Chapter 39: Preparation With The Leaders

Akemi stares at Feng "What did you just say?"

Feng: "I said, you were invited to the Xu's family gathering this year"

Akemi looks at the envelope "why?"

Feng shrugs "who knows, personally I dont't want you there but we have no say in this, only one person does"

Zhi Xu pops in Akemi's head

Akemi: "father..."

Feng: "Ding dong! do you finally get it?"

Yan: "And since father says so, you don't have a say in the matter"

Akemi: "Oh?" he looks at Yan "it's more of an order than a invitation then"

Yan: "exactly, you cannot refuse Lian"

Akemi: "When is it?"

Yan: "You must not remember since you were banned from the gathering when we were children huh?" she folds her arms "It is in three days"

Akemi Thoughts: "I guess, I'll play this role until I get to this...Gathering"

Akemi sighs "fine, I'll go" 

Feng smirks "good" he turns around and walks away "that's all we came for"

Yan scoffs then turns and follows Feng

Li stands still staring at Akemi

Akemi looks down at Li with a confused look "...What?"

Li tilts her head to the right

Akemi: "..."

Yan: "Li! What are you doing? Come on"

Akemi folds his arms "Li has always been weird like that huh?"

Li turns around slowly while looking at Akemi then runs to Yan and Feng

Feng smiles widely while balling up his right fist

Feng Thoughts: "Lian, he's gotten strong...Just what have you been doing this past year?"

Akemi: "...Just what is that old bastard thinking? Inviting me there again"

Shinjiro taps Akemi's shoulder "anyway once again, congratulations on your graduation Akemi" he smiles "I hope you become a splendid hunter" he turns and walks away 

Akemi: "That guy..." he looks down at his clothes then touches his hair "I better prepare myself to go then" 


Akemi stands in front of a big white store with clear glass windows that says Shinka in red words "I'm kind of reluctant to go in here but, there isn't a better place in the world to go..." he opens the door

Akemi looks around a sees a white salon with chairs on either side, in front of mirrors with roses around them, then he sees a muscular man with short black hair, black eyes, wearing a white shirt, black pants and shoes with a green apron, while cutting a lady's hair with a pair of scissors

Muscular Man: "Welcome to Shinka, I'll be right wi-" he looks up and sees Akemi then his eyes widen "is that?" he goes towards Akemi while spinning rapidly and opens his arms "AKEMI~"  

Akemi lifts up his right hand

The muscular man runs face first into Akemi's palm "OOF!"

Akemi: "Stop that already Jun"

Jun: "Awww Akemi~" 

Woman sitting in the chair looks at Akemi "who is that guy? Mr. Jun left before my hair was done"

Akemi pushes Jun back 

Jun holds his hands together "what did you come here for my dear? Did you come to take a request again?"

Akemi: "No, actually I'm here for a haircut today"

Jun holds both his cheeks and gasps loudly "WHAAAT?"

Akemi: "Well, not really I haircut more so a makeover"

Jun's eyes shines and he grabs Akemi's hand "are you serious right now?"

Akemi: "Yes" he moves his hand

Jun: "OOOH! I can take you right now!"

Woman sitting in the chair: "HUUUH? Wait! I'm still in this chair you need to finish my hair!"

Jun turns his head and looks and the woman "ho~?" he walks to the woman "I'm sorry but you have to wait your turn, there is a special guess here"

Woman sweating a little "bu- but it is my tu-"

Jun gets in the woman's face with his eyes closed "Ho~? Did I hear you say you want to cancel your platinum membership?"

Woman: "Y-your right, I have to wait my turn" she gets up and runs to a couch next to the door then sits down

Jun turn to Akemi while smiling "I have a spot for you Akemi~!"

Akemi walks toward Jun and sits down "you're pretty scary when you have to be"

Jun: "scary? no never, I call it asserting myself ALALALALALALALALALA"

Akemi: "Your laugh is as weird as ever"

Jun slides behind Akemi and clicks the scissors in his right hand three times then his voice gets deeper "so what do you want darling?"

Akemi laughs nervously "can you not do that?" he thinks "I'm not sure honestly, how about you choose something, just make it look good"

Jun: "Really? I get 100% say?"

Akemi: "Y-yeah, since it's you"

Jun: "This is like a dream come true" he claps his hand "Ladies~"

Three girls appear around Akemi

Akemi: "What the-"

Jun: "I'm going to make you shine even brighter than the sun baby, Makeup!"

Girl 1 takes out a makeup kit

Jun: "Lightening!"

Girl 2 take the light off of the mirror and leans it close to Akemi's head

Jun: "Action!"

A Little Later

The chair spins and Akemi sees himself in the mirror 

Akemi: "Huuh" he looks at his face sparkling

The woman blushes "Wow"

Jun: "Because of your soft facial features, I thought it would be a good idea leaving your hair the length of your shoulders but, it just needed a little straightening and a few clips here and there"

Akemi keeps looking at himself "it looks good"

Jun: "Of course it does darling, I'm not the president of the arts branch for no reason"

Akemi gets up from the chair "how much do I owe you?"

Jun: "Pay? No, I don't need money dear"

Akemi: "Oh?"

Jun: "But I must ask out of curiosity, why did you want a haircut? Are you going somewhere important?"

Akemi: "I wouldn't say important but in three days I am going to the Xu's family gathering"

Jun: "The Xu family? Why? Do you have some sort of connection to that family?"

Akemi: "Well, yes I'm the family head's son"

Jun gasps "What? But your name is-"

Akemi: "Lian Xu"

Jun: "Lian Xu? Why does that name sound so familiar?"

Akemi: "No need to worry about it, my name is Akemi just call me that like always"

Jun: "Oh? I am curious but I will not pry"

Akemi: "Good" he walks toward the door "I have a few more places to go, so I'll see you around"

Jun: "Bye~"


Akemi opens a door and a bell rings

A lady with short light brown hair, light brown eyes, and wearing brown glasses look up "welcome"

Akemi looks around and sees racks full of clothes all around the store

The lady looks up and smiles "Oh, Akemi welcome"

Akemi walks towards the girl and waves "Hey Himari"

Himari: "Hmmmmm" she leans closer to Akemi while squinting 

Akemi leans his head back "what?"

Himari: "Did you get something done to your hair?"

Akemi: "I did, glad you noticed"

Himari: "It looks nice, you should keep your hair done you look less wild"

Akemi: "Wild..."

Himari: "Are you finally here to buy different clothes like I've been telling you do?"

Akemi laughs a little "actually yes"

Himari: "Really?" she stands up revealing black bib-and-brace overalls with short legs and a white striped shirt underneath and black shoes "what are you looking for?"

Akemi: "Hmm well, I am going to somewhat of a party and I want to look good for it"

Himari looks at Akemi up and down "Hmm, is that so?" she leans back "what kind of party? So I can get an idea"

Akemi: "The Xu's family gathering"

Himari: "Huh? That's a pretty high up get together, why are you going?"

Akemi: "I'm part of the family"

Himari: "Really? I didn't expect that one"

Akemi: "Yeah, so I've been hearing"

Himari she looks around Akemi's body "how do you feel about a suit?"

Akemi: " A suit?"

Himari: "Since it's a pretty high end party I think a suit would be appropriate"

Akemi: " If you say so, your opinion is better than any other"

Himari claps her hands together "at least you're aware"

Akemi: "Right..."

Himari pulls a tape measure from her back pocket "let's get to work"


 Himari: "Okay, come on out so I can see you!"

Akemi: "Do I really have to wear this" he walks from the back of the room wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and black dress shoes "I feel so stiff"

Himari eyes sparkle and she gives Akemi a thumps up "wow, you're looking pretty hot"

Akemi pulls his collar a little with his left hand "Tch! I'll take it then, how much?"

Himari: " don't worry about paying me since you saved us that time" she goes and sits down "but...Would you mind visiting a bit more often, It gets pretty lonely here"

Akemi smiles "sure" he walks towards the door 

Himari: "Oh by the way, when is the gathering?"

Akemi: "Hm? In three days"

Himari: "Ah, okay"

Akemi: "Why?"

Himari: "No reason"

Akemi walks from the store then jumps on top of a building "it would be faster for me to get places by speeding around the city but I would get my clothes dirty....I have an idea" he disappears then reappears in front of a car dealership and opens the door

Lester looks up "Oh? how you doin kid?" 

Akemi: "Sup Lester"

Lester looks at Akemi then whistles "look at ya kid, you look like you could be an model"

Akemi: "A model? That would be nice actually but that aside, I need a car"

Lester: "Oh, I heard"

Akemi: "You know already? How?"

Lester: "Jun called already, he said he was telling everyone so we can already start preparing"

Akemi: "That guy"

Lester: "Don't worry about it, I'll have a car good enough for ya before you go to the gathering so don't worry about it"

Akemi: "Thanks Lester"

Lester: "Not a problem"

Akemi opens the door "I'll pick the car up myself"

Lester: "Sounds good"

Akemi leaves the car dealership "looks like everything is going according the plan" he walks down the street "those bastards are in for one hell of a surprise"

Three Days Later

Akemi opens a door

Lester: "Oh you got here early"

Akemi: "I had to make sure everything is ready"

Lester: "Follow me, you can take it now if you'd like" he walks through the back door

Akemi follows Lester through the door and sees a bright room surrounded by different types of guns on the walls and A shiny white sports car in the middle of the floor "there are so many guns"

Lester: "Well, I am the president of the firearms branch" 

Akemi: "So many in this small shop? That's a bit overkill"

Lester: "Overkill? Nonsense" he looks at Akemi and his eyes shine as he smiles "there's no such thing, you gotta stay ready so you don't have to get ready" he walks towards the car " but, besides the guns it's a nice car and it's customized just for you"

Akemi: "Customized? How?"

Lester shrugs "Well, if I explained it all it will take all day so for now just use it as a normal car and I'll explain everything later"

Akemi: "...That doesn't make it sound any safer"

Lester taps the car good with his right hand "You do know how to drive yeah?"

Akemi: "Of course" 

A window appears behind his head 

Window: "Skill purchased, Skill Passive: Professional Driver Obtained"

Lester tosses key to Akemi "have at it then kid, even if you crash into a mountain at full speed that thing will only have a few crashes so, no need to be too cautious"

Akemi catches the keys "I just wanted...A car..." he sighs "he opens the door

Lester: "knock em dead kid"

Akemi: "Thanks" he gets in the car and drives from the dealership down the street "I need to pay someone a visit before I head to that gathering"