Chapter 40: The One That Cared

A baby cries

A woman with black hair, and green eyes in a maid uniform "congratulations miss, it's a boy!"

The baby opens his eyes and sees a woman with pale skin,white hair and a blue eyes, panting and sweating while looking at him

The woman smiles "hi little Lian, I'm your mom! Can you say mama?" She points to her face

Maid laughs nervously "Um, miss Yua he's just been born"

Yua looks at the maid "Huuh so what?" She thinks "come to think of it...Lian Xu sounds weird, let's change his name to a Japanese name like mine" she looks at Lian and smiles while rubbing his head "how does that sound?"

Lian Xu looking at Yua cooing

Yua: "You're agreeing with me already?" Her eyes sparkles "see see!? So adorable"

Maid: "Madam you know you can't"

Yua chuckles "I know" she looks at Lian "you have eyes like your grandmother"

The door opens and the see another maid with green hair and green eyes "the head has requested to see his first born child"

Yua: "Already? I'll go myself then"

Maid: "Madam you can't! Your body is really weak and-"

Yua puts up her right hand "I'm going"

Maid: "Y-yes"

Yua: "Just help me up will you?"

Minutes Later

A giant door opens revealing a room with purple carpet and a purple throne

Yua has her right arm around the maid and carrying Lian Xu in her left arm

Zhi standing in front of the throne and turns around looking at Yua and Lian "there you are" he walks down the steps and toward them

The maid bows slowly

Yua leans forward and shows Zhi the baby "isn't he just precious our little Lian Xu"

Zhi looks at Lian then his eyes widen "wait..."

Yua: "hm?"

Zhi Xu looks at the maid and sees a small blue aura around her, then looks at Yua and sees a huge blue aura around her but he looks at Lian and sees nothing

Yua: "What is it?"

Zhi: "I-I don't see any mana coming from him"

Yua: "No mana!? How could that be?"

Zhi turns around and walks away then turns his head to the left looking at Yua "that baby...kill it"

Yua hair falls over her eyes "what...did you just say"

Zhi: "That baby is not worthy of being the next head of this family...No, he's not worth having the Xu family name" he walks toward the throne "dispose of it"

The room starts shaking and a cold air sweeps the room

Zhi's eyes widen as he sees snow flying past his face

The maid falls on the ground "M-miss"

Yua: "What did you say? Did you just call my baby" She looks at Zhi and he hair floats in the air "you piece of shit"

Zhi: "Yua...Stop your body cannot handle-"

Yua: "Shut up! You fucker!"

Zhi stands still

Yua takes two steps and the floor below her turns to ice "You think you can just walk away from me after saying that! Huh!?"

Maid: "Madam, please calm down"

Yua looks at the maid "Shut your mouth..."

The maid eyes fills with fear

Maid Thoughts: "I-I can't breath"

Yua looks back at Zhi "Kill? My son?" A ball of light blue energy forms in her right hand "perhaps you should take his place then" she cocks her right arm back then the energy disappears and she coughs up blood

Maid: "M-madam" she runs to Yua

Zhi: "Fine...You can keep that baby" he looks at the maid "move her to the far corner of the estate and lock the doors"

Maid: "Y-yes sir"

2 year later

A door opens and Lian runs into the room and jumps toward Yua "mama~"

Yua opens her arms and Lian flies into her arms "did you have fun outside?"

Lian smiles "Mhm!"

The maid looks at Yua

Yua looks at the maid "What is it Ling?"

Ling: "U-um, the leader has successfully had his children"

Yua rubs Akemi's head "Oh? And?"

Ling: "T-There are three a-and apparently they all have very high magical capabilities"

Yua: "I see..." she looks down at Lian

Ling: "Miss..."

Yua: "it is fine Ling"

Lian: "Hey hey, mama"

Yua: "What is it my angel?"

Lian: "can you come outside and play with me next time?"

Ling looks sad

Yua: "I will try"

Lian: "Yay!"

5 Years Later

Lian lays his head on the window sill looking at Feng and Yan playing while Li sits on the side

Yua: "What's wrong?"

Lian: "mama, can I really not play with my brother and sisters"

Yua smiles "maybe another time"

Lian: "Hmph! You always say that"

Yua looks at her legs "I...wish I could have give you a better life..."

Lian looks at Yua "did you say something?"

Yua looks up at Lian "no, I was just thinking I'm getting hungry"

Lian: "I'll get you food mama" he jump down from the bench "oof" he runs to the door while smiling

Yua: "anything is fine"

Lian opens the door "kay~" he runs down the hall past the maids and butlers

Whispers: "Isn't that Lian Xu, he's out running around again, I heard he was born without any magic is that true? How are you born without magic in a family of magicians"

Lian slowly stops running and his smile fades

Whispers: "He was suppose to be the next head, he can't be the head when even a servant is stronger than him, his younger siblings are so powerful but...I guess he's just a waste, the lord doesn't want anything to do with him, SHH he'll hear us"

Lian holds his shorts tightly and a tear falls from his right eye

Ling: "Young master!"

Lian looks up and wipes his face

Ling runs behind Lian "what are you doing out of the room alone?"

Lian: "Mama said she was hungry..."

Ling: "I'll get it, let's get you back to your room"

Whispers: "Ling has her hands full, I feel bad for her"

Next Day

Lian runs in a circle outside while laughing "you're it!"

Feng, Yua and Li walks toward Lian

Lian looks at them and his eyes shine "Hi~ want to play too"

Yua: "Too? Who are you playing with?"

Lian: "My imaginary friend, his name's Will"

Feng: "Imaginary...Friend?" He looks at Yan

Lian: "Yup" he puts his hands on his waist and puffs out his chest

Feng and Yan Thoughts: "Why do you look so proud?"

Lian: "But mama said it was okay to have imaginary friends until I made real ones" I play with you once in a while"

Feng and Yan looks at each other and smiles

Feng: "We can play a game right now if you want"

Lian's eyes sparkle "Really? Really? We can?"

Intermission: BADADABOW

Intermission Over

Feng: "Of course, it's called sandbag"

Lian tilts his head "sandbag? How do I play?"

Feng: "it's very easy, just stand still and no matter what you have to stand back up"

Lian: "Oh! It sounds so easy, let's do it!"


Lian flies on the ground through the dirt

Feng: "Nice one Yan"

Yan: "Would you expect anything less? He flew pretty far, can you beat that?"

Feng: "who do you think you're talking to? I'll send him over the house!"

Lian holds his left cheek with both hands "Ouch! Why did you hit me?"

Feng walks towards Akemi "Ah ah! Sandbags don't talk" he balls up his fist


Lian laying on the ground covered in bruises and knots

Feng kicks Lian flipping him on his back "I'm surprised you lasted that long" he crouches "you idiot, did you really think we would play with a waste like you?" He stands up

Yan sticks out her tongue " you shouldn't have been born in the first place"

Feng and Yan walks away

Feng: "phew I worked up an appetite, let's go get something to eat"

Yan: "Let's eat fried chicken"

Li stares at Lian

Yan: "Li what are you doing?"

Li turns and runs to Yan and Feng

Drops of rain fall from the sky then it starts raining heavily

Lian looks at the sky and tears fall from his eyes "why..."


Lian opens a little eyes as he's covered in bandages "huh?"

Yua: "Lian! Are you okay, what happened!?"

Lian looks at Yua

Yua: "Tell me right now! I'll go and hand-" she starts coughing heavily

Ling: "Miss!"

Yua: "Shut up! Go find who did this!"

Lian's eyes close

Next Day

Lian sits up

Yua looks at Lian "Lian...Are you okay?"

Lian looks at the blanket silently

Yua: "I heard what happened...Why did you stand there and take all that?"

Lian doesn't say anyway

Yua sighs and smiles then rubs Lian's head "it is alright if you want to make friends Lian, but friends don't hurt each other intentionally, they care for each other, laugh and have fun together...I know you're anxious for friends but don't let that cloud your judgment and decision making"

Lian: "...Mama..."

Yua: "Hm?"

Lian: "Do you think...I deserved to be born?"

Yua eyes widen "What? Who told you that crap!?"

Lian: "I hear it from the servants and stuff...If it weren't for me you would be living happily outside this room" a tear fall from his eyes "Everyone hates me because I'm weak right? W-why was I born like this?"

Yua hugs Lian tightly "of course you deserved to be here, I've been the happiest person in the world since you've been born and nothing has changed since that day"

Lian tears up more "Mama..."

Yua: "you might be weak, but you have a strong heart. That is more valuable than being powerful with magic or being able to push someone down"

Lian: "Really?"

Yua: "Really, remember you must never hate another person even though they might be mean to you, good things will come to you"

Lian wipes his eyes "okay mama"

Yua: "Here, I'll sing your lullaby so just relax"

Lian leans against Yua's chest

Yua start singing

Yua's Thoughts "no matter what happens, I will love you always my beloved Lian...Please always remember"

The image of Yua and Lian fades away

(Song still playing)

Lian crying loudly "MAMA!"

Ling: "Young master!" She holds Lian as Yua is being carried out

Lian: "Let me go! MAMA! MAMA!" tears flooding down his face

The door opens

Ling sees Zhi Xu "sir!"


Lian flies across the room and crashes into a dresser, breaking it

Zhi: "you're being too loud!"

Lian sniffling "But mama is-"

Zhi: "There is nothing you can do about it now! Stop crying and causing a scene" he turns around "tend to him"

Lian bites his lip and blood drops on the floor

Next Day

Lian stands in front of Yua's tombstone with lifeless eyes and it fades into Akemi standing in front of Yua's tombstone

Akemi: "Sorry it took me so long to come and see you" he crouches and puts flowers in front of her tombstone "you were a really warm person weren't you? It reminds of Isis" he stands up "thank you for everything you did" he turns around and starts walking away "they will regret what they've done to you...I'll be going now...Mother"