fun"

Ming Bao leans back in his chair and let's out a big sigh "No matter how many times it happens, I can never get used to that intense pressure he brings with him"

Kana: "It'll be alright, right?"

Fumiko: "Of course it will, Akemi is going"

Kana: "I meant for the people there" she puts her right index finger up "when he fights he's pretty crazy"

Fumiko smiles nervously "I'm sure it will all work out"

Haru: "everything will be fine...Hopefully"

Akemi stands outside of a black building with purple light and two men in black suits standing outside the door on each side

Akemi: "Is this really the place?" he looks at the map doubtfully 

The dots on the map blinks in front of Akemi

Akemi: "The emergency might be gambling instead of them being in trouble" he shakes his head "no use worrying about it" he walks up the stairs and reaches for the door with his right hand

The man standing on the left side of the door grabs Akemi's wrists

Akemi looks at the man

Left Man: "Sorry, we're going to be closed for a while please leave and come back another time"

Akemi: "Oh?"

Inside the building

A man with black hair, black eyes and a burn on his right cheek sitting on a couch with a glass in his right hand smiling and laughing with a guy next to him

The man laughs louder "After this job we are going to be making bank" he leans back "all we have to do it wait for the union to right use a check"

Man : "What is they send hunters here instead of coming with the cash Rax"

Rax chuckles and looks at the door in the back of the building "I doubt they will, they don't know if their precious hostages are safe or not, I don't think they have the gall to do that when we have such important people" he looks at the lady that puts a try down on his table with drinks on them "go check the door and see are they here yet

The lady nods her head and walks toward the door

The door bursts open creating a gray cloud of dust and the lady flinches

The two men standing outside of the building rolls on the floor with their cloths torn

Rax looks towards the door "Hm?"

Akemi walks inside the building "Well, I did ask nicely"

The man beside Rax stands up 

Man: "Who are you!?"

Akemi walks through the dust with his hands up "wait a minute, I'm not here to cause you any trouble"

Rax: "You don't want to cause trouble?" he looks at the door and the two men on the ground "your words and your actions are saying two different things"

Akemi scratches his left cheek with his left hand "well, they threatened me when I said I had something important to talk with you guys about so..."

Rax: "My guys were being rude to you, so you had to put them down is what you're saying?"

Akemi: "Oh!? Exactly"

Rax laughs loudly "you're an interesting guy" he talks a sip from the glass the lady left "so what is it that was so important that you beat up my guys for?" he looks at Akemi seriously "depending on your answer I may let you walk out of here alive"

Akemi: "Oh, then I will do my best" he claps his hands together and bows "I am a messenger from the Union"

Rax: "The Union? Ah, so that's why you're here"

Akemi: "Yes, I am here for the leaders that you have as hostages. I've come to negotiate"

Rax: "Negotiate? I'm pretty sure I made my orders clear, the only way to get the hostages is to pay me 500 million yen(roughly 3.30million dollars)"

Akemi stays bowed silently

Rax: "does the Union think I'm joking around!?" he finishes his drink quickly and stands up "tell those bitches they have 48 hours to bring me what I asked for, or the hostages are dead" he throws the glass at Akemi"

Akemi catches the glass and stands up "you didn't want to hear me out?" he walks toward Rax and sits the glass on the table "this glass looks pretty expensive...Rax was it?" he keeps looking at the table "how much is your life worth?"

Rax sweats a little "What?"

Akemi: "Is your life worth 500 million yen in your opinion? Maybe more?"

Rax: "w-what are you talking about?"

Akemi: "How about this"black energy comes from him "if you release the hostages I may let you walk out of here alive"

Man: "You arrogant little-" he steps toward Akemi with his left foot and his right fist cocked back 

Akemi lifts his right hand and grabs the man by his face 

The man eyes open wide "Mmph!"

Akemi: "I wasn't talking to you fodder" fire comes from his hand

Man: "MMPH! MMPH!" tears comes from his eyes and his body becomes engulfed in flames

A moment later the man turns to ash

Rax smiles widely "y-you're pretty strong" while sweating heavily

Akemi: "well thank yo-"

Rax punches Akemi in the face and he crashes into the counter "I'll have to kill you right now then"

Akemi: "..."

Rax walks toward Akemi "when I was a hunter, I was almost A rank, do you you think you can just waltz in here and demand what you want?" he picks up Akemi with his left hand and knees him in the stomach "you must be insane" he cock back his right fist and repeatedly punched him in the face

After a few moments Rax's hand stops

Rax: "Hm?" he notices his hand caught by Akemi's left hand

Akemi smirks with a drop of blood coming from his head "is it my turns yet?" he slaps Rax's left hand away and lands on the ground 

Rax: "Your turn?" he laughs loudly "i'll give you one"

Akemi: "You're nicer than you look" he laughs 

Rax and Akemi laughs in each others face loudly

Akemi suddenly punches Rax in the face with his right fist

Rax flies backward and into the wall

Akemi cracks his neck "almost A rank? judging by the punches you were throwing-" he looks at Rax while walking towards him "that's a-" he notices his eyes are white "hm? he's unconscious?" he crouches down and slaps Rax's face

Akemi: "hellooo?"

Rax not moving

Akemi: "Are you serious? I barely hit him" he scratches his head and looks behind him "was this guy a plant or something? There's no way a nearly a rank hunter would be knocked out by that" he reaches to the side with his left hand and pulls a rope from his inventory then ties Rax up "no use worrying about it, maybe he has information about who really kidnapped these people" he stands up and walks toward the door and opens it


Akemi looks down and sees two poles with five people tied to each and their mouth covered then he smiles "are you guys-"


Akemi still smiling "Are you-"

People: "MMMMPH!"

Akemi: "Are-"

People: "MMMMMPH!

Akemi frowns "shut the hell up"

The people flinch 

Akemi smiles

Akemi: "Good, now as I was saying are you guys the branch leaders?"

The people nod quickly

Akemi walks toward them and untie them from the pole

The people get up and untie their mouth

A man with blond hair, glasses, and a mustache looks at Akemi "I take it you're here to save us"

Akemi: "Yes"

Man glares at Akemi "and who are you exactly? I don't know a top hunter that looks like you"

A man with grey hair and a scar of his right cheek looks at the other man "now jack, that's no way to speak to the man that just saved our lives"

Jack: "Hah, talk to him like what Karl? I was simply asking a question"

A woman with black hair, red eyes, gold earrings and a blue dress walks toward Akemi "don't pay any mind to them, did you come here by yourself?"

Akemi: "As of now, yes"

Jack: "There Lin goes again"

Lin: "Oh~! Then you deserve quite a reward for saving us right?" she reaches in her bra and pulls out a card and gives it to Akemi "I own a very popular hotel in tokyo, come by when you have a chance okay silver hair boy~, I'll be waiting" she rubs her right hand across Akemi's chin then walks past him

A man with black hair, with sun glasses and a gray suit walks toward Akemi

Lester: "My name is Lester kid, firstly thank you for saving me from those goons that kidnapped us" he taps Akemi's left shoulder with his right hand "don't worry about that woman, I'm in charge of a car dealership in Yokohama" he gives Akemi a card "drop by any time and I'll get you a set of wheels you'll love"

The rest of the branch leaders introduce themselves and gives Akemi a card then leaves

Akemi walks from the room and grabs Rax by his hair and drags him across the floor toward the door "I got a lot of connections now today" he smirks "I guess I should thank fatty when I get back"